
Yeah usually they don't pay more than zero after they got zero.
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 389 reads

Was that your way of breaking up with him? That's pretty clever haha

He's been on a whirlwind of trips for a couple of months and he doesn't live in Chicago, soooo... this week I'll see him for the first time since taking the plunge.

I've talked to him all summer but felt like this was an in-person kind of thing.  We aren't exclusive and I know he's seen providers in the past, so I don't think there are any ethical issues here, but how does this conversation go?  When?  Not first thing but before anything happens, right?  Has anyone else had this convo before (from either side)?  Tips?

Also, what should I charge him for the evening? ;P

lickhermonger633 reads

take a number dispensers by your bed.

A fish bowl of condoms might do the trick too, but when he's here we stay at his place in the city.

Rather, I told him my rates.  So we'll see.

-- Modified on 9/8/2014 3:03:48 PM

lickhermonger561 reads

You did not grandfather him in at $0.00, what he paid the last time?

And he definitely paid more than *that* last time.  ;)

JoeAverageHobbyist419 reads

I thought when escorts have a SO, they get it for free AND the lady supports him.  My how times have changed.

Pimpdaddy's beware, your free ride is over, haha!

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