
Time to rattle some cages.... :-)
Staff 37777 reads

Up until this point TER has market itself strongly on the east and west coast.  I would like to now really start concentrating our efforts on TEXAS and the surrounding areas.

What would you guys suggest is the BEST ways to "get the word out" about TER in Texas?  What are the good weekly newspapers?  What are the good websites ya'll use here that would be good for us to purchase banners on?  Any other suggestions?

Thanks guys... It's time to rattle some cages :-)

-- Staff

Txbornbred35768 reads

1.  Put an ad in the Reader which is a local giveaway of high quality.  $90 will get you an ad that will reach independents, agencies, spas & everyone who reads.  This is THE free local paper.
2.  Put an ad in AS Quest.  Phone number is hard to get so if you can get a magazine (glossy 4 color) from one of the men's clubs, you will find it in the front.  3 big clubs there are The Men's Club, Rick's Cabaret and St. James.  Maybe some kind person at the door would give you the information if you talked to them sweetly.  (am not there for a month so can't help you right now)  
These two suggestions are your best sure bets.
This has been so long in coming from you, TER, that all we can say is FINALLY you started a good board for Texas.  Thanks again.

Staff37431 reads

Is there more to the name.. ie Dallas Reader?  Anyone have contact info on either of these?  thanks!

-- Staff

If they will sell you some space you might want to try the worldsexguide in general.  Up until recently that was the onlysite I knew about so I was stuck with the crappy info they have over there.  Boy am I glad I found this site!

aspd.net is the most popular Web site of its kind in Texas.  Perhaps a banner ad on their would be useful.  Most of the reviews on aspd are useless since they're written to please the providers.  Many gentleman would welcome a site where there was a better exchange of informaton.

BigLouie35201 reads

I see where most of your reviews are in Dallas and in the Dallas section of ASPD the reviews are a bit tame. However in the Houston section it is for the most part as raw as sushi.

GunsnTexas33440 reads

You act surprised?  Are you not taking the temperature of your own group?

BigLouie31016 reads

One seems to be ripping the other board because the reviews are too tame and the other seems to objecting to the "raw as sushi" description. So make up your mind. What is your preference.

And I am not surprised. I just pointed out that on the other board Dallas is pretty tame and Houston is pretty wild. The person who said the reviews seem to be written to please the provider post in the Dallas section and his reaction is understandable.  I have found the tone of the reviews vary from city to city.

I'am a TER member AND an ASPD member. I'am not going to compare review boards here, but when I write a review, I don't care WHAT the provider thinks about what I have to write.
Reviews are for the hobbyist, and the hobbyist only.

It all relates to the business end of the hobby.If I get bad service,then it's brought out in my review,regardless of what board I choose to post too.

I don't write reviews to cater to providers,they are PAID to cater to ME.

GunsnTexas33259 reads

phone number of AS Quest if possible.  May take me a little time, tho.
I WILL try for you, tho.
Thanks for being the best board in the country!


The Paladin32228 reads

The reviews in Houston ASPD are not written to please providers, the draw back though is that if someone there does write a BS review (either good or Bad) of a lady it gets posted and usually stays.

Here if it is obiviously BS from what I have been told and read it won't get posted or it will get pulled shortly after the BS starts to smell.

BigLouie33077 reads

Texas is dominated by another discussion board. It is extremely diverse and is broken down not just by city but discussion topics. Honestly it is going to be tough putting a dent into their domination. For example go see how totally dead the Texas sections of TBD are.

However TER does have a great reputation for the quantity of reviews.

In Houston the Houston Press, a free newspaper, Quest and Rated21, two free magazines are the best as far as getting the word out.

Txbornbred34125 reads

Click on classifieds at the bottom of the page then click on Adult Services.  EZ.

And Texas is dominated by another discussion board that many, many people are dissatisfied with.  Nuff said.

moreandagain35602 reads

TER has started a Texas board.
Too many are tired of the unethical b.s. with that other board.  
Or-as it is called--"He who has the Gold, makes the Rules."
Many of the members think if they want they can break a spa, an agency, an independent and, now, another board (TER).  
They live in a fantasy world of thinking way too highly of themselves, and it is good they do because the rest of the population thinks they are just a total joke. Don't let these board members from that other board try to discourage TER from doing their board.  You are, in their minds, stepping on their little turf with their "well respected member of the board" crap.  It's a whoreboard of the lowest kind there.  Wake up and get real for once.
And quit trying to discourage other boards especially one of the calibre of TER.

