Gold Coast CA

Tumbleweeds and crickets chirping
Sandra Alexander See my TER Reviews 2368 reads
1 / 11

It's like a ghost town here!  

Let's start a discussion about something...  Bill Cosby...What are your thoughts?  

Sandra Alexander

mufflover2014 58 Reviews 1185 reads
2 / 11

Seriously, I hate traveling to SJ for Hobbying.

Need some ladies in Monterey. ;)

camote16 34 Reviews 1043 reads
3 / 11

Saw him once in concert and he was hilarious. As far as all these allegations, I wish they didn't take so long to come forward. One woman was as far back as 1974. Another said it happened 3 times. After one, why stay involved? And the latest was from 6 years ago I believe. I understand they were probably afraid but why such a long wait. I imagine he's guilty somehow and he'll probably settle with them to keep quiet. I don't like it.  

As far as this board Sandra, yes it's quiet. I guess there's not much going on in this area. I go to the San Francisco, LA and sports forum mostly. Hey, I'm a guy. There's more going on in those. Plus I can fiind someone to spend time with and feel comfortable and safe with.  

I apologize if this posts twice

mufflover2014 58 Reviews 1071 reads
4 / 11

You wanted to discuss the sexual assault accusations instead?

There is a lot going on, alot of he said she said, which is true, truthfully I do not know and do not want to speculate without all the facts.

The fact that there is at least 15 women is pretty damning

tantraerica See my TER Reviews 1094 reads
5 / 11

I am thinking of moving to the central coast at the end of the year. I was wondering if that would be a good move. I am hoping to build some quality regulars in the Big Sur/Monterey area. Is this a good idea? I currently live in Las Vegas. There is more than enough volume here,however I am fairly selective. The discussion boards look a little sparse so I am not sure. What say you?

Sandra Alexander See my TER Reviews 1110 reads
6 / 11

Okay, I admit it, I have CRS disease!  (Can't remember shit)

I posted and then forgot I posted and haven't checked back until now...forgive me!  

Bill Cosby is probably guilty, and should be ashamed of himself....but, my opinion is that if they (the women accusers) didn't come forward when it happened, they should be ashamed of themselves because not speaking up may have caused other women to be put in the same, vulnerable position with him.  Okay, that is my opinion only... :-)

mufflover2014 58 Reviews 1012 reads
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from CRS. LOL

The whole situation is well, just a bit weird.

15 ladies possibly more but over that many years, yes if it's true which it may very well be, they should all be ashamed, him for doing it if he did, and them for not coming forward and in turn letting other ladies get hurt by him.

crazyasn 17 Reviews 1053 reads
8 / 11

CRS? Whats that? Bill Cosby, who's that? Sandra Alexander, i heard shes HOTTTT.

mufflover2014 58 Reviews 984 reads
9 / 11

Hello Erica,

I apologize for the late reply, honestly I totally missed before.

The Central Coast is a wonderful area that I think you would probably love.
As for possible clients, I looked over your site as well as read a couple of reviews. It appears you specialize in Tantra with no FS. I personally have never had a Tantric Massage, and I want to try is some day, and your price per hour would lead me to give it a try at least once to see what it is all about.

I say once because I have a CMT masseuse that does wonders for my bad back while giving an incredible topless release at 200 for 90 minutes.

As far as volume, there are quite a few AMPs in Monterey and they charge anywhere from 150 to 300 from HJ to CFS but no actual massage at all. I do not hobby in Big Sur so could not speak to that area. I do most of my hobbying in San Jose because of the quality to price break.

If you ever decide to come out to this area, even just to test the waters for a month or so, please feel free to let me know as I do want to try a Tantric Massage.

Again, I apologize for missing this post.

tantraerica See my TER Reviews 989 reads
10 / 11

Thank you for your response. Wow, you really need to hold onto that CMT. That is an amazing almost unbelievable deal for a 90  minute topless  massage including a release. I may come up for a visit sometime later in the year to check things out. Though I have built a nice following of regulars that seek me out when they come to Vegas on business. I suppose I am feeling like the grass maybe greener than this desert. I feel like because sensual massage originated in the Bay Area and many Sexological Body workers under the guidance and instruction of Joseph Kramer whom I have studied under that this would be a good place for me. I guess I will just have to go find out. Stay on the radar and thank you for your time and consideration.

mufflover2014 58 Reviews 946 reads
11 / 11

LOL, Yes, I will not be letting my CMT masseuse go any time soon.

I do still want to try Tantra though, some day!

I will definitely keep an eye out in case you decide to try the waters out here or the next time I am ever in Vegas. ;)

Take care m'lady

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