
Re: I don't book in advance very often, usually same day or one days notice at most
davincib1 86 Reviews 384 reads

Thanks for your advice, just trying to navigate this thing.  I guess there is a happy medium in there somewhere.  I suppose I assumed that since it was through P411, it was more of a sure thing, also I wanted to ensure that the ladies would be in city around the time of my visit.  I guess it is a case by case, some ladies prefer pre booking in advance and won't do same day appointment while others to include the ladies I saw responded right away and I saw them within hours of initial contact.

I recently visited family here in Dallas and I had set up a couple of sessions weeks in advance, through P411.  Everything was a go until the 1st provider had some story about being at the mechanic's shop all day and then accidentally texting me that she was at my location (mixing up her appointments).  The 2nd provider who I also had contact 2 weeks in advance, forgot who I was and after I resent my appointment request and booked for the next day, apparently more busy than advertised, left me waiting at a location for a response for over an hour.  I eventually scrapped trying to see those two and ended up meeting a couple of ladies that rocked my world, so in the end I had a good trip, but nonetheless I guess you can say I "settled" but it ended up working out well.  Does this happen a lot with Dallas girls???

GaGambler441 reads

So I might not be the "go to" guy on this subject, but I haven't heard of Dallas being any worse in this regards than any other city. It does suck, but as you found out, you can do quite well here in Dallas on short notice, and that can not be said about every other city out there.

It has been my experience that in all cities, as evidenced by the countless threads on the subject on GD, the guys who book the furthest in advance seem to be the guys who are endlessly disappointed while guys like me who book appointments in the morning to see a woman that very afternoon are rarely subjected to the irritating and inevitable cancellations that you guys seem to encounter as such a large percentage of your scheduled dates.

Maybe guys like me are the ones doing it right after all?

Thanks for your advice, just trying to navigate this thing.  I guess there is a happy medium in there somewhere.  I suppose I assumed that since it was through P411, it was more of a sure thing, also I wanted to ensure that the ladies would be in city around the time of my visit.  I guess it is a case by case, some ladies prefer pre booking in advance and won't do same day appointment while others to include the ladies I saw responded right away and I saw them within hours of initial contact.

never accept same day / short notice requests. Sorry but personal obligations, real world career  and general life outside of the hobby are more important than demands for instant gratification.  

Last minute doesn't work out for me, at all, ever. I have too many other things to juggle and manage around. Family, college, career, an actual life, etc.  

Someone can book me as far as a month in advance but details should be worked out within the upcoming couple of weeks or few days. It takes more than just sending a request to a lady. She needs time to check the personal info and references.  

Answers to reference checks are commonly delayed or no response so be prepared if the lady lets you know about it and puts the ball back in your court to handle the issue. Alternate methods of screening might be necessary.  

Also keep in mind, references are not about verification -- they just mean the lady managed to survive the encounter. I won't blindly trust an unknown person's word in lieu of actually checking viable resources for info.  

P411 is constantly misused. OK's are not black & white. There is plenty of room for grey areas. What's alright in session for one lady, could be a nightmare for another lady. Unless they reach out to each other for clarification, any kind of important details aren't known.  

The service really wasn't meant for instant connections; instead, it was supposed to streamline things for a smoother ride along the way. Even Gina, the business owner, will clearly tell you that.  

Anyhoo ... thanks for the discussion.  



GaGambler340 reads

but I have been doing this since before most of you ladies were born and I have booked literally hundreds of appointments through P 411 and trust me, even if there are many women like yourself who won't book short notice appointments, there are hundreds more, right here in Dallas that will.  

Lets just agree that your way works for you and my way works for me, but that I speak from the guys POV while you speak from the lady's.  

Lastly, P 411 might not have been created to make for instant connections, but their "available now" feature was most definitely created for that express purpose.

Posted By: GaGambler
but I have been doing this since before most of you ladies were born and I have booked literally hundreds of appointments through P 411 and trust me, even if there are many women like yourself who won't book short notice appointments, there are hundreds more, right here in Dallas that will.  
 Lets just agree that your way works for you and my way works for me, but that I speak from the guys POV while you speak from the lady's.  
 Lastly, P 411 might not have been created to make for instant connections, but their "available now" feature was most definitely created for that express purpose.
You have too much time on your hands since you're bragging about how long you've been busy in & out of the sheets and to quibble over opinions (obviously, everyone has them). It has nothing to do with those. It has everything to do with how people choose to interact with each other.  

As for P411 & "available now", it's abused often. The ladies will copy & paste one of their standard ads, post it and let the widget do the work for them. When the timer runs out, it automatically shuts off.  

It's not any different than the very same feature Eros has -- I enable it all the time and walk away, then find all kinds of goodies in my email to pick from.  

Either way, it's advertising

GaGambler318 reads

and based on my own experience, I have booked a couple of hundred appointments through P 411 right here in Dallas, none of them more than a day or so in advance and have been thrilled with the results. Not to mention, my incidence of NCNS and other cancellations has been minuscule compared to the average guy who books days or even weeks in advance.

I am hardly trying to tell you to change the way YOU do business, I am sure your way works just fine for you, but it's hardly the only way to do things.

Posted By: GaGambler
and based on my own experience, I have booked a couple of hundred appointments through P 411 right here in Dallas,
This isn't meant to come across as harsh but why do you feel the need to repeatedly tell everyone how many ladies you've slept with? It's TMI and proves nothing, except to you.  
Posted By: GaGambler
none of them more than a day or so in advance and have been thrilled with the results. Not to mention, my incidence of NCNS and other cancellations has been minuscule compared to the average guy who books days or even weeks in advance.
Great! Glad the results work well for you. However, it isn't the only way to do things, as you've stated previously.  

