
Re: Yes was bitten too...
ReeseMcClain See my TER Reviews 472 reads

Yes pretty much high school has prepared me for photography. It's been in my blood for some time. I learned what a dark room was used for and also learned to model.  Beauty school was great fun also. I think I drove my teachers mad. I kinda look at myself as one stop shopping. With a cosmetology license and esthetics/ laser hair removal and now photography I am able to do hair makeup and wardrobe consulting and posing. I have also worked in show  business for the past ten years. There is nothing like live entertainment. I love every minute of it. I am very blessed to have such a diverse life. Good luck to you in your endeavors  and thanks for posting.

I have been beaten by the shutterbug for sure. I started out doing hair and makeup for BDS she is a wonderful photographer in the Dallas area. Then I discovered I really loved being behind the camera. I started out with a canon rebel. Saved some pennies and now I have a canon MarkD2. At first I was afraid it would bite me or I would break it. But I'm glad I purchased something to grown into. I hated that Rebel. I feel it was a waste of money. I just purchased a telephoto lens and was downtown last weekend and was able to get a great shot of the moon early in the morning.
So I have just became a big ole nerd, and I'm fine with that. Oh I forgot I did work for a photographer in high school and did some modeling  for him.  I believe maybe that's where it may have started. Always have had a fascination with cameras and dark rooms. Any other shutterbugs out there?  

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-- Modified on 8/12/2015 3:52:08 AM

-- Modified on 8/12/2015 4:17:00 AM

I knew as a provider the first time I did my own shoot I wanted to be a boudoir photog... Now 10 years later and 3 cameras later I make my living shooting sexy photos of sexy women in the biz and love love love every minute! ameprovocative means provocative soul in French and it means ladies will get great photos too. I see this is being something I can do well into my 80s.

Yes pretty much high school has prepared me for photography. It's been in my blood for some time. I learned what a dark room was used for and also learned to model.  Beauty school was great fun also. I think I drove my teachers mad. I kinda look at myself as one stop shopping. With a cosmetology license and esthetics/ laser hair removal and now photography I am able to do hair makeup and wardrobe consulting and posing. I have also worked in show  business for the past ten years. There is nothing like live entertainment. I love every minute of it. I am very blessed to have such a diverse life. Good luck to you in your endeavors  and thanks for posting.

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