
beware of what????????
OrlandoSexyMan69 62 Reviews 70 reads

The bottom line is guys if you are treating the ladies with respect then you have nothing to worry about.  If you are an ass to them or are abusive then get out of the hobby.  These ladies have every right to rate you and pass on your information to each other.

If you are respecting them and see one of them and then they tell their friend about you then 1/2 the battle of getting verified is over.  Who cares if they rate you?  Why do you care if you perform at 2 or a 5.  Who cares if you are fat and ugly or a good looking dude.  These ladies have every right to talk behind your back to each other.  Hell we do.

I have no issues if two ladies talk about me.  I hope they say nice things...I respect everyone I meet in this hobby.    

As a matter of fact there is a website that the ladies use to verify that you are real and not an ass.  They do this to protect themselves...just like we use this board and others to make sure the girls are real and not LEO.

Play nice and do not sweat the small stuff.

As I always say this is a hobby that when the bedroom door closes the fantasy begins and when the door opens again we all go back to our lives.  

Guys in Orlando beware! There are these group of girls on Eros who post as independent providers but are in reality working together. They freely share your personal information with each other. They even discuss details of their clients and sessions with each other to "help" each other out. They even answer each others calls and texts impersonating the  girl you are trying to reach. The worst part is that they seem to have developed a rating system for their clients to "help" each other out. It's easy to figure out the ladies who belong to this caucus. They all share a very similar website design and post their ad on eros. Here is a list (there maybe more I missed)


If being discrete is even slightly important to you, I would highly recommend that you stay away from this group.

I figured this out when I heard vivid details/descriptions of intimate details of my encounter with one provider from another one in the group. I don't know, it maybe just me but I think it's really trashy and dangerous for providers to discuss about their clients with each other. Whatever happened to bring discrete. Is it just me or are there others who mirror my sentiment? Once again, the girls I know so far who form this group are:
Payton Carlisle  
Aliona Romanov
Sadie Valentine
Katalina Santos
Aubrey Lannister
Whitney Harper

They rate us on looks and performance. I was rated a 3 in looks and 5 in performance for an average of 4. I will have to step up my game to get on to top 100 client list. Practice

How did you know about your rating?

Chop chop, where there's a will there's a way, lol.  Wonder if they factor in age.  I'm an older guy, probably would hunger for an overall 4.  On the other hand, maybe a 4 would be welcome by them now and then, more restful.    

But discussing details in reviews is ok? I'm totally confused, don't think your "handle" hides your identity....do you understand how easy it is to get your IP address & every other piece of personal info on you guys? Maybe you should start there with your concerns. Its a must if you want to stay safe. Seriously.

Not funny dear. For me personally as a client, privacy and discretion are the two most important things in this hobby. Which is why I only share personal details with ladies i want to sirens time with (that too just enough to let them know that I am not dangerous). If these things creased to exist, I would give up this hobby without a second thought. Any provider who does not respect these two cardinal principles are doing a huge injustice/disservice to their work and the money/donation that they are getting paid for it.

One hundred percent in agreement!  Without anonymity, most other of us also are out of here.

you are talking about this site. Reviews are fiction (according to TER Review Guidelines). I know the reviews that I write are a general synopsis of what took place. Many, many details are left out for obvious reasons.  

They guys talk to each other about providers here on TER.  If I am not mistaken (not 100% sure) but I think they have a board to talk on just like the provider board.  If not they contact each other through pm, its not just the ladies.  If you think us providers do not do our homework on a guy we are going to invite into our home or our hotel room without knowing who you are, you might want to find a new hobby.  Most of the seasoned hobbyist already know this, that is why they have provider references.  What we ask each other about the hobbyist is no ones business.  That is between all providers.  Now if you have ladies like the OP who are sharing interment information with each other, that is just wrong.  I would suggest that you see more professional providers.

