
Ripped Off In West Palm Beach
nsrg4 87 Reviews 693 reads

I dont post names as it is their business and income.  If I had a bad time it does not mean that the next guy will not have fun.  Just be warned!

I wanted to post this as a Problem but TER suggested that I go this way with it.  A well known provider in WPB, Fl. that I reviewed over a year ago, ripped me off royally this past week.  I will not post the lady's name and if you contact me I will give it to you privately with all the details.  I have know the provider and we have seen one another 10 or more times.  This past week we made arrangements and met a local hotel.  She was in the room and I showered.  I had already made the donation.  She popped her head into the bath and said she would be right back.  She never came back and will not answer calls or respond.  I got dressed after waiting 20 minutes and left.  Not a happy fella!  Be careful.  I dont make scenes with hookers, and if I get ripped - well - its part of the game sometimes.  I'll live!

I'm no longer a VIP member so theres no way you can pm me her name. But isn't this part of what TER is for, to let others know who is safe, who are ripoffs etc. This goes for both the provider and the hobbyist. I'm not talking about someone you just didn't hit it off with, thats something completely different. But if I was ripped off by a provider in the way you have, I would be sure to let everyone know who it was. It's a big part of the reason we use TER.

he, like me, is trying to avoid a shitstorm from the provider if he outs her name in open forum.  I did same thing last fall when it happened to me.  I got plenty of requests for her name and supplied it in PM.  My situation was slightly different, I was just a victim of NCNS, and all it cost me was some gas money and time.  However, I do agree with the way he's handling it.  If you know someone that's a VIP member, maybe you could get them to find out who the ROB is and tell you.


I see your point, but I still feel he should let everyone know. This will cause the provider to lose more $$$ than she stole from the guy. Might make some other low life provider think twice before she tries that.

LucasHood455 reads

This is bogus. If you pm him for the scoop he won't reply.  

Posted By: sajer1
I see your point, but I still feel he should let everyone know. This will cause the provider to lose more $$$ than she stole from the guy. Might make some other low life provider think twice before she tries that.

Lucas, not sure what you are talking about since he gave me all of the details and provider info.  I am curious why you are flaming everyone on the board?

LucasHood467 reads

Just pleased he's respectful of her income/livlihood AFTER she ripped him off. Priceless. Glad this is up your alley. Speaks volumes.  

Posted By: billybob987321
Lucas, not sure what you are talking about since he gave me all of the details and provider info.  I am curious why you are flaming everyone on the board?

I dont post names as it is their business and income.  If I had a bad time it does not mean that the next guy will not have fun.  Just be warned!

being warned about.  I don't necessarily blame you for not wanting to give her up as there can be lots of consequences (some providers have really nasty boyfriends/managers/pimps), I just don't see how we've been warned.

....a pissed off crazy provider.....or post as an alias on R O board.

Posted By: vamikey
being warned about.  I don't necessarily blame you for not wanting to give her up as there can be lots of consequences (some providers have really nasty boyfriends/managers/pimps), I just don't see how we've been warned.

I'm in the west palm beach area,I would appreciate it you share some information with me thanks

LucasHood584 reads

She ripped you off but you're respectful of her "business and income?" Really? This is a SPOTY candidate if I've ever seen one. Well played.  

Posted By: nsrg4
I dont post names as it is their business and income.  If I had a bad time it does not mean that the next guy will not have fun.  Just be warned!

I don't understand why you are all using the terms "hooker" and "low life" in this thread. Look if you are angry then itnis understandable but you ought to be respectful of others and not use derogatory terms like that. That's just my opinion obviously but think about it. If they are hookers what does that make you?

I used the term "low life" referring to someone who ripped off  someone who was acting in good faith. I'm sure thats part of the definition of "low life" cause thats what they do. I never have nor will I ever refer to a legit provider as a low life. I have the utmost respect for the ladies that handle their business in a professional manner. stay safe all.

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