Erotic Humor

And how about your home country Hadji?
GaGambler 96 reads

Such a sexually liberated place, isn't it?

Are you EVER going to Australia?

...but what the hell good is it going to do him if they're in separate bathtubs?

It's just like in the 60s when they couldn't show married couples sleeping in the same bed on tv.  The censors wouldn't allow it.  Same thing here, the censors wouldn't allow them to show them in the same bathtub...

In advertising they call that mission accomplished.

When I was in Finland I saw TV commercial for ultra next to bare thin condoms.    It was a 45 seconds spot and they showed the guy slip the condom, a close up shot and I could hardly see he was covered.    The last 10 seconds they showed the intercourse.    However, such commercials can only air after 10pm.

Another unrelated scenario.    In many parts of Germany during summer, it is not uncommon to see women in parks topless.    Ditto on beaches in Northern Italy.    They love to take them off.    In US, they will arrest the women for indecent exposure in public!

This  country is screwed up with religious nuts.    

Such a sexually liberated place, isn't it?

Are you EVER going to Australia?

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