
GiaQuay 295 reads


I got a PM from a provider in Tampa who is 4'9" that she wants to meet me.   I am 6'3" and 180lbs.   What do you think ladies and gentlemen?

I think it will be an amazing combo. Speaking on behalf of short girls...... Phenomenal things come in small packages ;) have fun

Plus makes your legs look better!
Most Gents seem to like more petite?
cool Question!
love this board!
hugs to all
Keri diamonds

I see many gentlemen that are shorter than me with no problems. I think you will find exciting views you would normally miss with taller ladies since your angles will be slightly different. In the heat of passion, things will fit perfectly.

Enjoy your rendezvous  

Kisses Haley

Lots of  gents shorter than me visit.Must be the tall busty blonde fantasy.I also intimidate a lot of gents because of my height.Sometimes I  put my shoes on once we get to the bed.LOLOnce they know me better ,its laa lust .

blonde in heels if the guy is short? No need to bend over to admire the twins!

I'm only around 5'9", and my date wearing stilettos is a "must have"!  For that reason I tend to see more shorter women, both in the hobby and in civie life.  That being said, some of my best dates (in both lives) have been with women taller than me, while wearing heels.  I'm confident enough where it doesn't bother me at all.  But I can't say the same for most women.  At least in the civie life won't date guys anywhere near their own height.  But that's just my experience.  Great question!

I've never have been particularly attracted to the petite or spinner type. I love tall, curvy, lots of T/A. That's Heaven for me.

I'm 5'7" and will be coming to Orlando soon and will be spending time with 2 beautiful women one who is 6' (Layla)the other 4'10"(Dahlia). What matters to me is both are incredibly sexy ladies with fantastic attitudes that make height difference non-issue.  I honestly never think about height just quality of person!!  Variety spice of life!!

-- Modified on 2/23/2017 8:20:24 PM

from around 5 feet tall to 6 feet tall.  Once you're horizontal, height makes no difference, so who cares?????


Sounds like fun ... you can pick her up and rock her world :)

Posted By: hwy2heaven
I got a PM from a provider in Tampa who is 4'9" that she wants to meet me.   I am 6'3" and 180lbs.   What do you think ladies and gentlemen?

I'm 6' and I prefer zesty ladies that are 5'6" to 5'8".  That size fits just right in one of my favorite positions.

And she weighed just 85 pounds!

When I saw her naked in bed, I felt like I was playing with about an 11 year old! I did not care for it at all.

My tallest was way out west and she was 5-10 and about 175 pounds. She was a bigger girl but not 'fat'. I'm tall and actually prefer taller ladies....... but her height is very low on my priority list........ more of a bonus if she's 5-8 or taller.

-- Modified on 2/27/2017 2:31:10 AM

and have never had an issue with taller men, in face I prefer them =)
they can usually pick me up and throw me around (in a good way)

definitely interesting to hear how that went.... Have you met her and if so how was it?

GiaQuay371 reads

Wow, with me being pretty new to all of this.

 I'm glad to see that many of the men on here do like taller women and even the curvy tall women.  
I'm also glad to see that it is other tall providers.  

i do in fact enjoy seeing shorter clients.....and tall.....haha

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