FKK Clubs

411 Dutch "FKK" Yin Yang, in Roermond Netherlands
EddyWhtwtr 4 Reviews 18413 reads

I have a biz trip coming up and will have a layover day in Amsterdam. Had thought I might try to make it over to Golden Time, but read about a club inside the Netherlands called Yin Yang, in Roermond. Sounds like a similar setup to the German FKKs, and would be easier/faster/cheaper to get to/from Roermond.

Searched this board, but little information, and all a year old or so.... Anyone have any first hand knowledge? Or reliable second hand?

... no muff too tuff.....
......... we dive at five........

Eddy -- I made a trip to Amsterdam in 2008 and can offer some suggestions:

Yin Yang in Roermond requires that you have a rental car because it is quite a ways out of the city.  From my own personal experience, the Thursday night Gangbang at the Paradise Club will blow your mind.  There are many couples who come to share and the owners bring in several "pros" to make sure all the single guys are taken care of.  If you don't mind public sex and are OK with other guys right next to you at "attention," the experience will blow your mind.  I want to say that the entrance fee was something like EUR 60.  Your layover must include a Thursday night to take advantage of this opportunity.  Otherwise, see below:

There is another club with mostly 20-something Eastern European pros a bit closer to the Rai convention Center.  I will have to go looking for the name.

There are plenty of by-the-hour brothels consisting of 34 girls all over the city.  The brothels tend to be smoky and they cost about as much per hour as a quality escort here at home.

I walked through the Red Light Districts and was completely turned off.  I lot of people simply walked through just to gawk.  I looked at it and all I could think was "human trafficking."  -- UGH!

Viagra and other ED pills can be bought over-the-counter in the sex shops near the RLD.  The Gangbang was the first and only time I have ever tried it.

And, to get in the mood, there are a couple of sex shops with live hard-core shows in a peepshow type of arrangement.  The couple slowly rotates on a circular table while being very hard-core!

There is a Dutch website ( that specializes in the Amsterdam scene.  The membership is free and I strongly suggest you sign up and start doing your research.

Amsterdam will blow your mind!

Thanks for the info. My thought was to take the train from Schiphol to Roermond. Looks like it's a two hour train ride each way for e40 round trip, plus about e10 each way for taxi. The timing is ok, I may give it a try.  

Thanks for the tip on ignatzmice. There is some good info there.

I've been to AMS before, and walked through the Wallen. I totally agree - looks really tawdry and unappealing. From everything I've read it's totally geared towards fleecing the tourists. I would much more likely visit one of the privehuis. The RLD is fun for window shopping but... no thanks.

Appreciate the response!

Posted By: Max101
Eddy -- I made a trip to Amsterdam in 2008 and can offer some suggestions:

Yin Yang in Roermond requires that you have a rental car because it is quite a ways out of the city.  From my own personal experience, the Thursday night Gangbang at the Paradise Club will blow your mind.  There are many couples who come to share and the owners bring in several "pros" to make sure all the single guys are taken care of.  If you don't mind public sex and are OK with other guys right next to you at "attention," the experience will blow your mind.  I want to say that the entrance fee was something like EUR 60.  Your layover must include a Thursday night to take advantage of this opportunity.  Otherwise, see below:

There is another club with mostly 20-something Eastern European pros a bit closer to the Rai convention Center.  I will have to go looking for the name.

There are plenty of by-the-hour brothels consisting of 34 girls all over the city.  The brothels tend to be smoky and they cost about as much per hour as a quality escort here at home.

I walked through the Red Light Districts and was completely turned off.  I lot of people simply walked through just to gawk.  I looked at it and all I could think was "human trafficking."  -- UGH!

Viagra and other ED pills can be bought over-the-counter in the sex shops near the RLD.  The Gangbang was the first and only time I have ever tried it.

And, to get in the mood, there are a couple of sex shops with live hard-core shows in a peepshow type of arrangement.  The couple slowly rotates on a circular table while being very hard-core!

There is a Dutch website ( that specializes in the Amsterdam scene.  The membership is free and I strongly suggest you sign up and start doing your research.

Amsterdam will blow your mind!

