
I see nothing wrong with asking for a review
brendaboobies See my TER Reviews 1221 reads
1 / 20

First off, I am specifically putting this on the Florida board for two reasons-
(Sorry if it belongs elsewhere)
1-soon I will be only available in Florida and want to know how you Florida boys think about this more importantly than a guy I probably will never have the chance to meet in bum f**k no where...
& 2-issues arising from Florida boys are what has peaked my curiosity regarding my this topic...

When I first started providing I might have asked for a review but definitely have not in at least two years since becoming GFE.
On my last trip to Florida several things were said to me about reviews that I found a bit odd.
I am just wondering if the review format is somehow different in Florida or did I just have a string of unusual circumstances.
Several of the Florida guys asked me if I wanted a review at the end of our date which felt a little weird in the ways they brought it up.
Of course I have been asked this before, but it was they way they brought it up and what was said-almost as if it was standard practice to discuss this.
One guy when I said a review would be very helpful to establishing myself here (Tampa) said aren't you going to ask me your scores first????
He stated that the other ladies he has been with explicitly told him NOT to write a review unless it was a 9/10, 9/10...
I was a bit confused as as far as I know had a great time, but he still has not wrote a review-no big deal but I feel like I misunderstood or misspoke but now just feel awkward about directly asking him, especially since he contacted me today to make a second date in June for an extended date so I can only assume all was as good as I thought????
I did read elsewhere another guy (different board-saying he was timing his review with the girls return to help her so maybe this is normal to have delayed reviews?)
Another man asked me if he should send the review to me before submitting to approve, another asked me if I wanted to write the review, another asked what he should include, another asked if he should leave any details out OMG-WTF?????
I would never even think to tell a man what scores to give me, approve a review, write a review, or just insist one way or the other about what details to include or not to include.
This evening I was on another site where the lady has done very well for herself-NEVER places an ad anywhere, does not have a website, but has almost 300 reviews and this is how she keeps her business going by making each guy review her after every session.
I love reviews-especially the great ones-lol, but just cannot imagine after having a GFE date- saying hey make sure you go home and write a review.
If I was a guy I might think, was the sessions activities just to get a review or were they a natural experience?
A lady last year told me she sends out a standard email after the date saying she offers a discount on a return trip to guys that have reviewed and with that I made some special perks for my reviewed boys on my site.
A guy who did not have a great time is not going to write a great review because he does not care about seeing the girl again anyway so I cannot see this gives incentive for a review, only appreciation to those who probably would have revisited anyway?
I still would feel awkward regarding actually asking for reviews so please tell me what has been your experience and what you prefer...
Is asking standard in Florida?
Do you assume the girl does not want a review if she does not ask?
Do you find a lady asking for a review tacky or do you just understand she is trying to grow her business?
I hope none of the guys but most importantly those aliases do not mention providers names if any of this funny business has gone on like demanding high scores-etc...
I have made certain adjustments on how things are done regarding Florida verses NY and this is a subject I really feel in the dark about so please respectfully enlighten me.
I really hope some of the Florida ladies chime in too.

NicoleSaunders See my TER Reviews 1008 reads
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Hello Brenda and welcome to FL!!

I have run into many of the same things you have, and I always let a guy know to write whatever he wants in the review, as long as hes honest.  Im guessing that there is a lot of that going on, but either way, I just dont feel like being involved in what a guy writes in my review...doesnt seem kosher.

On that note...as many times as guys have asked me about it, or said they will write me a review...many it doesnt happen.  Either they just didnt write one, or they said they tried to, it was rejected and so they just never got around to revising it...which led to me going almost 6 months with no new reviews on here at all.  

Now, Im not a big review person and like you, hadnt brought up reviews since when I first started and was trying to get established...but it was kind of painful to look on here and have it seem like I had a dead zone of time, when in fact Ive been around all this time...so I have started mentioning to some guys that it would be great if they wrote a review for me...but I dont offer discounts or incentives for one...also doesnt seem kosher.

I have a comfort level with what I will do, and for me, I dont really care about having hundreds of reviews as much as just having enough so that it doesnt look like Im off the grid.

