
Alot Alot of pills
bushyannette See my TER Reviews 437 reads

I keep getting emails everyone asking that seems like a lot of pills and what are they for. So I decided I'll just post it. There are a lot of vitamins do to cholesterol issues. Most of the pills are for high cholesterol high blood pressure depression and sleep issues

Ok yesterday I went with a close friend to the doctors for all the test results. And in a snap they went from not taking anything for there health to taking 15 pills a day.  At 43 I think that's alot of stuff n a sign your getting old.  

I have noticed over the past few yrs as I get older that there r less clients..

So here is the question. ..
How  n when did u notice you were getting old?

I keep getting emails everyone asking that seems like a lot of pills and what are they for. So I decided I'll just post it. There are a lot of vitamins do to cholesterol issues. Most of the pills are for high cholesterol high blood pressure depression and sleep issues

senior vitamin, baby aspirin (acts as a blood thinner since I had a blood clot issue about 15 years ago), B12, and glucosamine since I have arthritis in my knee. It is a bitch getting older but I still go to the fitness club 5 or 6 days a week.

Strike the word "had." Once you get a blood clot, you're forever susceptible. Be careful of airplane flights, crossing legs, etc. You know these things, I'm sure.

Keep going to the gym and take vitamins daily. I am big into fitness and it keeps you so young. Lisa Lipps in Tampa

GaGambler330 reads

Sorry Big Pharma, but I came from the generation that believed "drugs are for recreational purposes only"

I will confess to taking an occasional (and by occasional, I mean less than once a month) aspirin, but other than that I don't use drugs at all, and I plan on staying drug free (booze doesn't count) for as long as I possibly can.

Yes, I do concede that someday, if I live that long of course, I will be forced to start taking some kind of medication, but I am putting that day off for as long as I can. Fuck you Big Pharma!!!

would you like to meet for a date? Lisa 813-924-3275    I am in Tampa

Age is just a number and should not be a dictating factor in your employment.  I know plenty of providers in their 40's and 50's that look better now then they did when they first entered this profession.  And they are making more hourly as well.  While you are more than likely not attraction the 20 years old's.  For most this is a plus!  I prefer a more mature gentleman.  

The fact is that we are living longer. We have the advances in sciences and technology that is blessing us with youth on our side.  Hell, Jennifer Lopez is almost 50! Let that sink in.  

And as far as the prescriptions go...That is simple economics on big Pharma's part.  Pills are over prescribed and this is no secret.  I wonder how many of your friend's scripts could be replaced with a healthy lifestyle and herbal remedies.  Like Cannabis.  

Just my thoughts

Have a great weekend everybody


Elle Vegas

-- Modified on 1/14/2016 10:08:00 AM

15 pills per day is about right if you are taking broad spectrum vitamin and herbal supplements.  Natural remedies are preferable in most situations.  Cannabis?  Always ready to partake... :)

-- Modified on 1/16/2016 5:54:28 AM

easy changes are diet and exercise but making the commitment to do so takes willpower. Once your hooked on the pills to stay healthy they have your $$$$$. One must see the doctor regularly and blood test labs.  

Kisses Haley

... at the ripe old age of 56 I do notice some semblance of aging but feel great.  I only take one mult-vitamin a day, stay active & fit.  When meeting people I'm often mistaken for being in my 40's.

I'm 42 and I don't consider myself "old" nor do I see a decline in clients.  I strongly believe in living a healthy lifestyle, taking good care of yourself, mind, body and soul.  You will not only feel great, you'll look great as well.  Everything starts with our thoughts.  I don't "think" I'm old, I work hard to be mindful and keep positive thoughts.  My age very seldom enters my mind.

I find that most of my clients are older prefer more mature providers, and I prefer them.  There's just a certain level of life experience and maturity that the most mature youngin' can't provide.  That's not a put down to the youngin's, we've all been there.  

Don't consider yourself old and live a healthy lifestyle and you won't ever be "old".  Its all up to you and starts with your thoughts.  

There's so much good about us, put your mind on what's positive about you and realize you have a lot to offer.  No number in the world can take that away.


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