Staff33453 reads

Sounds like we are going to have some fun boys.... :-)

BigLouie29923 reads

There is another board that some seem to object to. However it IS a large diverse board with a good many advertisers and posters. It has reached the size where it has become a dominate force in the state and a presence in the industry, LIKE IT OR NOT.

No amount of bitching, complaining and name calling will change the facts.

Do not equate emotion and business. You may have an emotional response about the board but don't overlook them as a viable, ongoing business concern. You may not like Wal-Mart but they sure ain't going anyway any time soon, neither is the other board.

What is your major malfunction?
You sound like an ex-ASPD member who got BANNED for whatever reason and you have an axe to grind.

You are obviously nothing more than a TROLL who has nothing better to do than to start SHIT as you hide behind a FUCKING ALIAS like a PUSSY.
If you have something to say, come out from behind your security blanket and be a MAN.
If you can't do that, You should crawl back under what ever rock you slithered from and GO FUCK YOURSELF.

haveinfo.31491 reads

After giving this some thought, realize that the only place you can put a billboard is Eros as it is THE only place, really, for the ladies in Dallas and Houston (the main provider cities) to advertise themselves.  Guys look there, ladies look there.  That is your place for a billboard.
You know I and all the rest of us here wish you the best in this venture.  You are the best!

ryry30668 reads

The Dallas Observer would be a great place to advertise, its a free weekly newspaper that covers every aspect of city life with the true interest of the Dallas residents at heart.

The Paladin35166 reads

Texas is a huge state, and some of the biggest business is in the Spas in Houston. The bulk of the advertising dollars are spent on and in Spas in Houston on the Popular board in Houston. Not giving VIP credit for all of that business is a big draw back. Spas in Houston and in Texas have a pretty large presence on the internet so the old adage of them not having that presence is not a real strong argument for not giving the VIP credit for them.

On the other hand if you start giving the Texans credit for the Spa reviews people elsewhere will complain. I can't think of a way to address that....yet.

What you might do is change the rule to giving credit for those places that do have an internet presence and not excluding spas as a category any longer.

It's a discussion I have had with Staff in the past. To myself, there is no difference between Julie's in NYC and the Escape chain, yet the former is eligible for VIP credit and not the latter. I have had reviews from two Toronto spas (generally FBSM with some extras, but no intercourse) get both credit and no credit.

While I'm sure Staff has his reasons, it would build traffic faster if VIP credit were given. Moroever, the spa scene is a longstanding tradition in Houston, and to my mind, should be given greater respect.

It's been my experience when you give Staff the right information, he will do the right thing. so, don't be shy in expressing your opinions here. Personally, I wouldn't mind reading exploits of the Escape rank and file. It may give my layovers at IAH a totally new meaning :).

Nice handle BTW ;) I have a gun and travel quite a bit myself.


Cruise other boards and mediums with a Texas Presence and target the ladies reviewed as well as advertising and email them inviting them to advertise to this community..... Encourage them to encourage their clients to review them here as well.....

Do member searches as well and look for Hobbyists you want and encourage them to do the same......

I'm a member of the other board as well and know many ladies that knew nothing of review boards before I pointed them there and I'm sure this board is foriegn to them as well.

Do a membership drive offering some incentive for "coming over" and bringing friends along.....

There need be no animosity between the two boards.  I think a competative presence actually stimulates growth for all......

It's the biggest state in the union ( Alaska?  I don't count them) and a LARGE Hobby presence.....

Texas is hospitable... There is room for all....

Those that stated that the other board dominates Texas are pretty accurate... I hobby in 3 states more than others, Florida, California and Texas.......    I use three different boards for each area.........  TER is my choice for California

i know that one of my clients didnt feel comfortable posting a review on TER because he had to show his email address and he didn't see an option to hide it.  I know you can use yahoo, ect, but that was the feedback i got..

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