
Re: It is not P411's responsibility to check up on provider's wellbeing
JohnBoss81 5962 reads
1 / 14

Hi all - I posted about visiting on March 15th below and did not get a lot of responses =(  Not too surprising, but worth a shot!

The common theme is that P411 will be helpful. Is it really that helpful for a newbie with no references? I don't really need P411 for back home (Toronto), so I would only be using it for my visit. As well, I browsed what I could publicly see on P411, and quite a few providers still require references.

Your help and wisdom are appreciated!


(duhh) 4460 reads
2 / 14

Its only like $70/yr.

Maybe you'll be back to the states sometime in the future and may want to see another escort.

You cannot see most of the profiles until you're a member.  In Houston, I'd guess, that there are around 3 or 400 escorts on P411.

Yes, most of the better escorts require you to also already have OKs on your account, but it doesn't hurt to ask them anyway.

Business could be slow and she's willing to take a risk on you.  Or even if she doesn't need your business, you till have 399 other escorts to ask.

Now go join and get laid already!

SupaHeadJr713 4599 reads
3 / 14

if you dont want to do that then backpage is great

AshleyAnders See my TER Reviews 8013 reads
4 / 14

John, p411 is great for newbies.. You should join. Although a lot of providers still like to have 2 provider references but it's a good start :)

Posted By: JohnBoss81
Hi all - I posted about visiting on March 15th below and did not get a lot of responses =(  Not too surprising, but worth a shot!

The common theme is that P411 will be helpful. Is it really that helpful for a newbie with no references? I don't really need P411 for back home (Toronto), so I would only be using it for my visit. As well, I browsed what I could publicly see on P411, and quite a few providers still require references.

Your help and wisdom are appreciated!


ReeseMcClain See my TER Reviews 5983 reads
5 / 14

Best hobby tool.

pj1964 4916 reads
6 / 14

P411is run by someone who has been, is and will continue to be guilty of defamation of character. Lies about men, their actions and more without any evidence to back it up.
Also, of the women don't respond to a request for an "ok" within a certain amount of time that the owners deep appropriate, the owners basically "disown" or "dismiss" the women. If the women are in trouble or something has happened to them, p411 might actually be the first to notice, but they do nothing. So much for protecting providers(as they claim) and/or clients. Apparently, it's more about control than safety. Couple that with the fee nation of character practices, it's too much unnecessary drama. All one has to do is file a defamation of character suite against p411 and this whole lifestyle and everyone in it will be screwed. I stay away from that place!!!

Posted By: SupaHeadJr713
if you dont want to do that then backpage is great

pj1964 5486 reads
7 / 14

Date Check is much better. You can see who's checking out your profile and everyone can see who has ok'd you. On Date Check, a lot of women won't see a client with less than 3 references, BUT, many are newbie friendly, as is the case just about anywhere. It is NOT run by an individual who can easily muddy the references, like p411 is and does.

(duhh) 4107 reads
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1.  Clients who have been kicked off the site for either having too many complaints from providers Or

2.  Providers who are uncooperative--  Such as withholding OKs for petty reasons or otherwise abusing the system.

The majority of repuatable providers use P411.  It is an industry standard and utilized by providers and clients far more than any other verification site.  It is rare to find an active, professional companion who is not listed on P411.

I have belonged to the site for 4 years and highly recommend it.  The owner looks out for both providers and clients alike.

(duhh) 4715 reads
9 / 14

Yes, if a provider does not respond to a request for an OK within a specified period of time, they will suspend her account as a means of enforcing their policy that a provider MUST RESPOND WITH AN OK OR A REASON WHY SHE WILL NOT OK THE CLIENT.  I think this is a perfectly fair way of keeping their system going.

But to say that this is unfair and P411 doesnt care if a provider is in trouble is ridiculous.

YOU are attempting to defame P411's character because, obviously, you have an axe to grind.

The purpose of P411 is to maintain a safe avenue for clients and providers to interact and verify eachother.

Tell the truth.  Were you kicked off P411?


