Erotic Humor

A Goose
stevelll 12156 reads

If a male geese is a goose and a male mule is an ass and a male sheep is a ram, why is it tht a ram in the ass is a goose??????

A male goose is a gander.  Mules come in both male and female, but are sterile.   A mule is a cross between a Jack (male donkey) and a mare.

-- Modified on 9/1/2003 12:17:23 PM

-- Modified on 9/1/2003 12:20:58 PM

Also an ass is not a mule. Ass is another name for donkey as is burro. Don't facts is mess up jokes.

Purity Shapiro11811 reads

-- Modified on 9/3/2003 6:35:21 PM

Purity Shapiro8841 reads

And the words burro and burrow are the source of the phrase "He's so bumb he doesn't know an ass from a hole in the ground".

Like I said, useless trivia.

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