Chicago Buzz

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SavannahRain1 See my TER Reviews 582 reads

Let's explore some hidden desires together shall we? I'm feeling particularly naughty and energetic this week.  (And that says something)

I will be downtown Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (22nd, 24th and 25th)
And a rare SATURDAY and SUNDAY downtown as well (26th, 27th)  

And at O'hare Wednesday (23rd)  

There's only so much yoga I can do.... I need another type of workout. Help a girl out. Your philanthropic nature will not go unrewarded. ;)

Have you checked out my tumblr blog yet? Satisfy those voyeuristic desires....
Trigger warning: There might be a surprise selfie up there so don't click on it unless you're ok with your pants becoming a little tight.  

Please visit my web site for booking details  

-- Modified on 7/21/2014 5:14:03 PM

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