
Hmm technically this IS a point system Board. Did you forget? eom
j.marie See my TER Reviews 1687 reads
1 / 39

i'm looking for input from both the ladies and the gents on this one.  ladies, have you done it?  (c'mon, be HONEST!) and gentlemen, have you accepted such an offer?  if not, why not?  i know it's not an uncommon practice, especially when business is slow...but i can't help but wonder whether such an offer can ever result in a completely unbiased review - or is it merely another form of "paid advertising"?  what do YOU think?

personally, i don't see how a gentleman can write a totally honest review if the lady has given him an incentive for writing it.  i think the practice cheapens the review process overall.  on the other hand, there's no way to "really" know when such a quid pro quo arrangement has been struck - it's not as if the review carries the disclaimer, "the following is a paid commercial announcement", right?

i won't lie, it bugs me.  but then, the kids who cheated in school bugged me, too.

HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 1453 reads
2 / 39

Our stats show that right up front. Also not to difficult to see how easy it is to make one's reviews their top advertisement draw. Being top on the review list is the feather in any ladies cap. I'm sure many ladies play games with the review system.

Kisses Haley

GabbyBaker See my TER Reviews 1389 reads
3 / 39

Barter with someone for their services.

I've heard stories of gals GIVING it away for a 10/10 review.

It's bad business. PERIOD!

Gabby xox

fast ffred 1272 reads
4 / 39

I don't write reviews, so this type, of situation, wouldn't matter/apply to me.
But, I'll not begrudge the ladies, that do this.

martythewall 36 Reviews 1223 reads
5 / 39

write a review as a favor? Yep but an honest 1.  never been offered. I have warned them that i will write them.  

-- Modified on 7/29/2012 12:32:06 PM

j.marie See my TER Reviews 2147 reads
6 / 39

for clarification...

i was not referring to striking a deal for an "inflated" review; that's been discussed, and as i recall, those threads tend to disappear.

rather, i was referring to (for example) ads that say "need feedback, take $50 off my rate if you write a review".  my question is, under such a scenario, how reliable - honest - will the resulting review be?

mconnection 58 Reviews 1886 reads
7 / 39

As it stands today, not only here but on other major sites as well. I have never been made any kind of offer to write a review and I have written over 100 in total, however I have been asked on more than one occassion Not to write a review.IMO in most cases I could understand why, at other times, it is not always apparent at first why she may not want a review, however it usually becomes very clear!!
In most cases I enjoy writting reviews and have always did my best to be honest to myself as well as the provider.

Posted By: j.marie
i'm looking for input from both the ladies and the gents on this one.  ladies, have you done it?  (c'mon, be HONEST!) and gentlemen, have you accepted such an offer?  if not, why not?  i know it's not an uncommon practice, especially when business is slow...but i can't help but wonder whether such an offer can ever result in a completely unbiased review - or is it merely another form of "paid advertising"?  what do YOU think?

personally, i don't see how a gentleman can write a totally honest review if the lady has given him an incentive for writing it.  i think the practice cheapens the review process overall.  on the other hand, there's no way to "really" know when such a quid pro quo arrangement has been struck - it's not as if the review carries the disclaimer, "the following is a paid commercial announcement", right?

i won't lie, it bugs me.  but then, the kids who cheated in school bugged me, too.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1249 reads
8 / 39
ElleVegas See my TER Reviews 1190 reads
9 / 39
notlong 1216 reads
10 / 39
RoXXXieBlackheart See my TER Reviews 1474 reads
11 / 39

And it seriously bother's me too.
I even have clients that it slightly bother's me that they HAVEN'T written reviews and they see me religiously, but I would never even ASK them for a review.
The agency I worked for when I started pulled that kind of shit and it's not fair to either party because it gives you a bad taste in your mouth going into the session, and of course it's not taken out of the agencies' cut.
Take pride in your service all the time and you won't need to bribe people.

vamikey 74 Reviews 1601 reads
12 / 39

review; for one thing, it may make the lady think she need not try so hard to make me happy if I've already promised to write a good review.  And I try hard to write honest reviews.  On one or two occasions, I have been offered extra time for our next meeting AFTER I've posted a review that a lady liked a lot.

HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 1543 reads
13 / 39

Now that you clarified your reason and searching for personal opinions I would have to question that review and it's honesty. I don't know if I have seen such an offer on TER and it would have to be a lady with no experience here to put such wording in an ad. There would be many skeptical on-lookers waiting for her first reviews.

