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Hot, Young Incall in SG Valley or Glendale/Burbank Area to start? Please Read
Zorro 21 Reviews 21874 reads

Okay, here is the deal.  I have had it with Korean bitches.  I am starting to think that a blowup doll might be preferential.  Rather than resorting to such a rash thing I am looking for feedback on a hot young incall that I can start with in the San Gabriel Valley or Glendale / Burbank area.  I love Hispanic women and white women with dark hair and light eyes (or even brown eyes).  If anyone knows of a hot young woman, preferably about 19-24 years old, preferably at least 5'4" but no taller than 5'8", I would love to hear from you.Even if you cannot help me with the name of the girl, help me out by letting me know what to expect as far as incall girls rates go and if most incall girls provide full service.  I feel it is only a matter of time before some Korean bitch gives me a disease to take home, condom or not.

Zorro,see if you can show up in the chat tonite,I can help you with what you are looking for,I can give you a e-mail so we can correspond,you and I run in the same circles and I think like the same types of women,maybe we can trade info.

Markie,Unfortunately I missed your post yesterday.  While I am very experienced in the TJ scene, I am not at all experienced with the incall scene.  I have only been frequenting massage parlors for about 3 months but in that short time have already decided that I deserve better.  Frequenting massage parlors long term is the equivalent to having a dead-end job, and satisfied, never trying to achieve more.I have no interest in outcall but I am definitely interested in hooking up with a hot beautiful young incall provider.  Rather than just rolling the dice a few times, I would rather make an educated decision to whom I may see, at least until I get the hang of it.Believe me, it took years for me to work up the nerve to go to a massage parlor but once I did, it became too easy.  I can get laid any time of day or night and honestly I would not be missed, even as a married dude, with the conveniences of a massage parlor.  But, I am not about to drive to Inglewood or Pomona (both pretty shitty areas) to be with non-Asian MP women. Any hints or help will be greatly appreciated.

I live in San Diego but don't have the balls to go to TJ and my only real experiences have been in MP'S,which I graduated to like you only recently, after many years of strip clubs,most notably,Tropical Lei and Hawaii Theatre.I found what I think is a hot place called Hou's Accupressure in Southgate,hot Latina and Asian bitches,and the best part is you can choose which you want.I would like to try incall myself and am now ready,I especially want to do this ZARA honey in the worst way,she is now doing incall,which I dont understand because she is well known as a ripoff on outcall{ it is never her that gets sent out},but I may take a chance because if it's not her when I show up, I'am out.I would gladly crawl through broken glass on my hands and knee's just to masturbate in her shadow.Someone needs to bite the bullet and try her,maybe me.

