Erotic Humor

american government lesson
BonerBoyTheDatyLover 14981 reads

One day this 5 year old little boy asked his dad to explain the government to him. So the dad said, "Okay, son I'll explain it the best way I can. See, me I'm like the government, because everything has to come through me in order for this house to work smoothly. Your mother, she's like the people because she has some say so, but I can override it. The maid is the working class because she works for us, and your baby brother is the future." Well, needless to say the little boy was very confused. That night when he went to bed he happened to wake up because he heard his little brother crying. He went to his parents room to get his mom but when he opened the door, she was asleep, and his dad wasn't there. So, he went to get the maid but when he opened her door he saw his dad and the maid screwing. So he decided that he was going to check on his brother himself. He looked at him and opened his diaper to find that it was full of shit.

The next morning  he went up to his dad and said, "Dad I think I understand the government." His dad said, "Oh, really, tell me." So the little boy said, "While the people is sleeping the government is busy screwing the working class, and the future, it's full of shit!"

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