
great line eom
martythewall 36 Reviews 357 reads


Yes the Florida board sucks. Newbies get bashed. Visitors get bashed. In search of get bashed. Hell I even get bashed by private mail.  I have had providers  tell they don't post because they get blasted.  Why admin lets the blasters ruin this site is beyond me.  All of us here have not the same taste or opinions, but I wont call you out for liking a 72 year old nor should you call me out for my taste. It is so easy behind the keyboard  to be an ass. Stop with the grammar police.  Stop with the spelling police. Stop with you just do not get it!!.  let the opinions fly. Let the requests fly. Be open to all. But if you lead with a question that provokes an answer be ready for anything. MY .02

It is sad but true that the Florida board is not what it used to be.  I agree that we need to knock off the bashing and get back to enjoying the hobby.  And as far as liking 72 year olds, well I turned 72 yesterday and they still have a little life left in them.

I've only reached out on the boards a couple of times and only once been bashed.  But I CAN say that I've had some great conversations and info sharing with both reviewers and providers on the PM!!  There are a lot of great people here in Florida!!  Just a shame that the few assholes seem to get around and are much louder than them.

there alot of ppl these days that don't do the hobby. they are more into showing there azz n being rude. to the point where u think they must get there kicks from bashing others instead of meeting n having a good time.

Many of them used to be fun.  I agree, we don't need the grammar/spelling/opinion police.  I also do not understand the need so many people have to find fault with posts.  Don't they have anything better to do?  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, regardless of what it is.  We don't have to agree, but no one needs to bash someone just because they don't agree with them.

I will say this, regarding spelling and grammar, I do wish some folks would proofread their posts before posting.  If it's full of spelling mistakes or lousy grammar or riddled with punctuation mistakes, I tend to not take them as serious as I might otherwise.  It's one thing if English is not their first language, but if it is, there is no excuse in my book.  I seriously doubt that is the case in every post.  If that's too harsh, sorry, but as a former teacher, that is my opinion.  And I was not an English teacher, but I know how to spell, and use correct grammar and punctuation.


You can see by someones posts, everything about their posts... WHAT THEY ARE.
Not fully of course but, enough to get a real insight. The jagoffs who chime in with snide remarks, constantly are "outing themselves". This is actually a good thing IMO. The aliases make it difficult but, NOT REALLY IF you pay attention, the "writing style" and other similarities "give them away" ... eventually.

The folks who make constant grammatical/spelling errors IMO, were probably robbed of a decent education... NOT THEIR FAULT. Intelligence has nothing to do with education, SOME of them may be elderly, have difficulty seeing, using a "Smart phone", in a hurry...  WHO CARES???

My point is, rather than hoping the jagoffs shut up (highly unlikely as they obviously have nothing better to do) I'd like to see more nice people here get IN those threads and "smack 'em down". There's always power in numbers ;)

ps, Marty, I think you're a terrific person. Sometimes I don't understand your posts but, I understand enough of them to know how genuine you are :)

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