I have seen $50 discount to TER members with minimum of 2 or 3 reviews but that to me would be an above board  honest offer and done on many of the verification sites. It's a ladies choice to make an offer such as that when she feels less screening and easier booking

Kisses Haley

j.marie See my TER Reviews 1291 reads
14 / 39

sometimes it's in the ad, although i agree i haven't seen an ad like that here.  i have seen agencies (not naming names) offer discounts in exchange for reviews of specific girls - and no, they aren't always the new girls.  because a review DOES increase a lady's visibility, such offers are out there, though i imagine it's most often done as a "backroom deal."

beach6216 8 Reviews 1669 reads
16 / 39

I've seen ladies who advertise on P411 "x discount for P411 members" and I just put full price in the envelope.  I just consider it a tip for them.

For some reason when I see "discount" it makes me go hmm....  No reason, just does.  But I'm not a penny-pincher so maybe those that are look specifically for discounts.

In answer to you question, I don't think it'd be a great idea.  Stick to your rates.  You'll get reviews.

j.marie See my TER Reviews 2147 reads
17 / 39

LOL, no no no darlin''...i'm not considering it, suggesting it or advocating it!!  quid pro quo in this business is BAD business!  i am a lady who believes reviews are to be EARNED not BOUGHT.  my question arose because i've bevome aware that this practice DOES go on, and i'm a li'l disgruntled by it.

-- Modified on 7/29/2012 7:30:42 AM

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 1282 reads
18 / 39

Never had anything offered and only rarely asked to write one. Wouldn't accept the 'bribe' regardless. Probably lol

good_ole_boy_954 5 Reviews 1212 reads
19 / 39

It was at least a 9/9.  Major turnoff but it was on her way out the door. Cinnamon. Who is giving it away for free for a 10/10?  Have her give me a call.

ddp71 21 Reviews 1262 reads
20 / 39

I've never been offered anything to write a review, so I can't honestly answer if I would take advantage of it or not. I've been asked to write a couple, but nothing was received in turn but a thanks. I'm leaning towards no, but because I don't like to feel cheap, not because of any moral or ethical dilemma. I certainly don't have a problem with a provider and guy taking advantage of this type of exchange ... to each their own.

This topic is being discussed on another board. I laugh every time I see morals and ethics discussed here. We are all participating in a criminal activity. Most guys are married and cheating on their wives. Funny how morals and ethics only apply when its convenient.

beach6216 8 Reviews 1269 reads
21 / 39
World Champ 28 Reviews 1502 reads
22 / 39

1st of all do you really expect a provider to admit they buy reviews?

Let the buyer beware!

That said I have never been asked to write a review.

I do beleive that a provider might fool us for a short time. Eventually the real story gets told!

TamsenC See my TER Reviews 1710 reads
23 / 39

Ive offered discounts though. Hope there is nothing wrong with that.

GabbyBaker See my TER Reviews 1228 reads
24 / 39
GabbyBaker See my TER Reviews 1347 reads
25 / 39

Posted By: itsmekelly
Makes you wonder why the numbers were changed... But most people see it happen.  I didnt know you could change the numbers until then.

jgoodman222 14 Reviews 1497 reads
26 / 39

asked for or received a discount for a review.  I also never review a provider that I have only seen once.  If I was ever in a rip off situation I would, but I do my research.  While some experiences have been better than others, I have never had an overtly negative one.

That said, I have a couple of "regular" ladies with unique arrangements.  For example, there is a provider who offered to meet me in another city for a 4 hour dinner date.  She then asked if she could spend the night to save on hotel.  That was fine with me and she knew me well enough to that I would be spent by our session.

There are a couple of other ladies who offer me "grandfathered" rates or perhaps lunch and a session for the price of a session.

My point is that if I am truly a regular for a lady I have a certain unspoken expectation that she will offer me some flexibility versus straight menu pricing.  I also reciprocate that flexibility.  If she needs to cancel on me because of a longer engagement or a unique travel situation, I am completely all right with that.