Because P411 is just unfair and out to get you, or because you did something to deserve it?

pj1964 5502 reads
10 / 14

First off, I didn't get removed from p411(as you may indirectly suggest)or have problems with any providers. However, I was given access to what the OWNER said about me. Everything was a total lie. When I contacted her about it, she couldn't produce one single piece of evidence to support her claims. As a matter of fact, not only was the info completely wrong/bogus/fabricated, the date was during a time that I wasn't even a member there! LOL!! If I were REALLY an asshole, Id already have filed a defamation of character suit on p411 and the owner. I knew she didn't have any, which is why I confronted her about it. After I challenged her on this, she basically said, she did it because she could. Thats shitty on anyones part.

As for myself, I prefer Date Check. I am a lifetime member there. I am in very good standing their and I have ok's from very reputable and classy women. Im not going to give you my id#, because, with all due respect(oh damn! There I go again. Being considerate. I forgot i was on TER.)I don't trust anybody on who posts a lot here. Sorry.

As far as your point #2, unfortunately I must inform you that you are wrong. Again, I was told by an EXTREMELY reputable provider friend of mine, that the owner, as I stated earlier, blows off ladies for, among other reasons, not giving ok's in a time the owner deems appropriate. Not all providers are able to post on boards or get to a computer as much and as often as, say, you. Many providers have lives beyond this lifestyle and FAR beyond this board. For the owner of p411 to blow off a provider who has a life separate from this lifestyle, simply because she can't get to a computer for reasons life dictate, is a 'control' issue problem for the owner of p411. Again, p411 could be the only entity that could see that something is amiss. If something bad has happened to a provider, p411 might be the first to notice, BUT instead of doing some sort of check on the woman's safety and well being(which, as you know, as what p411 advertises....protecting providers.)the owner simply "writes them off". A quote from the provider friend of mine. This friend I speak of.....I have helped her with her children, issues in her day to day personal life and more, so yes....we ARE friends. We usually don't tall about the hobby at all. Back to p411, a provider could be in some serious trouble. Some providers only have p411 to count on for their safety. Yet, the owner of p411 "writes them off" because they didn't answer to an 'ok' soon enough? Thats not protection. Thats control!
You'll see from my posts in the GD board, that Im gonna get more aggressive with my posts, just like the other guys who frequent that board. I have been chastised for preaching respect TOWARDS you ladies, by the same men who frequent the GD board. Ive been accused of white knighting. LOL!! I don't kiss ass. EVER! I simply respect women. Its how I was raised. Being courteous and respectful doesn't get any respect from those guys. Being shitty does! And wait till they get a load of me!! It took me a couple of months to figure it out, but I figured it out. Im a damn good person BUT, I'm NOT toilet paper. I don't take crap off anybody! If it gets thrown on me, then Im gonna throw it right back! They can take it, or they wouldn't dish it out. Or at least one would think,

Now, what are you doing with an alias?

And, why are you following my posts? You know, a lot of women who suspect a man following them around, even if it were only that womans posts, that woman would accuse him of stalking. Just so you understand....it goes BOTH ways.

Im 47. I resigned from my job to put myself through school to further my education and get ahead in/of this economy, the legal way. My house, worth 3 large, is paid for. My 2011 car, is paid for. Yes, I am putting myself through school. Im paying my way. I have 3 sessions lined up within the next 2 weeks. One, will be my third to have hosted, flown in and had overnighters with. Theres FAR more to me than anybody on these boards know.

Posted By: (duhh)

1.  Clients who have been kicked off the site for either having too many complaints from providers Or

2.  Providers who are uncooperative--  Such as withholding OKs for petty reasons or otherwise abusing the system.

The majority of repuatable providers use P411.  It is an industry standard and utilized by providers and clients far more than any other verification site.  It is rare to find an active, professional companion who is not listed on P411.

I have belonged to the site for 4 years and highly recommend it.  The owner looks out for both providers and clients alike.

pj1964 7068 reads
11 / 14

My providers friend is who told me about the issue with time limits on ok's, and as I mentioned, sometimes life actually trumps this lifestyle for many. YOU may consider a time limit for responding to an ok as "perfectly normal", but people who are a part of the real world MUCH more often than this "fantasy' world find that to be a little too controlling. Not to mention the fact that, not giving a client an ok doesn't mean that the provider refuses to do so, ESPECIALLY in my friends case! Again, if the provider who doesn't live by this 'lifestyle, can't get to a computer for several days(i realize you may find that hard to believe, but more women than you care to think actually don't have to depend on providing!)to provide an ok or a reason for not giving the ok doesn't mean the provider is in the wrong. She might be putting out the owner of p411, but that is life.

