
Re: Guys also realize that the hobbyist could be the issue...
niceguysalwazwin 33 Reviews 217 reads

Why not stick to the facts:
Facts 1:  
His words where
The reviewer said she had a belly and she had on a wig or bad weave he also stated that she didn't look like her pic's.
Facts 2:
Her words where  
she went to one of her favorite restaurants, got a tip and a nice email about the date.
she never said he was rude, disrespectful or smelly.
she thought she had a good time.
Facts 3:
what I see
she has some 7's thrown in also.

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm not a whiner, but could use the community's help.  

I have the worse review known to mankind. I thought we had a nice time based on his last e-mail.  

He tipped me extremely well, but according to the review, had an awful time.

Why would anyone bother seeing a woman who's overweight, gross or older in person?! I'm 38 and still get carded.  

Thanks for listening.

Love ya,

Alex πŸ’•

Hello Miss Alex,  

I hate to see this happen, but I read a lot of reviews before I choose to meet a new lady.  It seems like most providers get that one guy, every once in awhile with a review like that.  BUT if you look at the rest of his reviews 6 of his 10 reviews he did that!  I don't understand why some guys choose to do that...  Seems to me that they should find another hobby.  All I can suggest is, when you're verifying a potential date, check what he says about other ladies?    Again, sorry this happened to you!

Yes I read the other reviews and if they only give low numbers or low numbers to top ladies I move on.. plenty of fish in the sea.

Many providers have that one person who writes a less than par review or in my case a fake review (because through my back ground check I found out that he had been arrested for battery on a female-domestic).  When I told him I would not see him, of course I now have a bad review that TER refused to remove.  Like others said, most go by reading multiple reviews and those that write less than par reviews for you they research the reviewer.  Don't let that get  you down.  You are well reviewed and a beautiful woman.
Stay safe and don't worry about that guy, just let it go.

Thanks doll. It's nice to see other lovely and supportive ladies on OUR FL board.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend!

- Alex

justpullit216 reads

I would say put up some pics that are not Photoshop, and let them speak for you.

JakeFromStateFarm196 reads

He's a lowballer.  If you'd checked that out you probably would have declined to book him.  Did you ask him for his handle?

No, he's just cheap, and enjoys tearing other people down.  No use making excuses for someone that feels the need to hurt someone's earning potential.

justpullit190 reads

Well she stated that he gave her a tip and she thought it went well, how many times have a client thought he and a provider clicked and she doesn't give him an okay? She wanted the reviewer to give her high marks and in his eyes she didn't deserve it, if you read his review she never disputed what he said she had a problem with the score. As we all know one bad review will not hurt her earning potential. if you go to a restaurant and the food sucks and you have to write a review would you lie because it will hurt the earning potential of the restaurant?

Agreed.   But if you look at his reviews of others, 6 of 10 are the same.  Sounds to me like he has some kind of agenda.  But that's just a guess.  When I see that someone does that, I give no credibility to their reviews.  But, whatever works for them, I guess.

There is always a few guys who are nice face to face but then talk crapping behind your back.  But real gents don't talk trash and read more then one review and do there research on the reviewers

No seriously... I should of known better. Stupid me continues to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  

Stay righteous! 😘

the nice tip.

He apparently is one of those guys that just likes to instigate shit.  Probably loves to always stir the pot.

Move on. Keep smiling like you did behind the bar at the recent M&G.  You were delightful to talk to and that is a great indication of any future time that might be spent with  you.

justpullit258 reads

If you guys think she is all that then make an appointment, and then let the fun began.


You seem like a lovely young lady and I wish you were in central FL! Sorry about the bad review but as others have stated there will be the one eventually... Live and learn and don't take it personally..

-- Modified on 5/27/2017 4:47:41 AM

...with the exception of 2 or 3 of the reviews he's written.
Some guys like to tie being hard scorers with "just being honest" when some are just huge a-holes.  

Any silver lining in this imo is that low score from him won't stay on top forever and just makes your other higher scores look that much better.