-- Modified on 10/31/2017 11:31:36 PM

Kelly, thank you for sharing your thoughts. Please don't get me wrong; I am all for providers screening their clients. I agree that providers need to do everything under their control to ensure their safety.  

Having said that, there is a fine line between safety and discretion. If you were to contact a client's reference in person in order to screen, I would totally respect that. But sharing reviews and personal details of clients on message boards with ratings are totally unacceptable in my opinion. Bare in mind that the clients have to reveal their true identity to the provider. However, the provider always has the option to hide behind a "persona" so to speak in order to hide their true identity. All of this is just to say that, more often than not, the reviews that providers post are based on real names, phone numbers, emails, drivers license etc. This sounds not just rude and disrespectful but also very risky if you get into trouble with LE.

Making this information public puts these providers at higher risk to be targeted by LE (because now you've alerted agencies that monitor these boards that these women keep detailed records and are working together). If your accusations are indeed true, OP, it would have been in your best interest to have gone about making this warning more discreet. Just my .02.

Well, the way I see it I am already in trouble because these ladies have some of my personal information that they have taken the liberty to freely share with each other and god knows who else! I honestly couldn't think of a more discrete way to warn others such that they don't face the same problem I am going through.

Good Answer!!! I don't know where I would rate but this kind of activity sounds like human nature and men should not be offended by it.  Could even be helpful.  In that the ladies already know their client's predilections.

I have seen a couple of the girls on that list and they are 100 percent professional and private.

The bottom line is guys if you are treating the ladies with respect then you have nothing to worry about.  If you are an ass to them or are abusive then get out of the hobby.  These ladies have every right to rate you and pass on your information to each other.

If you are respecting them and see one of them and then they tell their friend about you then 1/2 the battle of getting verified is over.  Who cares if they rate you?  Why do you care if you perform at 2 or a 5.  Who cares if you are fat and ugly or a good looking dude.  These ladies have every right to talk behind your back to each other.  Hell we do.

I have no issues if two ladies talk about me.  I hope they say nice things...I respect everyone I meet in this hobby.    

As a matter of fact there is a website that the ladies use to verify that you are real and not an ass.  They do this to protect themselves...just like we use this board and others to make sure the girls are real and not LEO.

Play nice and do not sweat the small stuff.

As I always say this is a hobby that when the bedroom door closes the fantasy begins and when the door opens again we all go back to our lives.  

"As I always say this is a hobby that when the bedroom door closes the fantasy begins and when the door opens again we all go back to our lives. " - aren't you contradicting yourself here? How can you just walk back to your normal life when your personal information is getting freely circulated to people you don't even know? The fantasy does not begin and end behind that closed door anymore if this happens.  

Anyways, to each his own. We can agree to disagree!

If your private details are being shared, that’s unfortunate. As a professional woman, it’s inpeotant for me to keep your private information, well, private.  

I do not share your name, occupation or any other self-identifying information with anyone else. Not even for references. It’s super important that we all hold ourselves to a higher standard when it comes to personal information.

I totally and one hundred percent agree with you Grace!!!

Jessica Lee, Kelly, Grace, Serina - Great to know that there are still decent ladies out there who go about doing their job professionally! Kudos for that to all of you lovely ladies. :)

I ran into a situation last year with a girl in this group (although not listed above).  She was running an ad for a same-day special.  I asked her if the deal applied to a two-hour date and she said yes.  Made plans for that evening.  She showed up and I had an envelope with the agreed upon amount waiting on the table for her.  We got started and everything seemed ok.  Finished round 1 and she excused herself to the bathroom.  Nothing unusual so far.  She was in there longer than one would expect to clean up and presumably return with a damp cloth.  Turns out she was getting dressed - after only 20 minutes.  When I asked about our agreement for a two-hour date she said she didn't know anything about it.  Her friend (one of the girls listed above) took the call.  Told her what was agreed to, and she said she could only stay for one hour - at her original price rather than her advertised special.
Otherwise, she was great; however, she lost any chance at gaining a regular customer because of the way this was handled.

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