
We need a party! A good one that we can talk about for days, months, years!! eom
LoveLaneysRedLightShow See my TER Reviews 1075 reads
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I just went to top 10 posters on the Florida board for the last 30 days and was surprised to see my own name up there at number 10 with a whopping 8 posts. I noticed that most of the top ten slots belong to providers and I'm kind of used to seeing more of a balance. When I scan back over the pages we're definitely missing some people. Where are all the boys at??? Are they on lock down because the kids are off for summer vacation? Are they on vacation!!!

Boys oh boys where are you???

ElleVegas See my TER Reviews 891 reads
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golmgo 25 Reviews 958 reads
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The board has been in a tailspin since the moderator was dismissed. Summer vacation may have a small impact, but the board was alive and well last summer. Most of the regional boards and the general boards are having the same problems. I'm afraid to say that this is the norm.

This site will always invaluable because of the reviews and inside info that we desperatley need to play safely and to maximize out enjoyment from the services you girls provide. Keep posting and advertising. I can't speak for the others, but I am much more likely to schedule with an "active" provider with reviews on this site.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 639 reads
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PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 794 reads
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The active/occasional posters tend to get my attention much more easily.  

AlternativeMe1 27 Reviews 786 reads
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I think the elimination of the "moderator" job has had an effect, and lots of guys may be away for the summer.

In addition, there are only so many times that we can start a thread about squirters, deal breakers, MFM or fantasies.

And having not seen anyone recently, I haven't had any Provider Friday selections.

2Cupsplease 28 Reviews 836 reads
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After the changes that were made here, a lot of the people who used to be very active dropped off the board. I still read it a couple of times a week but in all honesty, the fun we used to have here is gone. I used to post a lot and enjoyed the lively banter we once had here. It's just not the guys are posting less, it's the ladies too.

Maybe one day we will get back to the way it used to be.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 987 reads
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I have come to TER after this change everyone keeps talking about, so I have no idea what it was like before the moderators were eliminated. What did the moderators do, and why would their elimination make the board less busy?

It's funny- when I first found this board, I posted here in FL all the time, a little afraid to "branch out". But then everyone kept telling me to post to the other sections, so I did, and they've always been busier and chattier than this one. I'll try posting here more!

Apollo-x 681 reads
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Too bad the board has essentially turned into a theme thread board.  

It may not take a village to raise a child, but it does take a village to make the board lively and entertaining.

ElleVegas See my TER Reviews 885 reads
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Meet and greet in July, please come!  Would love to meet you sexy!

-- Modified on 6/11/2012 1:23:20 PM

-- Modified on 6/11/2012 1:24:09 PM

Valerie See my TER Reviews 1891 reads
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I know the kids are off & family summer vacations are happening now.I bet the Orlando area has most of the boys.Maybe  i'll take  a trip there.

mwyatt22 18 Reviews 689 reads
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I just really got into participating on the boards myself. I never really paid much attention to them before. But after reading a few I got some really helpful information. I really enjoy seeing the insight that providers bring to the boards. I do enjoy the posted pics, those are hot. But professional airbrushed photos (yawn). C'mon ladies, everyone has a camera on their phone, those spur of the moment shots at the supermarket or the boob flash while driving your car, is sooooooo friggin hot. The candid pics are always the best. I can tell you right now, that airbrushed phots are a big deterrent for me. Airbrushing tells me your hiding something, ie: scars, freckles, cellulite, tattoos.

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