
Re:Fake Reviews
AFantasy 46 Reviews 13606 reads

Thanks Kosher for your side of the story. I always felt that there was more to it than meets the eye. PM me.


If you are going to EVER write a fake review again, please consider something first

The lady you are 'reviewing' has a life, to you this is a hobby, to her it is a life. There is another board with green background if you wish to play those games. I was heartbroken to see how someone from another board in a high postion of trust ( about to end and I will personally lobby for such) possible came over here directly or indirectly and ripped in to a lady when they never saw her. They fabricated lies that were impossible to have happened and seemed to have ' information' that only someone on the inside would now. This is wrong, ladies have children and bills to pay, lets try to keep that in mind.

I am very grateful as an honest poster, though I do have a bad mouth, that the moderators answered my request to remove to review and hopefully they will fully investigate the poster and his IP. I studied his history of reviews and he also wrote a negative review of another lady, also banned on another board. This is a SICK pattern and disgusting. I hope action is taken against the poster, what he did is pure harrasment, lying, and an evil attempt to destroy a woman's business all because she won't play ball HIS way and threatens the income of ladies who give him favors. Those days are about to end.

Think before you blast a lady next time, and if you write a bad review do so nicely and more importantly make sure you actually saw her.

Things are about to happen in Austin, the men will decide which women can and can not post, not the moderators, look for some big changes and some major traffic patterns developing over here and wherever else posters will be able to go and be honest and ladies will not be strongarmed.

Thanks for your time


I read the review I think you are referring to that was taken down. The particular provider had outstanding reviews and yet the most recent reviewer accused her of some horrible things, among other things, having someone else write fake positive reviews. My question is who do you trust? How do you know which review to believe? I was actually considering going to this particular provider but now, I have to admit, I'm a little hesistant. If this reviewer was fake, what was his motive for picking on this particular provider?

Just follow this trend. Banned on another board, than bad review is posted here. What this board is about to find out is that Austin has many option in ladies that do not ' fit in to the master plans of others' and many ladies will do WHATEVER it takes to destroy and decieve as well as men. Fake reviews can be written by 1) posters who are loyal to OTHER ladies who use their pussy whipped minds to support a lie, 2) by a woman herself who doesnt want other ladies to survive or 3) Moderators supporting a wrong decision by either directly or indirectly appearing to be a client.

The Spring review slipped me, this reviewer wrote 4, now 3 reviews all together, Spring looks like another flame too. Fake reviewers often call themselves out, if MarbleMan had actually seen Spring, he would not have taken the chance on Stella, not with all the ' bad talk' about her on ASPD. He claims he didnt know of ASPD, yet ladies say he is a regular of theirs,if he truly saw Spring too than his regular ladies who ARE on ASPD would have warned him in Stella. Discrepencies my friends are how you find out who to trust. Read between ALL the lines. A guy who writes a fake review shouldnt sound angry and vicious and give a girl a 2-4 on looks even IF her service was bad. Trash her service IF you saw her, but at least fuckin lie and give her a 7-10 on looks so the review looks real. I will be asking the mods to review ALL of his reviews now since others have pointed out to me they think he is fake in private as well. I also think anyone over here from ASPD who is too scared to use their ASPD handle should no longer be. KosherCowboy will be here to back you up, do not be scared to cross participate, the only reason you won't is fear of those MODS, their tenure is coming to an end folks, get with the game, the rules are changing, play fair or get lost.

Trust your brothers who have hobbied 18 years, trust your common sense and trust the Moderators when they remove a review, that is all you need to know, THEY removed it, not me, its called taking out the trash and making a a board legit, a concept lost many years ago somewhere else.

We all know I am banned on ASPD, we all know it is political, too many people whose hands are so deep in the cookie jar are afraid of truth, truth my fellow ladies and gentleman WILL prevail and those who have wronged us, lied to us, bullshitted us, its over. I know god dam well that MarbleMan is fully aware of what was said on ASPD ( even  though it was a lie) before he wrote the review here, he lied, period.

You answered your own question, whenever a reviewer writes a fake review, and goes so far as to attempt to DISCREDIT good reviews on ANOTHER board as well as here, you have your answer. Its called a pre-emptive attemp to justify their own lie.

What they are effectively saying is ' I know you all will not believe this so to add legitimacy to my lie, I am going to attempt to downplay several good reviews'

This is a fake review in my mind, the TER mods would not have taken it down if they felt it legit, I know it slipped through the cracks. I hope they re-read his other reviews now.

As I told the TER mods privately, I am KosherCowboy here, on TBD, on ASPD and anywhere else I post. I am legit, I have nothing to hide, I speak the truth and will never hide under a disguised handle nor will I ever write a fake review.  

I have, always have had, and always will have integrity, a dirty sexual mouth yes, but I am honest, no one has EVER doubted that.  

Unfortuntaly, corruption fears honesty, as a result I have asked ASPD NOT to re-instate me until we mutually feel we can work together, KosherCowboy does not want to go back there, because KosherCowboy believes in honesty, integrity, and equal opportuinty for all ladies in this hobby to advertise and he believs supply and demand should decide who stays and who goes, not fake handles, not moderators, and certainly not ladies posting as men or using white knights to do their dirty work.

I, KosherCowboy, have integrity, and it is NOT for sale, I had over 30-40 reviews on that board that were all legit and drew between 15-30 replies each, they speak for themself.

Consistancy folks, look for consistancy in reviewers reviews, and trust will never be in doubt

For any of you who read MarbleMans review that was deleted you would have noticed how he specifically said ' I bet Stella will be beggin to have this taken down', yet another slip up of theirs because they themsleves doubted their own lie. By doing that he created true doubt in the reader's mind becasue you know what, he knew he was guilty on lying. It took me less than a seckond to report the review.

Happy hobbying and best of luck


Thanks Kosher for your side of the story. I always felt that there was more to it than meets the eye. PM me.

Txbornbred11003 reads

Are you fellow Houstonians just now waking up to that?  Get real as the "board" bans anyone who sees thru their game, keeps honest folk off the boards (the ladies, spas/agencies, and some of us gents), and has long done the unethical like badmouthing those who won't go along with their program.  
A bunch of us ex-mods quit posting when we met that horrid woman who runs the board...talk about a "God" complex!  Guess this is what you get when you put someone in charge who has no managerial experience (nor any kindness and consideration for her fellow man)--just one of those people who genuinely enjoys being mean to be mean, if you get the drift.    
Thank God that group is losing ground and dying on the vine.  What a total bunch of creeps.
Too bad it took people too long to catch on to their game.  

KorbinDallas11642 reads

I have not found one board, TER included, that did not have it's share of fake reviews and fake information.  I do not feel that anyone board is any better or worse in this area. All are about the same.

Txbornbred11326 reads

If you don't pay what's her name?  Amber, the fat-mean girl, who runs ASPD, then you don't get mentioned positively on her board.  You only get negative comments.  How do I know this?  ATF happened to.  
My point is:  everyone felt this particular board was so fair and honest!  Are all my fellow HOustonians that blind or that much of a sheep they follow the crowd all the time?  Have heard it said that we are very "clannish" bunch...but so were the Germans in WWII.  Doesn't look very good for us.
Doesn't matter as ASPD is over, anyway.
Stick with TER.

KorbinDallas13428 reads

IMHO the reviews of ASPD are more true than what I have found on TER.

Everyone has been predicting the death of ASPD almost since the day it started, it is still up. While I am no fan of Amber I am at least honest about the staying power of ASPD.

By the way TER has it's own horror stories about it's owners, moderators.

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