Not all of the men have the same issues as others do of NCNS and cancellations. One of the men to reply in this thread says he prefers to book in advance and keeps communications open leading up to the calendar date & time of the session. As a result, he encounters very few problems.  

By looking at both ways (yours & his), either are fine, depending on who you make reservations with, the means of communications, sorting through the details and staying in touch.  

Posted By: GaGambler
I am hardly trying to tell you to change the way YOU do business, I am sure your way works just fine for you, but it's hardly the only way to do things.
Nice. I'm very well aware of that ... have been for a very long time without any major issues. NSNC & cancellations are minimal.  

In my experience, it has been the men who weren't paying attention to the details or didn't have everything lined out beforehand.  

Some of the women can be at fault too; However, I don't fall into the same category as those who are guilty of it.  

Seriously though, everyone has the ability to take care of themselves.  

I've said more than enough -- I'm done with this thread.  

À votre santé!  :

GaGambler318 reads

Your "advice" of course is quite self serving as you want guys to do business the way that YOU do business and to recommend they do it another way would be akin to telling them to take their business somewhere else. I will admit my advice could be taken as a bit self serving as well as I would prefer all hookers do business the way I prefer. The difference of course is that I was answering an OP that was made by a john, not a hooker and I gave the johns perspective.

The reason I mentioned how many appointments I have booked on P411 should be evident, anecdotal observations are only relevant if there is a certain minimum sample size. If I had given this same advice, but I had only booked a couple of sessions this way, your argument would have been "you have only booked two session, WTF do you know about how this works?"  

Lastly, the OP was written by a guy who did it "your way" and had horrible results, he then did it "my way" (not that his actions had anything to do with me) and was quite satisfied with the results he got. I am sorry you got your panties all in a wad, but blame the women who stood him up and quit trying to blame the messenger.

I will never consider a last minute request (I require at least a day's notice), as like Shea, I have a career, a life, and don't sit around all day 'hoping' someone will contact me for an appointment. Not only do I need sufficient time to screen/verify references, I also need time to prepare for our date. I can not provide the high level of service that is expected of me if i am stressed and rushing around to accommodate a last minute request. I also find the quality of clientele (see posting below) is vastly different between those who prepare in advance, v.s. those with the "I WANT IT NOW" requests.

Of course, this is what works for me, and I would say that most of the more 'established' companions have the same policies.  Yes, there are always going to be a plethora of ladies that are AVAILABLE NOW, but you may have to 'settle' for someone that is a little less on your 'provider hotness scale'

Posted By: GaGambler
Your "advice" of course is quite self serving as you want guys to do business the way that YOU do business and to recommend they do it another way would be akin to telling them to take their business somewhere else. I will admit my advice could be taken as a bit self serving as well as I would prefer all hookers do business the way I prefer. The difference of course is that I was answering an OP that was made by a john, not a hooker and I gave the johns perspective.  
 The reason I mentioned how many appointments I have booked on P411 should be evident, anecdotal observations are only relevant if there is a certain minimum sample size. If I had given this same advice, but I had only booked a couple of sessions this way, your argument would have been "you have only booked two session, WTF do you know about how this works?"  
 Lastly, the OP was written by a guy who did it "your way" and had horrible results, he then did it "my way" (not that his actions had anything to do with me) and was quite satisfied with the results he got. I am sorry you got your panties all in a wad, but blame the women who stood him up and quit trying to blame the messenger.

GaGambler305 reads

I have no problem calling Tuesday and setting something up for Wednesday. OTOH, it's virtually impossible for me to make an appointment three weeks out as often I don't even know what country or time zone I am likely to be in three weeks, much less know if I am going to be free between the hours of 2-4PM  on May 3rd to get laid.  

There are a handful of ladies I have found high enough on my "hotness" scale where I have contacted them, told them to prescreen me and then we take potluck on getting our schedules to mesh. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't, but it beats me getting a reputation as a last minute canceller as I simply can not commit to being somewhere more than a day or two out with any degree of certainty.  

BTW, it's very rare I have to "settle" for a woman I don't find attractive, I have found no correlation between being available on short notice and being hot. Although most of the so called "high end" providers would like us to believe it's so.

You can call me anytime with an hour notice, if you like what you see..

For me, both methods work just fine.

I prefer bookings a day in advance.  I'm not against gents who plan things weeks in advance as I have no problem keeping track.  But, if I'm in a city and not a lot is going on, I'm more than happy to hop on the "Available Now" thread and see what shakes out of the tree.

There is no one right way to hobby.

Since I've been in the hobby (for several years now), I've always booked in advanced.  Typically 2 - 3 weeks in advance.  Primarily to better my odds of getting the date/time that I want.  With the exception of one incident, the dates have pretty much been on time and on the date requested.  Also, I should mention that I don't schedule 1 hour sessions.  I schedule multi-hour sessions.  Even on the first time meeting a new provider.  So perhaps that increases my odds of the provider following through with the requested date and time.  Just a guess.  

Lastly, I also make it a point to stay in communication with the provider to confirm that the get together is still "a go".

My .02

I always book appointments in advance because I don't like last minute appointments. I find most ladies that I see are very professional and the appreciate a guy who gives them some advanced notice.  It helps them with their schedule and you get an opportunity to hopefully establish some rapport prior to your date. Planning is the only way to ensire mutual compatibility.  

Last minute appointments are nothing but booty calls (in my opinion) and I question someone who runs out to see someone quickly with out vetting them. Now, not all last minute appointments are bad because sometimes you get the urge, but I think you catch my drift.  Book in advance.

Sorry I missed this thread. Finally got a good one goin here! You go Big D!!


That really sucks that someone kept you waiting for an hour, and then someone else mixed you up with another gent.

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