FlaSailorRon 24 Reviews 897 reads
3 / 20

First, an excellent post!

As a reviewer, I have never asked a provider if she wanted a review.  I have also tried to be completely fair, not writing a poor review due to meeting a lady who ended up Hoyt being my type once I was with her.  I am sure it works both ways on that.  It' just not a great experience when you're with someone that has no attraction for you.  Also, if there is a possibility that I just caught her at a bad time, we all have them, I skip the review.  That explains why most of my reviews are a positive one for the ladies.

I will respect a lady's request for no review, as long as she isn't obviously trying to hide her lack of service as advertise or being a rip off.

On the flip side, how do ladies feel about a hobbyist asking for references?

beach6216 8 Reviews 1079 reads
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I wouldn't be offended if you asked me to write a review.  I'd just say "sure, no problem".  And I might also ask you to give me a reference on one of the sites also.  After all, isn't that what TER is pretty much all about?

vamikey 74 Reviews 873 reads
5 / 20

I usually ask a lady I've met for the first time if she wants a review or not just to be polite.  This is because I've had a couple ask me speicfically NOT to write a review, for a few differenct reasons.  I have only experienced one lady who seemed to be overly interested in making sure I would write a good high-scoring review (I neither wrote a review nor saw har again), but I have had a lady or two ask me to post a review relative (time-wise) to their upcoming visits so they could have one more recent one on their profile (and these were ladies who knew I would write them a very good review because we had a great time together).  I never ask them what they want me to say, nor would I ever submit a review to the lady for her comments before posting it.  I have once or twice decided to not submit a review after a less than scintillating visit when there was no misrepresentation or problems, we just didn't hit it off.  I generally feel that if a lady showed me a great time, I sort of owe it to her to contribute one more glowing review to what is usually a pretty good string of them (after all, that's usually part of why I decided to see her in the first place).  So I wouldn't think it unusual for a hobbyist to ask you if it's OK to submit one, but going beyond that with some of the things you discussed seems a bit much to me.

HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 1341 reads
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and I think many ladies do. Reviews are many ladies bread and butter so to speak and nothing gives more attention to your website like being on the new review list.

I don't think telling someone what to write or what score to give you seems realistic and doubt any man is going to do that but you never know. I have seen on a ladies website a while back " if you plan to write a review of our time and your score for me is under an 8 please let me know so we can do something about it". Not exactly sure what she planned to do.

Do what makes you feel comfortable Brenda. Just as long as you don't feel pressured to perform or give something in return that makes you uncomfortable it's all fine. It's nice to know that some men do feel asking before writing is the gentleman thing to do.

It is an eye opener to see the games people play with the review process and you heard it first hand. Some popularity and presence can sway a good or bad review.

Thanks again for your very informative birds-eye view into the review process here in Florida.

Kisses Haley

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 905 reads
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but I find it no problem to be asked to do a review. I understand the importance that some providers place on reviews for their own marketing needs.

Now, one thing I won't do is write a flattering review when one isn't warranted.  But, since I really stick to well-reviewed ladies and seldom, if ever, take a chance with an unknown quantity, I seldom have to worry about the prospect of writing a poor review.

On the other hand, if a lady specifically asks that I don't write a review, I will honor that request as long as their is nothing dishonest to hide.

DirtyDaego 11 Reviews 1076 reads
8 / 20

Anyone who:

Asks if you should approve their review
Offers to have you write the review
Asks what to include in a review
Asks what to exclude from a review

Is an absolute spineless idiot, or game player, and has NO business being allowed on a review site.
Too bad they can't be exposed for the dumbasses they are, publicly ridiculed, then banned once the fun is over.
Reviews have no value, and negate the purpose of writing them or sites like this for posting them, if they're not objective and real.

Not that this, or any system is perfect, but I guess the percentage of men to slimy worms is higher where you come from.
I guess Florida just has too many guys with 'hanging chads' where their balls should be.

Hopefully you won't judge all FL guys based on the jerkoffs you've been exposed to thus-far.