-- Modified on 5/27/2017 12:42:42 PM

Thanks sweetie! I'm over it! It was confusing and weird. He left a wonderful tip, enjoyed dining at my restaurant, finished twice and left me a nice e-mail. The review threw me for a loop. Lol! I just wanted to see if this happened to anyone else.  

Keep smiling! πŸ˜€

justpullit266 reads

Wow! This is crazy, so because her reviewer didn't like her looks and gave her a low scores he is the problem?  the gentleman spent time with her at her favorite restaurant gave her a nice tip sent a nice email (all in her words) and you come to her defense, what about him, maybe she wasn't honest with him her photo's is all he had to go bye and he liked what he saw and when he meet in person he didn't. He stayed and went  through with the date, he was not happy and he called her out on it, isn't this the place where clients come to read about  and review providers, to get an idea on the ladies they want to meet? The providers have ways of looking up potential clients and they will put it out there if he isn't safe. The bottom line she made more than what she thought she would and had a great meal, maybe every client should be more like him and post honest reviews and stop giving out 10's in looks. Photoshop doesn't mean 10.

Posted By: justpullit
Re: Nice in person but then post a review that's kind of a punch in the gut...yep.-e-
Wow! This is crazy, so because her reviewer didn't like her looks and gave her a low scores he is the problem?  the gentleman spent time with her at her favorite restaurant gave her a nice tip sent a nice email (all in her words) and you come to her defense, what about him, maybe she wasn't honest with him her photo's is all he had to go bye and he liked what he saw and when he meet in person he didn't. He stayed and went  through with the date, he was not happy and he called her out on it, isn't this the place where clients come to read about  and review providers, to get an idea on the ladies they want to meet? The providers have ways of looking up potential clients and they will put it out there if he isn't safe. The bottom line she made more than what she thought she would and had a great meal, maybe every client should be more like him and post honest reviews and stop giving out 10's in looks. Photoshop doesn't mean 10.

....like what they see that they'd leave.
And I don't want to hear/read "it's easier than it sounds" either.
Unless she pulls a gun on you ... just go.

Why would a client wait 5-6 weeks to type up a review in the first place? If he had such an awful time, wouldn't he have said something last month?! Why wait?! Better yet... He could of cancelled the meeting altogether. Wouldn't you have walked away if a lady showed up darker than her images and overweight? He didn't have to take me upstairs. It was his friend's apartment anyway. It's not like he wasted his money on a plane ticket and hotel room. It was a local appointment. If he walked away, no harm - no fowl. He could of returned to work and I would of enjoyed the rest of my afternoon.  

- Alex

I don't think what you are saying is true. if he had walked away his name would be plastered all over this board saying how he was a waste of time.

Wrong! Find a post where I whined about a cancellation. The appointment was very misleading. If I had something to hide, I would of used MY alias. Lol!

I totally feel your pain, I don't push for reviews.  Only have four, and I have been in this business for a while now . But one of my reviews is horrible,  and I totally feel your pain, sometimes people just like to be mean and I don't understand that.

As usual, you have to take the good with the bad. There's plenty of business to go around. If a gentleman isn't happy, he should walk away. He doesn't have to go through with the appointment. No one held him at gun point. Lol!  

Thanks again for the kind words. 🍻

If i see 6 reviews of a lady that are 8s and above, and one review that is 5/6, I am likely going to think that the reviewer was an asshole/disrespectful, and that he was probably the source of the lack of "connection" or "chemistry."  I have yet to read a review where its author admitted that he smelled/was a jerk/rude etc.--that part is surprisingly absent when he tells us how shitty the session was...

Why not stick to the facts:
Facts 1:  
His words where
The reviewer said she had a belly and she had on a wig or bad weave he also stated that she didn't look like her pic's.
Facts 2:
Her words where  
she went to one of her favorite restaurants, got a tip and a nice email about the date.
she never said he was rude, disrespectful or smelly.
she thought she had a good time.
Facts 3:
what I see
she has some 7's thrown in also.

This is my gripe... He could of cancelled right there on the spot. He would of saved his money and not wasted his  time dining at my restaurant in a 69 position. He left that part out of the review by the way.

All I wanted to know if this happened to anyone else. When they​ thought a meeting went well and a reviewer reported something else.  

