
Yes. Some of them are quite sneaky.
DopeMan 813 reads
1 / 15

I'm curious as to how others feel about seeing a provider who is an addict (420 doesn't count....).  Now I know there are lots of providers who are addicts out there.  BP and CL are LOADED with them.  That said, would it deter you of you discovered the HIGH end provider you are seeing is a junky?  One of my ATF's used to be a heroine junky, real bad, but went to rehab and kicked the habit.  I refused to see her when on the smack.  But I've come to discover she is now a crackhead, and I find it hard to go back, even though she is/was an ATF.  It's a shame as she was a smart girl, and I can't help but think if she is making these terrible life choices, what other poor life choices could she be making that might affect me indirectly....

HangingwithBears 658 reads
2 / 15

Beyond the fact that they're high and unpredictable, should you get busted by LE, the misdemeanor charge becomes felony drug possession. LE won't care who's doing the drugs, they'll find it in the room and you're both busted on drug charges.

Don't want to be around that shit.

uri410 15 Reviews 694 reads
3 / 15

If she gets popped for buying dope or some other stupid shit out there, she can be easily flipped to lure YOU to come "see her" and now you and 6 other Johns are now on CPD website for soliciting.  

Drugs are bad mm'ka

seeker000 24 Reviews 398 reads
4 / 15
HarryWotton 11 Reviews 485 reads
5 / 15

I don't know how many of you guys had the same issues I did when I started this sport a long time ago, but this little bitty question came across my head:  "am I taking advantage of another human being?"    After struggling with that question my conclusion was that I want to be with women who are doing this from a position of strength.   Sure, we all have to make a living and to a certain extent some occupation is forced upon us if we want to feed ourselves, but I view this profession as being just as respectable, if not more respectable than many, due to the sheer honesty of it.   If a lady decides to make her living this way because it maximizes her potential in some way, I think it is great, particularly since plenty of women give this away for free.

If drugs are involved, I don't know whether the lady is doing this willingly, because addiction is such a powerful force, not to mention that it introduces something quite nasty, at least for me, and that is the idea that my pursuit of pleasure is enabling somebody with their destruction.   Then there is the specter that a perfectly nice human being may acquire quite the personality when they are high, so no thanks - I grew up around drugs, I saw what they can do to a person and I don't want any part of that drama.  

Of course, even with the best of intentions sometimes the shit hits the fan.   This past week, I had the displeasure of encountering someone who is trying to give up hard drugs.   The first four hours were great, I had no idea about the issues, and then before I knew it we were getting dressed going down to another room to meet her two friends and their trick who happened to be doing lines.   I spent the rest of the night playing therapist to this otherwise lovely young lady and it was far from fun for me.      Ugh!

Arovet 62 Reviews 439 reads
6 / 15

though I would have booked it out of there the second I saw those lines. I would never knowingly book with a girl who uses, but sorry I'm not in this to save anyone and the risk of getting pulled into something that could in turn ruin my life is just too high. I've only encountered one girl who was on something, no idea what, and I was out of there in a flash...the little head holds no power over me in that situation.

DopeMan 303 reads
7 / 15

Appreciate all the feedback folks!  I indeed put the provider in my rear view mirror.  She continues to get rave reviews on here, but I assume most clients have no idea.  I somewhat got to know her over the many years I visited, and only realized myself after we had had 4-5 sessions.

Sooo...YouWanna 500 reads
8 / 15

Choose wisely, my boys.  

I was in a strip club last weekend, and one of the girls was very clearly on drugs, even before she told me what little cocktail she was on. I don't understand guys who can get into that. I've been around, but even I was uncomfortable with the situation.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 378 reads
9 / 15

You are right about booking but stupid is as stupid does.  By the time all the skeletons came out, this girl was a classic case of all the bad stereotypes, childhood sexual abuse by the father, delinquency, terminated unwanted pregnancies and self-image problems.     Bottom line, drugs turn what should be a fun activity into an ugly reminder of the real world, nobody needs that, particularly when there are so many ladies who have their shit together.

GaGambler 388 reads
10 / 15

but I am with you about avoiding people with drug issues.

I too am no saint, and I grew up in the drug era, not to mention the fact that I personally have done enough drugs to last me several lifetimes, but the truth of the matter is, people with drug problems tend to make many very bad life decisions. The more drugs they do, the worse, more short sighted, and selfish those decisions tend to get.

There is a huge difference between a casual drug user who smokes pot or does an occasional line or two and a full blown junkie or crackhead. The problem is, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference, and the smartest thing is to err on the side of caution.

Sooo...YouWanna 311 reads
11 / 15

Personally, I avoid anything more serious than pot. Too expensive, behavior becomes too unpredictable, and the stakes are just too darn high for me to bother with them or anyone who does them. Don't get me wrong, I could not care less about what people do in their own personal time as long as they aren't harming someone else, I just don't want to be around it.  

Generally, and only speaking of first offenses, if you have the opportunity to drop or reduce  a charge (all together, through community service, "helping", etc), you're only going to be allowed one. Don't make it between coke and solicitation. Cause then you're definitely stuck with at least one of them, and the justice system will be much less lenient.  

And probably make you go with the worse one to get those hard on crime stats. Murica! Yay.

1718324 46 Reviews 419 reads
12 / 15
hgfgs 24 Reviews 328 reads
13 / 15

That's the thing that would worry me the most about someone who uses needles.

fred_flintstone 15 Reviews 319 reads
14 / 15
ISOATF 1 Reviews 342 reads
15 / 15
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