Just sayin'

Bigpart52 107 Reviews 1251 reads
9 / 20

I can see one of the points that you were asked......  "Would you like a review?"  I can see this one being asked because some ladies would prefer to either keep a low profile or to lower the one they have....  Sometimes it is best to ask first.  

I have on two instances written good reviews for a lady and been asked to either edit it or remove it by the lady.  Not because it was too detailed or erotic, but because in one instance it contained one piece of information the lady did not want known.  It was not personal I would have never put anything personal in to begin with, not my style.  The other instance was because that lady did not want anymore reviews, she was lowering her exsposure and kind of semi-retiring..  I had no idea when we visited that was the case and had written reviews for her in the past so a new one was suppose to be a thank you.

As to the others where ladies have been asked if they want to write their own review or to edit it before it was submitted.... That seems a bit far and probably crosses the integrity line that should be in place.  

Brenda the fact that you have posted this thread and appear to be truly shocked about the circumstances tells me you have integrity and want the honest facts out there.  I applaude you for being so honest and in some ways brave to ask these questions.  You obviously are a very special woman.

Stay the way you are, I hope one day to meet you.


brendaboobies See my TER Reviews 865 reads
10 / 20

Thank you!! Wow, ok, so it is not just me!!
The men who really discussed the reviews with me in details, none of them actually wrote a review and I really felt like perhaps I said something to make them not want to.
Several guys who tried to review but got rejected for being too new or not having enough private info-I just said thanks for trying-no worries.
The review count can be tricky-some guys want to see ladies who have hundreds of reviews-some don't want to know how many times she has been around the block-

Posted By: NicoleSaunders
Hello Brenda and welcome to FL!!

I have run into many of the same things you have, and I always let a guy know to write whatever he wants in the review, as long as hes honest.  Im guessing that there is a lot of that going on, but either way, I just dont feel like being involved in what a guy writes in my review...doesnt seem kosher.

On that note...as many times as guys have asked me about it, or said they will write me a review...many it doesnt happen.  Either they just didnt write one, or they said they tried to, it was rejected and so they just never got around to revising it...which led to me going almost 6 months with no new reviews on here at all.  

Now, Im not a big review person and like you, hadnt brought up reviews since when I first started and was trying to get established...but it was kind of painful to look on here and have it seem like I had a dead zone of time, when in fact Ive been around all this time...so I have started mentioning to some guys that it would be great if they wrote a review for me...but I dont offer discounts or incentives for one...also doesnt seem kosher.

I have a comfort level with what I will do, and for me, I dont really care about having hundreds of reviews as much as just having enough so that it doesnt look like Im off the grid.

brendaboobies See my TER Reviews 833 reads
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Personally I encourage all guys to use Datecheck. I give references to men who have reviewed me as long as I know the girl is legit and he follows my format to get one-I will give one till I'm done in this business. I feel if his review helps me forever, then its only fair to do the same. xo

Posted By: FlaSailorRon
First, an excellent post!

As a reviewer, I have never asked a provider if she wanted a review.  I have also tried to be completely fair, not writing a poor review due to meeting a lady who ended up Hoyt being my type once I was with her.  I am sure it works both ways on that.  It' just not a great experience when you're with someone that has no attraction for you.  Also, if there is a possibility that I just caught her at a bad time, we all have them, I skip the review.  That explains why most of my reviews are a positive one for the ladies.

I will respect a lady's request for no review, as long as she isn't obviously trying to hide her lack of service as advertise or being a rip off.

On the flip side, how do ladies feel about a hobbyist asking for references?

brendaboobies See my TER Reviews 846 reads
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OK-I see at the top where it says reviews but is there an actual spot that shows the new reviews? I clicked reviews but do you just have to click in the advanced search area new reviews? I'm curious to see what the list looks like now! Yes, I have been asked many times if it was OK to review-and thats very sweet of the guy to check, although I think maybe asking later in a follow up email is nicer. I recently had a guy ask only that question but ask as he was "collapsing" onto the bed, and I really wondered if that was what he was thinking while we were being so intimate-I felt like I was about to graded on a pop quiz!!!
Funny you say about pressure to perform-I used to read a guys reviews before seeing him but do not usually anymore because then I did feel pressure-now I just hope we click and let nature take its course.
I used to also only see clients who I liked their reviews-oh those were my sweet innocent days before I knew about fake reviews and that just because a guy wrote a great review, did not mean the lady had the same "amazing" time!!!

