Erotic Humor

A Primer?
CENZO1 162 Reviews 375 reads

A guy had been eyeing an attractive young gal in a bar all evening. Finally he went over and they got engaged in a lengthy conversation which ultimately resulted in a lot of flirting. At this point the guy suggested that they go over to his nearby apartment. The gal was slightly hesitant but agreed to do so.
When they got to the door of the apartment, the gal said “You know, I can tell how a man makes love just by the way he unlocks a door.” The man stood puzzled as the gal continued “You see, if a man just quickly and forcefully inserts the key into the lock, that means he’s into rough sex and that just isn’t my thing.” “On the other hand,”she continued “If he fumbles around and has difficulty finding the keyhole, then I know he’s inexperienced and that also isn’t my thing.”
At this point the guy took his key out of his pocket, got down on a knee, licked the keyhole and smoothly inserted the key.

Well, that’s the end (or the beginning) of the story. It doesn’t take much to figure out the rest. But hey, perhaps this could be considered a primer on seduction. LOL!

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