Markie, I couldn't agree with you more on this Zara girl.  She is so exotic and made me so fucking horny just watching her little video on cityvibe.  Now that is a girl that is worth cheating on the wife for.  I feel like a fucking asshole spending money at a massage parlor for half the fuck I get at home. But Markie, do yourself a HUGE favor and take the plunge into TJ.  You don't know how lucky you are to live in SD and have TJ minutes away.  I swear to god that you will not be disappointed.  The last two times I was there I fucked bitches that were better than most of the girls on Cityvibe and than ANY girl at ANY massage parlor.  First time was with a 22 year old, co-ed type, girl that had the most absolute perfect body.  Her pussy was so nice that I was tempted to eat it.  Perfect ass, beautiful long legs, beautiful face, braces (that really revved up the schoolgirl fantasy thoughts) and to top it all off, I swear to God she had a natural C cup, pushing a D cup.  She was probably 5'7" 130 pounds.  Any man would pay $300 to fuck this girl but at Adelita's I got this honey for $60.  SHE WAS SO FUCKING HOT!Next time I was there (both these times were within the last four months) I saw a girl that looked similar to Zara.  She was about 5'6" 130 pounds with a beautiful nice rounded ass and a natural D cup.  I shit you not, she was about a 9.5.  Being so hot, I didn't really expect much in the attitude department but she was super cool.  It was more like I was cheating on my wife and less like I was fucking a prostitute.  She even kicked back with me in bed for about 15 minutes after sex, which is unheard of in TJ.My limited Spanish is nearly useless but combined with their broken English communication is possible.  And don't even worry about asking prices because when it comes to closing the deal, they all speak that much English.The best time for TJ is about 10:30 PM.  By then all the girls that are going to work that night have already shown up but are still fresh.  Markie, you really do not know what you are missing.  At Chicago Club, about 80% of the patrons are American guys (with the remainder being Asian immigrants who are seemingly awaiting their chance to sneak across the border).  At Adelitas, where there are twice as many girls to choose from, but is sometimes too crowded, there are still at least 50% Americans patronizing the bar.  If you are brave enough and with a friend to ensure safety, two blocks away are all the girls that are too young to work CC and Adelitas.  Imagine fucking an 18 year old girl and only having to pay $20???!!!  I would be down there every weekend if I lived in SD.  You really don't know what you are missing out on.Believe me, it is always scary to do something new but TJ is totally worth it.  Fortunately I discovered TJ when I was only about 19 years old.  But, it took me two years to build the balls to go to a MP and they totally suck next to TJ.  They are a necessity to us L.A. dudes, but anybody in SD that goes either must like old Asian women with stickly bodies or just doesn't know about the paradise to be found minutes away.

I'am there,that last post convinced me,gonna take a buddy for backup,he is a sic fuc,just like me.I have been driving to L.A. BUT I would drive coast to coast for a tasty piece of ass.Thanks for all the great posts,you make me laugh,very entertaining.This will be a little tricky as I'am free all day but not at nite,wife and kids at home,but they are going on vacation in August,THEN I'am going to have a sore dick for two weeks...YEEEE HAH!!!

junebug19907 reads

just like me. bahahahaha.the both of yous are alright. you guys say the shit i say, when i'm looking at these fine bitches on the sites."take a buddy for backup, he's a sick fuc like me."---that's classic!"sore dick for two weeks" --fucking great stuff.Zara is cool, but i wouldnt take the risk. i just finished laying BLakeMithcell for $200 bones. she was aight. but the bitch couldn't take the pressure dig. too much rubber for her or something. kinda dissapointed. but so it goes. too bad getting laid is so damn costly.out.jR[in search of the perfect lay]

Thx Junebug,you, me and Zorro should run togther,we would burn down this town trying to hump all the beautiful bitches that are out there to be had.I will drink a beerski to you two tonite.

I have a feeling that we are too cutting edge for most of the MF's on this board.  Who would've fu**ing thought that I would get an attempted lesson in morality and ethics from a bunch of guys who have been fucking prostitutes for years on end.I think they have long forgotten that these girls are not their girlfriends but only someone who takes their money in exchange for deeds that not even their wives would do on their kinkiest day.  I think most of these guys have lost touch with reality, to be honest.What a fu**ing disappointment most of the people on this board are.  I was expecting to find more like us that were enthusiastic about fucking bitches, sharing our exploits and improving our skills.  Instead I find a bunch of MF's who are set in their ways, intolerant of others and who deify the common whore.From the onset my goal has been to find that one chick who is the exception to the rule.  One that is not a "bitch" but is instead a godess.  Instead I find a board that is unwilling to search for such utopianism, instead gladly settling for whatever bitch is sent to him, be it a 35 year old Korean woman or an unattractive call girl on this board such as Monet who speaks of her fine upbringing but then sounds like a ghetto rat in her posts.Fuck that shit.  I will continue on my search and continue to share my exploits and I encourage both of you guys (Junebug and Markie) to do the same.  I will let these ungrateful pieces of shit learn from my skills. I will only take heart in the fact that while we continue to fuck fine bitches and maybe even a godess here and there, they will continue to fuck skank-ass bitches that only they can appreciate.  Let them eat cake! HA!