Posted By: HaleyOrlando
and I think many ladies do. Reviews are many ladies bread and butter so to speak and nothing gives more attention to your website like being on the new review list.

I don't think telling someone what to write or what score to give you seems realistic and doubt any man is going to do that but you never know. I have seen on a ladies website a while back " if you plan to write a review of our time and your score for me is under an 8 please let me know so we can do something about it". Not exactly sure what she planned to do.

Do what makes you feel comfortable Brenda. Just as long as you don't feel pressured to perform or give something in return that makes you uncomfortable it's all fine. It's nice to know that some men do feel asking before writing is the gentleman thing to do.

It is an eye opener to see the games people play with the review process and you heard it first hand. Some popularity and presence can sway a good or bad review.

Thanks again for your very informative birds-eye view into the review process here in Florida.

Kisses Haley

brendaboobies See my TER Reviews 1048 reads
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OUCH!!!! I was not offended by the questions just surprised as they all happen in the same week as my assistant making me take a deep breath and making me understand things ARE different in different areas-good bad-etc, but I just want to not be so clueless and figure out my "game plan" once my move is final!!

Posted By: DirtyDaego
Anyone who:

Asks if you should approve their review
Offers to have you write the review
Asks what to include in a review
Asks what to exclude from a review

Is an absolute spineless idiot, or game player, and has NO business being allowed on a review site.
Too bad they can't be exposed for the dumbasses they are, publicly ridiculed, then banned once the fun is over.
Reviews have no value, and negate the purpose of writing them or sites like this for posting them, if they're not objective and real.

Not that this, or any system is perfect, but I guess the percentage of men to slimy worms is higher where you come from.
I guess Florida just has too many guys with 'hanging chads' where their balls should be.

Hopefully you won't judge all FL guys based on the jerkoffs you've been exposed to thus-far.

Just sayin'

brendaboobies See my TER Reviews 1350 reads
15 / 20

Wow-thank you very much, & same here!!!

Posted By: Bigpart52
I can see one of the points that you were asked......  "Would you like a review?"  I can see this one being asked because some ladies would prefer to either keep a low profile or to lower the one they have....  Sometimes it is best to ask first.  

I have on two instances written good reviews for a lady and been asked to either edit it or remove it by the lady.  Not because it was too detailed or erotic, but because in one instance it contained one piece of information the lady did not want known.  It was not personal I would have never put anything personal in to begin with, not my style.  The other instance was because that lady did not want anymore reviews, she was lowering her exsposure and kind of semi-retiring..  I had no idea when we visited that was the case and had written reviews for her in the past so a new one was suppose to be a thank you.

As to the others where ladies have been asked if they want to write their own review or to edit it before it was submitted.... That seems a bit far and probably crosses the integrity line that should be in place.  

Brenda the fact that you have posted this thread and appear to be truly shocked about the circumstances tells me you have integrity and want the honest facts out there.  I applaude you for being so honest and in some ways brave to ask these questions.  You obviously are a very special woman.

Stay the way you are, I hope one day to meet you.


keystonekid 114 Reviews 1025 reads
16 / 20

if it is OK to write a review? Some ladies want to stay totally UTR and do not want reviews. I will respect that UNLESS I think they are misleading in the ads or their service is sub-standard.

I will also ask if it is OK to include certain parts from the date. I have seen ladies who have allowed CIM but whose profile says differently. True, YMMV but the lady may not want that information posted in a review. I have also seen ladies who have given me OTC time and it is not fair to them to include that in the review either.