Yin Yang is easily accessible from Amsterdam. About a 2 hour train ride and a 10euro train ride from Roemond Train Station. It is an easy trip - but make sure to check the train schedule for return trains. Yin Yang itself is a very nice place - plenty of room, places to relax near the indoor pool, jacuzzi and sauna. And it is clean, friendly and well run. If the weather is good, the outdoor pool and terrace is great. The food is do it yourself upstairs - good basics. Good weather bbq outside. The talent has its ups and downs. I have been there three times. Each time there were clearly some regulars - the every day girls. And some who visit from other nearby clubs and are there only occasionally. Tastes vary, of course, so the ranking of the girls is tricky. I am a fan of young, lovely spinners who are friendly, relaxed and treat me like a girlfriend to her favorite sugar daddy. Patience is required for that at Yin Yang. I have had success with that type each visit, but it took time and patience to find them. In general, the line up is made up of 5-7's with a few 8's and an occasional 9. The girls are fair to you - not much upselling goes on. Late weekdays mid afternoon to mid evening seem to be good times to do. Friday and Saturday get loud with music and crowded with icebears, many of whom are regulars and may take a girl for two or three or four hours.

GoldenTime usually has a much better line up, but lots more upselling, rush, and hustle. It is also more difficult to get to without a car.

Go an enjoy. Stay away from Amsterdam stuff. And remember the viagra for sale is counterfeit and from India. Enough said. Get your own from your doctor before you leave.

Posted By: profsssssrr
Go an enjoy. Stay away from Amsterdam stuff. And remember the viagra for sale is counterfeit and from India. Enough said. Get your own from your doctor before you leave.
I felt like I should mention how I went about buying Vitamin V because I had read the same counterfeiting concern before my trip on Ignatzmice.  I have a friend from college who works for Pfizer and I remember getting into a conversation about what they do to identify counterfeiting (because you really can't stop it).  He explained to me the specific way that they date-stamp their products -- boxes, blister packs, and bottles -- and attach the safety seals to identify counterfeit versions.  Everyonce in a while, you will run across some misspelled words on packages or a sloppy logo.  But, these days, counterfeiters are pretty sophisticated.  I verified enough of what I remembered he said to be OK with buying and taking it.  I also had a water bottle with me that was "sweating" because of a warm & humid day.  I made sure to dampen a few of my fingers so I would hold the package with wet fingers to do the simple thing:  Check to see if the ink on the package would run.

Thanks for the response, that's really helpful. I think I will likely give it a try, I would love to go to GT (have been  before) but it just seems like too much extra hassle.

The time I will have to visit will likely be late Saturday afternoon and evening... any comments or cautions about that? Sounds like weekdays and evenings may be more enjoyable...

Curious about the term ice bear, haven't seen it before.... I assume it means some combination of loud, obnoxious, heavy drinking, white haired pot bellied locals (that's the image I'm getting anyway) but if that's not the right interpretation... clue me in?

Thanks again -

Posted By: profsssssrr
Yin Yang is easily accessible from Amsterdam. About a 2 hour train ride and a 10euro train ride from Roemond Train Station. It is an easy trip - but make sure to check the train schedule for return trains. Yin Yang itself is a very nice place - plenty of room, places to relax near the indoor pool, jacuzzi and sauna. And it is clean, friendly and well run. If the weather is good, the outdoor pool and terrace is great. The food is do it yourself upstairs - good basics. Good weather bbq outside. The talent has its ups and downs. I have been there three times. Each time there were clearly some regulars - the every day girls. And some who visit from other nearby clubs and are there only occasionally. Tastes vary, of course, so the ranking of the girls is tricky. I am a fan of young, lovely spinners who are friendly, relaxed and treat me like a girlfriend to her favorite sugar daddy. Patience is required for that at Yin Yang. I have had success with that type each visit, but it took time and patience to find them. In general, the line up is made up of 5-7's with a few 8's and an occasional 9. The girls are fair to you - not much upselling goes on. Late weekdays mid afternoon to mid evening seem to be good times to do. Friday and Saturday get loud with music and crowded with icebears, many of whom are regulars and may take a girl for two or three or four hours.

GoldenTime usually has a much better line up, but lots more upselling, rush, and hustle. It is also more difficult to get to without a car.

Go an enjoy. Stay away from Amsterdam stuff. And remember the viagra for sale is counterfeit and from India. Enough said. Get your own from your doctor before you leave.
-- Modified on 9/20/2011 8:33:40 PM

icebear10929 reads

An icebear is just a male guest of the FKK- and Saunaclubs. The nickname originates from the white robes men often wear in the clubs. It is a pretty common nickname amongst the regular German and Dutch vistors. The main Dutch messageboard about these clubs even has this nick in its name.

On YY, it isn't bad, but can't really compete with Golden Time which is just 10 miles away. The public transport option isn't too bad though (unlike GT).

I was in AMS last fall and made a day trip to Golden time by train without any problems. I took the train to Venlo (about 40 E round trip and 2 hours) and was able to pick up a cab right by the train station (10-20 E, 10 minutes each way). Five hours and 3 ladies later, I was back on the train and home to my hotel in AMS for a late dinner. I can't compare with Yin-Yang, but the quality and selection at GT was awesome and far superior to anything in AMS.

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