
You forgot the word number because
SensualShai See my TER Reviews 309 reads

I was reading it like, you gave her your phone?????? Now she is not answering oh my goodness! Why did you do that? I am going to assume that you meant you gave her your phone number lol otherwise she is not showing up especially since she now has a nice free phone lol :D

I like to schedule appointments in advance and I did a couple of weeks ago with someone I have not met yet. I decided to get a room at a local hotel for us and for me to get away from the house for a night. I gave the provider my phone in case she had questions or anything and she said let's keep in touch, which was great and I said I would PM her Tuesday (yesterday confirming our date for Friday). I hadn't heard from her but that is fine no need to contact me, then a few days ago I sent her a quick text just touching base so she could be sure we were still on but I didn't hear anything back again no big deal. Yesterday I PMed her and have heard nothing so now I am thinking maybe something came up.

I am thinking of sending another one just saying if we are still on to let me know and if I don't hear from her, that I'd cancel the hotel or make other arraignments. Should I send that message or since we have set up something should I just roll the dice and hope she shows.  

Not sure what I should expect as far as communication. I don't want to be the bother-some guy because I know you ladies are busy, but I have been bailed on and left in a room by myself trying to find someone last minute and that is NOT my style.

She is bailing. If she has not replied to u and u have tried multiple way of contact n multiple days ... then she isn't a trust worthy provider ..move on ... better safe then sorry...

she is not going to make your appt.

Most ladies will confirm the night before and if no confirmation then no appt.  If you can cancel the
room I would do that.  Or make other arrangements.  However, most ladies require notice.  At least
I do.

I personally would just leave it alone. You have already tried to communicate and for whatever reason she is not communicating back.  Time to move on and sorry for your disappointment.


-- Modified on 2/1/2017 11:50:48 AM

Thanks all, you are all confirming what I thought. At least I didn't sit there on a Friday night waiting so it's all good.

I was reading it like, you gave her your phone?????? Now she is not answering oh my goodness! Why did you do that? I am going to assume that you meant you gave her your phone number lol otherwise she is not showing up especially since she now has a nice free phone lol :D

if you called her (you said you texted). So call her and leave her a voicemail for sure. As everyone else stated you may be in for a disappointment but she should at least let you know yes or no. Unless she's in the hospital or unable too. Good Luck!

choose your dates carefully!
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