OCGuy26892 reads

Zorro... I will give you one thing... you are part of the "new" generation... the part of our society that has lost all contact with one another, the part who'se grown up, listening to "bitch this" and "bitch that" in songs, on television, from your friends... and doesn't have the mental/moral capacity to handle this.You sound proud of your status and that's what really makes me sad.  Without climbing onto a soapbox here, I must say that if this is what our generations are becoming, listening to people like Eminem, and AGREEING with what he's saying, instead of taking it for the entertainment value only, forgetting that 99% of people, no matter what they do, still have good and bad inside them and are entitled to respect and courtesy, those who seemingly disconnect from others in society, because they're not "down" with you and your views... then I am disgraced with what our county has become.  You obviously are of the Jenny Jones/Geraldo/Jerry Springer generation... the people aren't shocked by what occurs, and infact embrace their content as a way to justify your poor attitude towards others.  I am not one to encourage censorship, but think that a large part of our society have lost their feelings of responsibility towards raising their children, being too wrapped up with "me" first, and damned anyone else... and as such, these "entertainment" programs and radio "shock jocks" are foster-parenting our nations children.  It would be very easy to blame them, and say "take the programs off...", but that would release their parents from the ultimate responsibility of providing a decent center for their children.  And I see that people such as yourself are the results of such an upbringing.  Oh yes, in case you're wondering about me, talking about such subjects, and THIS message board... I'm a 28 year old, caucasian male, who isn't a religious fanatic or hippocrite.  Morality does not go out the window just because you visit lady-friends.  It seems that not even your mother taught you the old-adage "If you can't say something nice..." Even good old Tom Leykis has mentioned that if it wasn't for the idiots who agree with what he says, he wouldn't have a job.  How many times has Tom Leykis mentioned, like Howard Stern, that he has a JOB to entertain people... so he gives people what they want.  Unfortunately there is a large number of people in this nation that WANT the things they have to offer.  I believe you are one of those people.

junebug29981 reads

yo...get the fuck outta here, you gotta be kidding me!country, censorship...LADY FRIEND.sorry....bahahahahahahah.listen, let's get back to subject at hand. they're only BITCHES,Prostitutes,Whores,CALL GIRLS, etc. We use them 'cause we're some horny mutherfuckers. PERIOD.hmmm...but i guess some of you really believe these girls give a fuck about you, when you don't have any money to offer. whatever tickles have no clue what we think about our society and're the last one that should be writing about this.atleast you're a Leykis fan. you're the one that listens even though you hate him, just to see what he's gonna say next.[you got some great comedy]-j

Junebug,Thanks for calling him on that "Lady Friend" horse-shit.  "Lady Friend," what a fucking joke.  OC GUY - Hi mom, this is Mona, my "Lady Friend."OC MOM - Why hello Mona, what a pleasure it is to meet you.  Please come inside and let me pour you a cup of tea!MONA   - Well, if it is okay with your son it is okay with me, but my meter is running and I ain't cheap.OC GUY - Ummm, what my "lady friend" meant Ma was that we are in a bit of a hurry.OC MOM - Oh, okay, I understand, I think.  So I guess I will see you and your girlfriend later?OC GUY - Ma, she isn't my GIRLFRIEND she is my "LADY FRIEND."OC MOM - What is the difference?MONA   - About $5,000 a week Mom.Yeah, what a clean cut guy.  He doesn't fuck prostitutes like the rest of us, only "lady friends!"

How bout this,Geraldo,Jenny Jones,Springer,Howard Stern,all of them well over 40,middle age,BOOMERS,SO DONT lump the younger new generation into this catagory,they are only listening to thier elders right now.

