Erotic Humor

mother in law
artrides 10 Reviews 444 reads

A man goes to his doctor and complains that one testicle hangs lower than the other one.  That's normal, says the doctor.  Yes, he replies, but my mother in law thinks it's untidy.

A Jewish daughter says to her mother, "I'm divorcing Nathan. All he wants is sex, sex and more sex. My privates are now the size of a 50-cent piece when they used to be the size of a 5 cent piece."

Her mother says, "You're married to a multi-millionaire businessman! You live in an 8 bedroom mansion! You drive a $250,000 Ferrari! You get $2,000 a week allowance! You take 6 vacations a year and now you want to throw all that away... Over 45 cents!!!?"


Maybe you guys can relate to this..
Not me. Never had a mother in law. But according to popular culture and jokes about mother in laws.
Many men don't get along with or hate her.

But maybe he was cursing her and she got even.  
Maybe they did get along and he was asking her to please get me away from your daughter and she did.
Any more not funny, stupid "quotes" or comments.
I got nothing to say

Glad I never had a mum-in-law either being a life long single!

-- Modified on 4/1/2015 5:41:46 PM

Stud85399 reads

Look at the date of the post.  It says they were doing this on Easter, which is this coming weekend.  Has to be an April Fools joke.

In any case, here's some theme music for the funeral:

-- Modified on 4/2/2015 7:09:16 AM

A man goes to his doctor and complains that one testicle hangs lower than the other one.  That's normal, says the doctor.  Yes, he replies, but my mother in law thinks it's untidy.

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