
MiamiBoy1946 11 Reviews 330 reads

Which is why I don't even bother looking at BackPage anymore. I've even ranted about it on this forum.

alexagrey958 reads

Just wanted to let the guys in Florida know that a girl is using my photos on Backpage. This is NOT me. The number is NOT my number. The ad links to a girl's ads (Michelle Sweets) who is on P411, also has a website.  

The back page ad is linked at the bottom of this post

alexagrey488 reads

But just in case anybody was scammed by the person using my pictures (712-899-5127) who is also Michelle Sweets (719-221-9867) and www.sweetchelle.com (the ads link to one another), I am terribly sorry! I have removed my photos from EVERYWHERE and will be watermarking them with my name, AND phone number. I am so sorry to all those who fell for these tricks, my pictures were being used for quite some time apparently!!

I'm sorry this happened to you-just dismiss it that she thought you were that hot-she wanted to be you!!!!!!

A couple of years ago I got a call from my then assistant saying I know those are your feet in this B**** pictures. Pretty funny since my assistant had never actually met me but posted probably a thousand pictures of me by then. I look at ad and sure enough, I have a tiny scar on my big toe or I do not think I would have even known for sure-but BINGO you could see the scar when I zoomed in on the picture. She was using my stolen pictures on a site that I happened to be the winner of something that month. If you are going to steal something- I don't know maybe-use a girls pictures from some place else besides the SAME place you are stealing them and using them!!!!  

Watermarking will only help so much. My pictures were all copyright protected and watermarked. She cropped out body parts she wanted to use.

THE BEST and funniest part was I am white, she is black, When I hunted her ass down, I could not stop laughing, talk about bait and switch set up, at least be the same color for the poor guy coming to see a lying B*****.

Thankfully for my assistant she had caught this within a few hours I believe so no biggie. My best friend had exactly what happened to you- guys were left screwed. Another Einstein though-in her case the girl stole her pictures from her site I think but then posted an ad in my best friends home area so the issue came to light within a week or two I believe,

I think guys would either see no picture, than stolen pictures. :(

alexagrey289 reads

At least the person who stole your pictures actually cropped the photos so your watermark was out of them... this girl didn't even bother to crop the watermark of my name out of the photos first! So, she was using my name, photos and just switched up the number. That's even worse than just using my pictures. I have 30+ reviews saying I'm the girl in the photos that I use, it would get a little complicated if somebody went to see her and thought it would be me, got there and it wasn't even close, and then wrote a review saying I'm not the girl in the pictures... no thanks!!  

I literally blew up her phones, I was SOOO furious.. especially the fact that she's not just some random girl who popped up on BP, she's on p411..has a website...etc, like what the hell? Ever heard of professional courtesy!? She's also so dumb that she left her OWN personal ad with her pictures linked to the fake ad with my pictures :/  

I would have never known that she was using my pictures unless I got the text I got yesterday. Someone text me to let me know a "pregnant drug addict" was using my name and pictures to screw over guys in Florida. Ugh, some people I tell ya, just plain pathetic.

Hopefully they will remove it. This stinks that it happened but I like that you let people on your site know what's going on

alexagrey293 reads

Thankfully, they did remove the photos of me that she used in her ad. I gave them my e-mails, phone number, TER link, website, as well as links to the Backpage ads that I post myself and they took her posts down immediately. I assume they got quite a few reports on the photos because I sent all my girlfriends to report it, and had tons of people off TER report it also.

I definitely wanted to let everybody knows what was happening, because she wasn't only using my photos, she was using my name as well. A quick google search of my name and I'm sure they can find my website, as well as reviews and I don't want somebody doing a bait and switch based on the name that I've made for myself. It's so pathetic. It also made me go into a frenzy deleting all of my photos off my website and etc, so I could also add a watermark of my phone number onto them. Maybe now, if it ever happens again, guys will notice that the number on the photos doesn't match the number in the ad (I also put the watermark in a place it really can't be cropped) and they will do a little more research.

Tattoos also don't lie. I have a pretty big tattoo on my right arm, she was just trying to cover it with a little kiss mark in her photos... so weird. It's weird to think about how long she was pretending to be me and what she's done while pretending to be me. Yikes!

Which is why I don't even bother looking at BackPage anymore. I've even ranted about it on this forum.

alexagrey320 reads

I think Backpage is amazing, if it's used properly. You can't just go on Backpage, see something you like, call the girl up and then show up at her door. You definitely have to do more research to accompany the Backpage post. Look on TER, google the number, etc. If there's no reviews, run far away. Nobody wants to be that guy to TOFTT and get screwed.  

Too many girls are preying on the fact that a lot of Gentlemen who get into this hobby are new, don't really know about the review board and etc, and are just too horny that they don't want to spend the extra time doing research.

How she tried to cover the tat on your arm with a kiss. I reported it a few times this morning and thought to send the link to a few friends of mine to also report it. I am so glad Backpage listening to you and acted on it.  

Totally off the subject, you have a nice backside

alexagrey252 reads

Thanks again for reporting it.. I can't imagine how bad it would have been if something had seriously happened (a client had gotten hurt or screwed over really bad) and it all came back to my name :-(  

I've worked very hard to make a name for myself and I'd hate for some bratty little girl to screw it all up for me because she's tired of being herself and wants to pretend to be somebody else for a while. Maybe that was a little harsh, but I'm still a bit pissed about it...lol.

Thanks so much for the compliment, I definitely try to keep it looking its best with all the squats and etc I've been doing in the gym!!  

Hugs and kisses from Phoenix,

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