OC Guy,How could I possibly follow the adages of Tom Leykis?  Tom teaches dumb middle class guys not to pay for pussy.  Of course he is talking about girlfriends and not hookers, but same principal.  If it is for the right pussy, I will spend every last dime.  And for my wife, I encourage her to go out and shop, and shop plenty for her on my own, frequently bringing home new outfits, lotions and other gifts.  Our vacations are always first class, and when going out we usually dine in the finest restaurants.  Not bad for a 20-something couple.Personally, I think you are a little uptight for a 28 year old.  I just don't understand being all prim and proper and shit unless you really have something to hide.  I choose to let it all hang out and to not give a fuck what other people think.  I guess you remind me of my wife's younger brother who is in HS and totally clean cut and on the baseball team and shit.  See, when I was in high school, even then I didn't give a fuck.  Get high, get blown by little bitches, crash cars, take drug tests and know how to pass, late nights in strange places...fuck it, you know?  I have always known who I am and even with all my antics I was not held back from succeeding (so far) in life.  Sometimes you just have to not give a fuck about what other people think and do what feels best for you.  Now, if being a respectful "upstanding citizen" type guy is what feels best to you, then so be it.  I guess I am just a motherfucker because what feels best to me is something entirely different.  To each his own.

dman19878 reads

Assuming that we subscribe to the belief that it takes one to know one!

Cutting edge would mean you would have something to add that somebody would give a s**t about I would say the correct term for you guys would be "3 little boys with 4 inches between you". Now that you have found this newly discovered inch and a half do like mom says go to bed and when you wake we might think about telling you how to use it since it is obvious you dont have a dad to tell you. Lights Out!

Fuser, If you have nothing of any entertainment value to add, shut your piehole.  And I do mean that with the best possible intentions.

shortstuff22489 reads

Zorro, Forget this whole argument about language, respecting others, new gen vs. old gen, whatever. Fuck that. I'm not even talking 'bout all that. You got your style, they got theirs, I got mine. Maybe they clash. So what. If comeone doesn't like your posts, they don't have to read them. It's like being able to choose your TV station.Your post here did get me wondering about something, though.You say you're looking for a goddess who is the exception, not a "bitch" like the rest. I wonder if it doesn't end up becoming like a self-fulfilling prophecy. You know, something like someone wakes up thinking it's gonna be a shitty day and, guess what? It ends up being a shitty day becuase they make it that way with their mood and attitude?Food for thought? Whaddaya think? - ss

Shortstuff,I appreciate the philosophical slant.  Hmmm...that requires some heavy thought, man.  But to respond, no matter how badly I wish for a Godess when I walk into a massage parlor...IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!  See, I think my problems all started about 150 years ago when some asshole decided to draw the boundary between the U.S. and Mexico just south of San Diego.  He fucked up good.  He should've drawn it just south of Los Angeles, say in like Brea.  That not only would have put me about 100 miles closer to Chicago Club and Adelitas but it would have also spelled doom for dozens of massage parlors in Orange County.  Think about the consequences!  It would have doomed ALL massage parlors in L.A. County as well, because who in their right mind would go to one of these nasty places when such hot young Latin women were waiting minutes away!But seriously, when I do walk into Chicago Club and Adelitas I do, in the back of mind, hope to sleep with an absolute knockout that night.  A godess, probably not, but a "knockout" is good too.  The language barrier, the socioeconomic difference, and the rush job that often goes in the motel, keeps 99.9% of Mexican girls from ever qualifying as a godess in my eyes, but you never know.But I still think that everybody in L.A.'s sex life would be a whole lot goddamn better had it not been for one surveyor.  Motherfucker couldn't have just sneezed or something as he was drawing the line and edged up the border 100 miles???  Life's a bitch!  La vida es una puta!  (must practice for next sexcapade to mean Tijuana).

Guy's I gotta agree on the TJ action but you might take a second look at Zara. No personal experience, but reviews on this board speak of a Zara/Daisy/etc/etc to watch out for and it is the same lady I see posted under numerous names on numerous sites.

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