
Dallas Forumsregular_smile
HaydenHightower See my TER Reviews 242 reads

Agreed! I do not participate on the other 2 popular Dallas forums.....the members are definitely not my cup of tea! I would love for this forum to take off with both providers and gentlemen participating in intelligent, respectful discussions...

It's sad the Dallas board was always so quiet we should  change that.

Agreed! I do not participate on the other 2 popular Dallas forums.....the members are definitely not my cup of tea! I would love for this forum to take off with both providers and gentlemen participating in intelligent, respectful discussions...

GaGambler256 reads

but not your optimism. For some reason TER has never taken off in the mid continent region although IMO it's a superior site in every way.

I would even promise to be "intelligent and respectful" if the board were to become active.

Ok, I will promise to be as intelligent as respectful as I am capable of being, I can't promise to do more than I am capable of doing. lol

You have always been polite, and I appreciate your continuous attempts to keep conversations flowing on this board :)

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: I share your wish
but not your optimism. For some reason TER has never taken off in the mid continent region although IMO it's a superior site in every way.  
 I would even promise to be "intelligent and respectful" if the board were to become active.  
 Ok, I will promise to be as intelligent as respectful as I am capable of being, I can't promise to do more than I am capable of doing. lol

OMG he is a hot mess! Would LOVE to share his crazy emails with you. He never contacted me on TER to verify his handle

GaGambler252 reads

But knowing Mikey, he'll probably share them with me himself assuming I get down to the "Big D" this week.  

I am sure whatever he did, It made sense to him at the time. Not to anyone else I am sure, but I'm sure it made sense to him. lol

Honestly, I would rather this board remain quiet than have the people from that board or it's twin, invade TER.  I don't want those type of providers or clients over here, creating a negative atmosphere. 'Quality over quantity'

Posted By: BuxomBustyGina
Re: Would be so nice if we can get TER to take off in Dallas  
Just maybe with no adds on ickey it will .

GaGambler275 reads

Way before they changed their name several years back.  

Let me put it this way. I have "maybe" fifty total posts on that site, most of them trying to get the real facts out when "Best  Thai Star" agency got busted several years ago and there was a lot of misinformation being spread around. Compare that with my participation here on TER, I think I have about FIFTY THOUSAND posts here on TER. lol

Yes, I share your hopes and your concerns about who might be attracted to this board in the  future.

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