I am more than aware that it isn't p411's responsibility to check on providers, but if a provider dent give an ok, then it would be appropriate for SOMEBODY to send an email just to see if things are ok with said provider. Its kinda like when someone is old, sick or can't get around real easy. A caring and compassionate person would check in on that person from time to time just to see of they're ok. If they don't hear from that person after a certain period of time, then a red flag is risen along with concerns. Its nice to know people care enough to do that. I hope you don't ever find yourself in a position where you depend on someone checking in on you. BUT, we aren't getting any younger, and that day WILL come.

As far as accusing me of defaming p411, you are way out of line! The things I have mentioned concerning p411 and its owner are either in writing on the site, or have been put in writing by the owner and there is a record of it on file! THAT does NOT meet the criteria of defaming squat! Defamation of character means somebody is saying things that reflect badly on your character but aren't true. THAT is what I have said about the owner of p411 from the beginning, including my OP. You are taking 'common knowledge' and debating against factual things that are on file and have actually taken place. Common knowledge and persona opinion are trumped by real life happenings. The one who actually has an axe to bring is the owner of p411. Because I didn't use her site as much as she wants me to?? Really!?? She gets pissy, puts down lies about me without any proof? Thats an axe. And she is grinding it. Her pride has been damaged because a few people don't count on her website as much as she would like for them to. Boo-friggin-hoo! She is way too proud and entirely too controlling. Again, all one has to do is file charges. That would screw up this whole lifestyle, starting with the people who are registered members of that site. No thanks.

Hell, I don't review! Don't know about your website, since you hide behind an alias, but most state that monies exchanged are for her time only, and anything else that happens, takes place between two consenting adults. But, the reviews are an admission  of 'guilt' in writing! No real confessions needed. All LE needs to do is to ask for, in writing, all the pertinent info attached to the reviews/username. Any site hoping to keep problems from taking them down will gladly hand over that info, therefore, no subpoena is needed. In that info is the IP address, a home address and vuala.......busted! Nothing in writing means no proof! No proof means no reason to ask for any info on my username. I go to that extreme to keep myself safe. Im not dealing with a verification site that defames peoples character and could be called out on it.

I do not mince words. I do not write in such a way as to cause people to have to read between the lines. However, I can't for the life of me understand why the people on TER blow things so far out of proportion and take things to the extreme, not to mention seemingly skim over posts. Maybe a lot of the "veterans" here have hideous short term memory. The majority of the people here on TER that post quite often and have for years, are living in a TER bubble, and don't really know everything they think they know.  

As far as myself, I signed up with p411 back in 2007, but viewed some profiles there for a very short period of time. Then, because of my real life, I was out of the 'hobby' for a while. When my life allowed, I visited there a couple more times, but used other means of arranging sessions. This pissed her off! She has since posted false statements about me. She has absolutely no way to support her claims. As I mentioned in my last post, which you might need to re-read, not only are the statements incorrect, but the times that it happened was when I wasn't in the hobby, and if push came to shove, I can more than adequately prove that!  

Now, I have told you the whole truth. As I tell providers that I choose to see, I am one of the most accountable, honest and sincere person they may ever come across, especially in this lifestyle, and Im saying that to you too. I am not the kind of person who makes this shit up. Im 47 and really don't like that crap AND practice what I preach. All that is mute, because I think you already have your mind made up about why I said what I said. I am telling the truth, but you won't believe me. But there no skin off my nose. Just like all the "veteran" know-it-alls on the gd board, I was just trying to help a fellow hobbyist, and keep him from getting mixed up with the potential dangerous drama that takes place behind the scenes at p411. Now you come around here and try to discredit what actually happened to me, in my life? Ha. I don't think so!

"P411 is unfair and out to get me"? "Or I did something to deserve it"? HA!! She is too damn proud! I don't depend on her site, like she wants me to. That messed with the chip on her shoulder! Fairness has nothing to do with it! I did something to deserve it? You tell me! If my not using her site as much as she would prefer me to use it is deserving, then my points are validated.

