
Want a first time visit...
ThatRussian 970 reads

I'm a 23 year old student and I've been fantasizing about spending time with a companion for some time now... and now I have the means to make it happen!

If possible I would go to one of the best like Audrey Davis, a top quality full GFE provider... but from what I've seen everyone asks for references from other companions I've visited. And I've never done this before, so how can I make it happen? I don't want to go to someone off of BP, they're mostly fakes or have subpar review.  

If I got verified with a service like rs2k would that be enough for some of the best providers? Or am I still gonna be locked out of the best service by my lack of references?  

Also about rs2k verification... how do they actually go about verifying me? I'm apprehensive about giving out so much personal info. Would my employer be contacted in any way? Would anyone visit my residential address? I would appreciate if someone could put my paranoid mind at ease about all this :)

I'm not willing to skimp on quality in the least... I know I'm gonna get what I pay for, and it's gotta be the best or nothing! So any advice on who to see, and how to get verified?  

If there is a way for me to visit Audrey... :o

Thanks for your replies Elvis and Josephine.

So I guess I have to find a provider who's cool with an unemployed 23 year old with no references!

Maybe one of those 3 PMs I have in my inbox is someone like that... but unfortunately I can't check that as of right now because I am a basic newbie.

My dreams of visiting Audrey have been smashed :(
But the right companion is out there, I'm sure.

Ron.Burgundy612 reads

Business must not be so good for the ladies that sent you PMs. Ask them to meet to you at the corner donut shop.

Told him get some reviews up, sign up for p411/rs2k... Also to find newbie friendly providers..... Oh & pay VIP so he can see he's pms...   Just cause someone sends a PM doesn't mean their BIZ is slow!!!   I'm very quite busy thank you!!! 😆😆😆😆

Btw newbie don't let others bully you on the boards.. It seems like it happens a lot ..... From what I've read/heard & seen on many boards!!!

JoeAverageHobbyist370 reads

Not only did you contradict yourself (as also pointed out by others), but how does someone who is unemployed (if indeed you are) have the funds to see a higher end provider like Audrey?  Trust fund?  Drug dealer?  Pimp?  Vice Squad?

Who sees escorts all the time. Am I the only one who isn't weirded out by an unemployed young man somehow having means to do so?

The views/no responses are turned off by your age, but that's not something you have to disclose with the vast majority of providers.  

Getting verified with rs2k would make it a lot easier for you, but, plenty of providers (myself included) have other ways of verifying you that don't require a reference. Employment verification is typically done by calling your work and asking for you, there's no reason for us to say who we are or why we're calling. No one's coming to your house.

Good luck to you, love.

Posted By: ThatRussian
 I'm a 23 year old student and I've been fantasizing about spending time with a companion for some time now... and now I have the means to make it happen!  
 If possible I would go to one of the best like Audrey Davis, a top quality full GFE provider... but from what I've seen everyone asks for references from other companions I've visited. And I've never done this before, so how can I make it happen? I don't want to go to someone off of BP, they're mostly fakes or have subpar review.  
 If I got verified with a service like rs2k would that be enough for some of the best providers? Or am I still gonna be locked out of the best service by my lack of references?  
 Also about rs2k verification... how do they actually go about verifying me? I'm apprehensive about giving out so much personal info. Would my employer be contacted in any way? Would anyone visit my residential address? I would appreciate if someone could put my paranoid mind at ease about all this :)  
 I'm not willing to skimp on quality in the least... I know I'm gonna get what I pay for, and it's gotta be the best or nothing! So any advice on who to see, and how to get verified?  
 If there is a way for me to visit Audrey... :o

Join P411, visit a newbie friendly provider, then a Basic+1 provider and another. Get some references. Then when you have 2 or 3 solid references the world should be your oyster.  Although I should add that some ladies won't see someone as young as yourself.  

The above is how I got my start.  You should also visit the newbie board.  They can answer all of your questions.  

Good luck!

then you mention being unemployed, start by getting your story straight, nothing sends up red flags faster than an inconsistent story ime

"I'm not willing to skimp on quality in the least... I know I'm gonna get what I pay for, and it's gotta be the best or nothing"

This is silly, we are talking about the relations between two people. How do you define "skimping on  quality" when it comes to a woman? How do you know "I'm gonna get what I pay for"? How are you going to tell if it's the "best or nothing"?  I think your expectations are too high.  
You're at a point where you just need a foot in the door, the first girl may not be this Audrey chick you are so hung up on, in fact she may never see you if she has a rule against young men (many do), or you piss her off/get ignored with your newbie approach to her (easy to do). Best not to focus on one girl.  

Chicago is full of great women, both residents and visitors ,you should be able to hook up if you are gentlemanly and persistent

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