Thank you once again everyone for the feedback!

- Alex πŸ˜‹

I am unable to make any evaluation of this particular case.  I don't know either of the participants, so this isn't a comment upon you.  

I haven't submitted any reviews in quite some time, but I have had the experience of meeting a woman with absolutely stellar reviews who did nothing for me.  I politely went through the session because I had imposed upon her time and figured I would get what I was paying for and consider it lesson learned.  

I thereafter gave an honest review, at which point the provider and her fans went on the attack, having my review disapproved and other guys submitting reviews saying, in substance, they didn't know what I had been smoking.  

I have not submitted a lot of reviews over the years, but that was the one and only totally bad review I ever posted.  (I posted another moderately negative review.) I did so because I felt that the reviews posted were by a bunch of fanboys and were not depicting the provider accurately.  My personal opinion is that while the occasional negative review certainly can do some harm, it also establishes the credibility of the process and puts the reader in a position to evaluate and make informed decisions.  

That's just one man's opinion, of course.  

Thanks for your feedback. This is why I'm confused. According to the reviewer, I was A LOT darker and heavier in person. All he had to do was cancel our meeting. We met outside, he had on his work uniform and planned on using his friend's place for our meeting. If he cancelled our meeting right then and there, he could of returned to work. It wouldn't of been any out of pocket expenses on his part.  

- Alex

the real issue is not what he said the real problem that really bothered you was the score. maybe you shouldn't be so focused on the score and be happy that he didn't waste your time, and he gave you a big tip.

The score would bother a lot of women. This is why quite of few of them came to my defense. Who would escort a "5" upstairs? Not too mention, he tipped me afterwards and sent a polite note. Of course it was misleading.

Honestly, I cannot give an answer to the question.  Speaking from my own experience, I never terminated an "engagement," going back to the days before TER when I was a regular customer of a service.  There were at least three occasions over the course of my now 25 (sporadic) years in the hobby when I wanted to cancel over appearance and but didn't and just didn't feel right about doing so.  I didn't want to be a time-waster, felt that I should pay for the girls' time, and so I figured I would get my money's worth.  There were many more times when I saw women who were more than attractive enough, but their performance wasn't what I expected.  Though I wouldn't have tipped in those circumstances, I certainly did send pleasant emails to the ladies with whom I had direct contact.  I almost always would say thank you for a nice time.  

Why do I think I did that?  Because I like to think that I am a gentleman.

But back to my experience to which I referred.  I looked at this "disapproved" (as inconsistent with others) review from 2003, after I posted.  I gave the lady (who now is retired)  6s, noting that she was about 5'5" and 150-160 and thick in the hips and butt.  I also noted that she was super-enthusiastic and very good at what I allowed to occur, but I wasn't sufficiently interested because she just wasn't really my type.  

Why did I do this?  Because her web site photos were staged to make it hard to see what her physique was like.  And it annoyed me that she had obscured that (in hindsight, I should have realized that billowing garments could have meant concealment) and I wanted guys who cared to be aware.  

And, again, I know nothing about you,  I am not commenting upon you in any way.  The bottom line, however, is that all are best off with everyone having accurate information.  That way, nobody is disappointed and has buyer's remorse.  If we all get exactly what we expect we all will be happier.

This brings me to what I find to be a somewhat funny story.  I saw a lady a few years back, and one reviewer said that she looked like a famous actress who was an extraordinary beauty, but had (in my opinion) ruined her appearance with unneeded plastic surgery and hard living.  Of course, my thought was, "OMG, this is all I need to know.  I love so and so."  What was the reality?  The reviewer was spot on, but the young lady looked like said actress post-surgery and rough living.  

Moral of the story, guys enter into the hobby to find their fantasy and we seek out women whom we believe will fit that fantasy.  When we provide the required donation, we can be very disappointed if we do not meet with the fantasy we sought.

I don't know if this is helpful to anyone and I hope that it doesn't offend anyone.  I'm just giving my honest best.    

I'm the one who asked for the community's help. It's a buyer's market and no gentleman has to part with his money if he's dissatisfied with a provider's appearance. Thanks for your brutal honesty.  

- Alex

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