BulgeFLL 8 Reviews 1436 reads
27 / 39

J. Marie, I have no doubt this happens, but I've never seen it.  Personal integrity is something that should carry through everything we do in life, including our "business."  If I'm basking in the afterglow of an earth-shaking experience, being nicely asked for a TER review is not a problem for me.  If there's some sort of string attached, it's not going to happen.  I'm not much to look at, but I do like to be able to look myself in the mirror in the morning.

leighanextdoor See my TER Reviews 1220 reads
28 / 39

I haven't and would not ever do this.  I feel reviews should be as unbiased as possible but that's just my opinion.  And yeah the cheaters in high school always bothered me too.  As far as this being an industry of high integrity, I can only speak for myself but in my view integrtiy is when you do the right thing even when no one is watching.  Any industry will have the good and the bad.  Just sayin.

GiaMoore See my TER Reviews 2015 reads
29 / 39

the most important in a person, company...or life,,,its your reputation!!!!! :))

JimminyCricket 3 Reviews 1202 reads
30 / 39

My viewpoint stems from a business perspective. If you are in a competitive market, you have to be competitive - cream rises to the top because it's lighter after settling. Anyone who is in any kind of competitive business has to compete better (or as well) as their top market competitors. If a provider wishes to offer incentives in order to rise to the top or stay competitive in her market, that's just a business decision she makes with a client. Whether the client accepts that or not is a whole 'nother discussion.
If I was a provider and wanted to remain competitive, I would surely do the absolute best job I could, offer my clients incentives (in whatever capacity they may be), and market the hell out of myself through satisfied customers, direct advertising and "teasers" to get new clients. That's smart business.
As a client, my own moral compass would guide me as to whether it was "worth" it to me or not to take the incentive, modify it or reject it.

It's just .02 cents, what can it hurt?


golmgo 25 Reviews 1721 reads
31 / 39

I read your post and thought to myself this guy most work in marketing and is pretty sharp. Then I checked out your 1 review and almost fell off of my chair laughing. At least you didn't get hurt or arreseted, but damn you can do so much better than that. Call up any one of these girls that contributes here on this board and you will have a much better experience.

JimminyCricket 3 Reviews 1180 reads
32 / 39

Never let discretion allow you to make foolish judgements. I'm sure you feel very superior with the number of reviews that you've submitted and that makes you feel superior to many others who haven't done the same. It does not mean they aren't knowledgeable, perhaps some of us are just a little less concerned with our ego.


golmgo 25 Reviews 1124 reads
33 / 39

It's not an ego or superiority thing, I'm just too chicken shit to TOFTT. I'm sure I'll miss out on some great diamonds in the rough, but I don't have the sack to put myself at any more risk than I'm already taking. Your review is funny. The bad breath and smells, whiskey, etc did make me laugh. Like I said, I'm glad you escaped harm. There are lots of reputable ladies here and you deserve a lot better than what you received. Hope this reads better and doesn't offend. Peace.

ddp71 21 Reviews 1466 reads
34 / 39

... because he only has one review and his experience was bad that he's inexperienced in the hobby. Lots of guys don't feel the need to write reviews unless they have something new to add or to warn others.

JimminyCricket 3 Reviews 1190 reads
35 / 39

Exactly. This isn't the old west where we have to keep score for some reason.


Posted By: ddp71
... because he only has one review and his experience was bad that he's inexperienced in the hobby. Lots of guys don't feel the need to write reviews unless they have something new to add or to warn others.

golmgo 25 Reviews 1012 reads
36 / 39
GabbyBaker See my TER Reviews 1295 reads
37 / 39

Posted By: JimminyCricket
Exactly. This isn't the old west where we have to keep score for some reason.

Posted By: ddp71
... because he only has one review and his experience was bad that he's inexperienced in the hobby. Lots of guys don't feel the need to write reviews unless they have something new to add or to warn others.

RT120 20 Reviews 997 reads
38 / 39

you totally missed his point Cin, but this "discussion" board is not where we score by points, do you just peruse all the posts to see where you can slam or dig at people?

JimminyCricket 3 Reviews 1281 reads
39 / 39

While I understand the point you're trying to make, it's really irrelevant as to how many reviews I may have done as to my point ranking. You get points from posting, not reviewing. Everyone of you started at 0 just like me - would you want to be treated badly or dismissed because you were just getting involved? My guess is that your answer is no because it really is foolish to try and ridicule people who are trying to engage.
Like reviews, I guess I'll just read and not contribute or attempt to provide input on topics since it would appear that all 7 of you 'regulars' would prefer the attention you provide each other vice actually having people contribute.
Thanks Gabby, it's good to know the local providers in my area are so friendly and accommodating.


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