Yes, my reviews are all written to be both fair to the lady and accurate. Sometimes the "whole truth and nothing but the truth" is not always the letter of the law.

brendaboobies See my TER Reviews 960 reads
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Ahhhh yes, that makes sense and is great you & many guys are considerate regarding this.
I had asked about this last year on another forum, after getting a super hot review (sadly fake) if guys can feel slighted if they read a girl did something they were not offered and yes, it can hurt the girl more than help if for whatever reason she was in the mood for something a little more naughty that day.
In my case, some wackjob wrote me a review I wish had been true (lol) cause I was a total pornstar/rockstar and mentioned something I had taken off my menu a year before-my regulars starting asking what the deal was-assuming it was back on the menu-ugh-trying to explain to people a great review was totally fake was worse than getting a bad review.
At least at this point, a bad review my regulars at the least would probably think the guy was a jerk-but a fake great review seems out there to most.
I'm very torn over this whole review thing-its a lot of pressure for the guys, girls, and does seem odd to kiss and tell, but this is a great marketing tool and the name of the game is too make money so, I guess I will allow & appreciate reviews until I win lotto-lmao!!!!!

Posted By: keystonekid
if it is OK to write a review? Some ladies want to stay totally UTR and do not want reviews. I will respect that UNLESS I think they are misleading in the ads or their service is sub-standard.

I will also ask if it is OK to include certain parts from the date. I have seen ladies who have allowed CIM but whose profile says differently. True, YMMV but the lady may not want that information posted in a review. I have also seen ladies who have given me OTC time and it is not fair to them to include that in the review either.

Yes, my reviews are all written to be both fair to the lady and accurate. Sometimes the "whole truth and nothing but the truth" is not always the letter of the law.    

Thewildthing See my TER Reviews 772 reads
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the fact that we are UNABLE to answer them & the fact that SOME providers...
are DEPENDENT upon the # rating system to make their phone ring...
along WITH the fact that 2 reviews (true, accurate OR otherwise)
PAYS FOR a VIP membership....

& let's not forget...
that OFTEN untrue details are ADDED just to get them approved HERE....

I find WATCHING the review portion of the TER  board...  
a DISTRACTION from my business...

I suggest that anyone else who is ABLE...
concentrate on SHOWING what you are all about
rather than worrying about others representing you in reviews.

brendaboobies See my TER Reviews 802 reads
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I did love escorts.com (out of business now) for that reason-a girl could put a note under review to give her side of a bad review or say thanks to a great one-here it is weird when you see a bad review of a well known good girl and wonder wtf happened there. Thankfully most guys are smart enough to know everybody is not going to click or can read between the lines of a "bad" review.

I am curious how else a lady is able to show she is good besides having an up to date website, chime in here once in a while-how else besides having current/good reviews???

I will never go to another meet and greet after what just went on up here in NY-so personally for me that will not be a way to show off my lovely personality!!!

Posted By: Thewildthing

the fact that we are UNABLE to answer them & the fact that SOME providers...
are DEPENDENT upon the # rating system to make their phone ring...
along WITH the fact that 2 reviews (true, accurate OR otherwise)
PAYS FOR a VIP membership....

& let's not forget...
that OFTEN untrue details are ADDED just to get them approved HERE....

I find WATCHING the review portion of the TER  board...  
a DISTRACTION from my business...

I suggest that anyone else who is ABLE...
concentrate on SHOWING what you are all about
rather than worrying about others representing you in reviews.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 795 reads
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I have been having a hard time getting guys to write reviews for me here. My old clients are either not online or not into the whole kiss and tell thing. And I have had only one FL guy write me one (thank god for him). When I was in CA it wasn't a problem because I had a small and loyal circle. Now it is a problem because my CA guys can't all come out here, and certainly not at the frequency I used to see them. So I am having the opposite problem: nobody wants to write reviews. (And from the feedback I am getting, at least in person, it isn't because they are not happy!) Lol!

I do find it SUPER awkward to request a review. And feel awful when they say, no- not my thing. :(

I am with you- I would like a certain number to begin with, but don't need every guy I meet to write one. Just one every couple of months or so would do.

And in terms of getting yourself out there and known, maybe there are other online places? I'm confused about that too.

I have seen a couple posts about the NYC M&G. What happened there?

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