Thankfully, there are other verification sites to use. And those places don't have the 'holier than thou' pride of a single person. Works for me? Ive never been turned down by a provider.

You know that the "veterans" of the gd board are shitty just on that board. They aren't that shitty to anyone anywhere else on this site. They think they know it all, but they are only shitty on the gd board.

You never answered my question. Are you following me and my posts, or do you have enough time on your hands to cruise ALL the boards on TER? C'mon. Tell the truth.

Posted By: (duhh)
Yes, if a provider does not respond to a request for an OK within a specified period of time, they will suspend her account as a means of enforcing their policy that a provider MUST RESPOND WITH AN OK OR A REASON WHY SHE WILL NOT OK THE CLIENT.  I think this is a perfectly fair way of keeping their system going.

But to say that this is unfair and P411 doesnt care if a provider is in trouble is ridiculous.

YOU are attempting to defame P411's character because, obviously, you have an axe to grind.

The purpose of P411 is to maintain a safe avenue for clients and providers to interact and verify eachother.

Tell the truth.  Were you kicked off P411?


Because P411 is just unfair and out to get you, or because you did something to deserve it?

pj1964 4319 reads
12 / 14

Im telling you the absolute truth about what happened with me. I have a provider friend who filled me in on a lot of things. The owner and I spoke at length about what she posted. She admitted to having no proof of her claims, and being upset with me for not using her site more.
All anybody has to do is file against her and the site for defamation if character. At that point everybody associated with that place will be busted. You want that kind of drama in the background of your life, go for it.
I don't reviews so as to not have anything in writing. The approvals I do have at another, and much better verification site are simply a method of showing that a provider and myself met. No proof I did anything illegal. All the legalities are addressed in the providers website. Any monies exchanged is for her time and company, nothing more.
I refuse to deal with a place that intentionally lies about a person simply because that person doesn't use her site, much.

Im just trying to prevent you from having that possibility hanging over your head. Here's some other sage advice.

Start out by finding polite women who are 'newbie' friendly who are also respectful. Then, be a gentleman and treat her(all providers)with respect that is due women in general. She will already know you're new because of the lack of provider references. As long as you have a verifiable job and are honest, you shouldn't have any problem finding a provider. They are discreet and your employer won't suspect a thing. Some providers use your job(if they can speak to you somehow through your job phone number)as their verification. Then, ask her to refer you to another provider. Ask her if she will give you a good reference. They will. Then, see the provider she referred you to pretty quick, or at least contact her pretty quick to set something up. Thats how I got started. There are other verification sites out there too. Google until you find one.
From the very beginning, I have been upfront and honest with providers and have never been turned down.
As far as the Houston board is concerned, it's pretty dead. Normally people don't post here, especially providers, but I think I know whats going on. Nevertheless, try starting under the radar, THEN join a verification site. Thats how I got started and once I found a good verification site, everything has been a breeze. Fact is, I am a lifetime member of a verification site. Its real cool and the women are attractive and fun.

Good luck.

Sorry you got caught up in a debate.

JohnBoss81 5290 reads
13 / 14

No worries. I'm always glad to see/read passionate, heated debate.

The trouble is, it's hard to start under the radar and suss out polite providers who are newbie friendly when you're traveling to a new place for the first time and when you have limited time. But I'll definitely mull over your advice.

I still haven't joined p411 yet. Back Page is tempting, but just too much of a question mark for my liking.


pj1964 4794 reads
14 / 14

Date Check!

Most newbie friendly providers are indeed nice. Some even polite. LOL!! Just be polite and respectful yourself. Non judgmental. Even if it isn't what you wanted, at the end of the day, you'll know you did "right" by being polite, respectful and non judgmental, thereby letting you sleep better. Also, if she isn't polite, or takes your politeness as weakness or whatever, at least you can rule her out.
May I also suggest LOW VOLUME, newbie friendly providers? Not a bad thought. Chances are, if she's low volume, she doesn't see "bad" clients, so she has no reason to be rude, impolite, or defensive.
Also, maybe try the same thing with the ladies in and around your home city.

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