
If my spouse had been born a male, fine with me lolteeth_smile
SensualShai See my TER Reviews 302 reads

Of course I am a lady, born with my parts lol. She is pretty but she should have told him if he wanted kids. I think that's very important. I am sure he stayed, right? A gay male taught me how to render blow jobs so I sense her blow jobs were phenomenal

Would you stay or go?
I think she is pretty darn cute.  
I guess it would depend on how well she cooks and cleans, and how amazing she is in bed.  



Elle Vegas

-- Modified on 4/17/2015 2:34:56 PM

I mean, let's assume it was a wonderful relationship with no major problems.  I still think that I would feel so betrayed that I would probably leave.  I would like to think that I am a secure guy, but I cannot honestly say that I am certain I would stay.  I would feel it was a major violation of trust.  

I had something happen to me, nothing like the story, but it gave me a glimpse.   When I was in graduate school, I had a really good friend and we used to play tennis in between classes quite regularly.  We would typically hit the showers at the gym facility before resuming with classes.   About a year into this, he confessed, he was bi, and yes, he was attracted to me.   I thought about all those times in the shower, again, nothing kinky, just guys at the gym taking a shower after playing a sport of working out, but I felt so violated and embarrassed to boot.    I did not speak to him for a few weeks, no doubt about it, the feelings of embarrassment brought about anger as well.   In the end I worked through it and we resumed our friendship, minus the showers at the gym.    I have to say that even without the confession that he was attracted to me, I would still have felt violated

your problem with him was *your* problem- not his! It's unfair to take it out on him, don't you think? Why would you have felt violated even if he didn't admit to being attracted to you? Because he was bi and *possibly* attracted to you? His only crime was telling you. And if he never had, you'd never know and life would have remained the same. Unless I am missing part of the story and he fondled you? I'm interested in unpacking this.

Women walk through life assuming every man is leering at them, because most of the time, for much of their lives, they are. We deal with that every day- we know guys who serve us food, fix our cars, and check us out at the grocery store want to fuck us (most of the time). We don't hold it against them. We just get on with our lives. We'd be very unhappy and feel violated every single day if someone's mere interest in us bothered us that much.  

What someone else thinks of us is really none of our business. Even if they tell us, it is our choice what we do with that information. Still none of our business. We only truly have control over ourselves. We can never control the actions, feelings, or motives of another.

-- Modified on 4/17/2015 4:09:01 PM

let's go back a little, this is not me now, this is me about 22-23 years ago.  I don't need to tell you how men were socialized to be freaked out about homosexuality.    I lived in South Beach in the 90s and I don't think I have to state what the scene was like.    Even then, at 22, I was never bothered about being propositioned or hit on, I thought it was a compliment that another human being thought I was interesting in some way.   However, being naked in the shower with this friend and subsequently realizing that I was the object of his sexual desire was a totally different thing than being at a bar or walking by the street and being stared at or being propositioned.   I think it was deceptive on his part and my reaction was very mild.    

Now, if I had known he was gay (once he came out to me there was no more bi, girls went out the window) and had no clue he was interested in me, I  have to say that at the time I would have thought twice about hitting the showers with him.    It was not a fear that I would want to jump him, I did not*, but I would have felt insecure about potentially being the object of his desire in that setting**.    Again, fully clothed at a restaurant, bar, whatever, no problem.   Why the insecurity?   Crap, it is/was not the norm, kids today and younger guys may be very cool with it, but that is not the environment in which I grew up in the 1980s.    Nobody my age grew up thinking that the guy fixing their car, etc. etc. may want to fuck them, your analogy in the setting of men and women is not accurate.    

So, let's explore more, what is your theory?  I knew I would open up a can of worms :)  Interesting that a woman can have threesomes, be with another woman and all is well, at least in our little world, but men can't wrap their heads about doing the same.   Again, it is deeply iinstilled in us from a very early age in many different ways.

* Would not have been my type anyway.   Shit yes, we guys know when another guy is good looking even if we don't want to hump them!

** Today, I would not give a rat's ass, if a guy wants to stare at me in the showers and fantasize, well, go for it, so long as you don't touch me.    Of course, this scenario is much less likely, I am not the guy I was 23 years ago, but then again, while physically it may not be a good thing, I like the older version of Pangloss much better

She's a woman. She may have been born with a penis, but clearly she suffered from gender dysphoria. She is a woman who happened to be born into a man's body. Like this little boy was born into a girl's body: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAHCqnux2fk

If one were born with a missing finger and had one surgically appended, would they be under any obligation to inform any future partners that she was not born with her finger?  

Children would probably be a major factor. I guess if the man wanted children and none were forthcoming, that would be an issue... and in this case, I guess I would feel betrayed. But if his life was happy, why can't it continue to be?

And the woman is simply stunning!!

Again, think of all the ways we guys are socialized, I mean, the simple fact that I just admitted in my last reply the fact that a guy knows when another guy is good-looking is potential fodder for ridicule.   Whether we like it or not, we are part of a herd and that herd has a large pull on us.  Goodness, how many guys would love to do what we do here, see wonderful women, no strings attached for $, and yet, they can't bring themselves to do it because the herd has said it is a naughty thing for which we are now thinking of jailing you for 5 years for the second offense.

I'd be blessed to have 3/4 of a he to she.. 1/2.... with my 95% failure rate life long to be in a relationship or have a simple date in the civie world, I'm getting too old, too fat and too bald to be too picky anymore... LOL!!!!!!!!!

-- Modified on 4/17/2015 6:20:07 PM

Of course I am a lady, born with my parts lol. She is pretty but she should have told him if he wanted kids. I think that's very important. I am sure he stayed, right? A gay male taught me how to render blow jobs so I sense her blow jobs were phenomenal

Hard to believe he couldn't tell during sex. Doubt she/he could get wet

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