
Unfortunately not everyone is reference friendly...
jaydalee See my TER Reviews 357 reads

and that is okay with me I always have other options to verify besides waiting on a reference.
If the providers you are seeing get mad if you ask for reference don't ask them move on and see providers who have other screening methods.I don't agree with the logic of agencies being safer than an independent provider but I will keep my reasons to myself.I am reference friendly I will provide a reference always in a timely fashion however I think there might be one or two agencies I will accept references from the rest of them no.

I also accept P411,RS2k,or date-check even if they have no okays. But there are providers who even with okays listed they want all of your info still.That is their choice every lady does what works best for her.
I find it is best to verify other ways instead of solely depending on references...sometimes it is just too much drama going the reference route.
Just my .02

So here is my rant. Why is it that some providers get all upset about being a refrence? We all go through verification process but it's not sufficient enough. Like we don't know that you all don't google search us on Facebook or LinkedIn or other social media. But then you want references who are not agency related either. Which makes our task even harder. I have an ATF and I asked her for a refrence she would be upset so I can't. Asked someone else and I got yelled at. So what is a person suppose to do when options aren't there even though you have been verified by other means such as rs2k


If you have a lot of OKs and the lady is on the OK site and there is still a problem BUH BYE

I would never trust a providers word on anything. They can be compromised...

Posted By: EECofchicago
I would never trust a providers word on anything. They can be compromised...
Well, then, you are dealing with the wrong, I prefer to refer to people as ladies and gentlemen, not providers and hobbyists, lady.

The ladies I trust, their word is good. My word is impeccable. However, a gentleman can change. I can only say, "Yes, he was lovely." This was just My experience with Him. This is the only thing I can relate to other ladies when asked and I am very reference friendly.

Verification of who you are - your ID as a human, is one thing, but another reputable lady saying she's seen you and that you were kind, polite and gentle tells a girl who you are as a client. Verifying you are who you say you doesn't necessarily tell us what SORT of person you are when alone with a provider.
A lot of girls are strict about their policies in order to keep safe, not just from problems with LE but also from guys who may turn nasty during the booking. If a girl has been hurt/robbed by clients in the past then she'll want more info on future clients.
I know it must be really frustrating though.
Personally I am happy with some OK's on P411 or RS2K and/or verifying someone's identity by googling like you mentioned. My screening is much lighter than many girls in the US but I'm older with more experience, and it's my choice to take my chances

Thank you for your honesty. It is appreciated. You see I've attempted to go the individual route and then got asked all these questions such as providers and work and other personal stuff. Which understand is that as hobbyists we are devolving a lot of personal information while as providers you get to use alias. Once that happened I hop on this and see that these providers have LE or are fake photos. I go through agencies now cause I can trust them and they can trust me that I am respectful and follow instructions. But many providers don't want an agency referral so why is that? Why does an agency not have the same clout as individual provider?  
Don't we have a right to protect ourselves as well?

And frankly most care more about the dollars than protecting their girls safety so an agency will send girls to guys they know from other girls are rough, or demand bbfs, and not even warn them first. That's why we only trust the word of other independent girls. I get that it must be freaky ha ding out your personal deets to just anyone. Scary. Like London below says though, the best way you can protect yourself is to book time with reputable, well reviewed ladies on here who also have a presence on P411. That way you know what you're getting :)

I get all my clients from there!Try it out!

Thank you Ms London. I have both rs2k and p411 and that wasn't good enough. That is why I am irattated

I have P411 with multiple OK's. But every provider is entitled to screen to her comfort level. But if my P411 info isn't sufficient then I generally move on. No harm, no foul. There have been a couple of threads today about the downside of references - which is why I don't like to go there.  

Posted By: gmoney10
Thank you Ms London. I have both rs2k and p411 and that wasn't good enough. That is why I am irattated

I'm sorry you are having problems booking even with p411 and RS2k. I guess each woman has her preferences to booking as do I. My preference is RS for a multiple of reasons, I also enjoy whitelist on TER. I think what and how a gentleman words his expieriance and presents himself goes a long way in deciding if we'd be a good match or not. Both clients and providers get to the point where it's just too much and the excitement starts dwindling, at that point I'd suggest your next choice provider. Chances are you'll find someone awesome, there's alot of great women especially here in Chicago.  

Good luck in your search, don't stress the hobby is about pleasure and enjoyment for everyone.
Alyssa Tantra

I've had clients who have said the providers they have seen won't do references..  Idk why!! Didn't they require references when they saw you? Cray cray....  

I'm a very friendly reference provider but it seems just like the thread below the other providers get upset when a client sees someone else... This is the hobby life, no one owns another's cock or Kitty!! Lol  it's a free for all (actually not free) lol

and that is okay with me I always have other options to verify besides waiting on a reference.
If the providers you are seeing get mad if you ask for reference don't ask them move on and see providers who have other screening methods.I don't agree with the logic of agencies being safer than an independent provider but I will keep my reasons to myself.I am reference friendly I will provide a reference always in a timely fashion however I think there might be one or two agencies I will accept references from the rest of them no.

I also accept P411,RS2k,or date-check even if they have no okays. But there are providers who even with okays listed they want all of your info still.That is their choice every lady does what works best for her.
I find it is best to verify other ways instead of solely depending on references...sometimes it is just too much drama going the reference route.
Just my .02

You do realize that the information you gave out can still be passed around via your references, right?  

Which, I am more than happy to give a reference to another provider on my client's behalf, but I've seen a decrease of professionalism when it comes to corresponding with other ladies . . . especially when it comes to my gentleman's personal information. One lady even sent me the gent's information from her real world email account by accident - Yikes.  

Also, I've been asked for the gentleman's information such as his cell phone, email, and etc. but I do not respond for various reasons. (Angry girlfriend/wife, nagging/nosey provider, etc.) Nevertheless, after I screen new lover, I delete their personal information from my computer for all the right reasons.  

That's why *dun DUN DUN*, I tell my previous clients to CONTACT ME FIRST if they need a reference. I can usually remember the gentleman after talking to him on the phone and we usually end up talking about something that goes back to our date. I also ask him about the provider he wants to see, so that way when the said provider contacts me, I'll know the gentleman she asking about.  

With that being said, I am a reference friendly, common-sense provider. Above all, I am very aware of the safety and security of both sides. Nonetheless, a peace of mind makes for a peaceful date and more to come.  


Sweetest Regards,
Adrienne Baptiste

Get RID of your so called ATF....she does not DESERVE the title. ATFs help their clients, encourage their clients to see other ladies....

Can't tell you how many providers I've referred clients to...soooo many and it is MY PLEASURE to do so.  

As stated above me. Providers have gone a difference route when giving's horrible.  

Find a New ATF.....

-- Modified on 7/27/2016 9:04:40 PM

Thank you everyone for your responses. They were very enlightening. One thing about me is that I respect the decision of my providers and if they don't want to then I'm not going to judge them. I also try to make life easier for a new provider. Because of my nature I always get asked to write a review. I have no issues with this. Also I am very loyal to the ones that I prefer because of the trust that we have developed. Cause this is really about trusting someone else with your information and private fantasies as well. If I provider judges me on the volume of my reviews then I have to laugh. Cause that has to be the biggest hypocrite in the business I have ever seen.

Because I was too slack to pay for VIP. He wrote heaps of reviews, all with the same mediocre scores and and similar complaints about the session. I can't read your reviews either but maybe if you generally score 7/8 and you're asking to see a girl who's generally 9/10 she may be nervous your score will bring down her average?  
If I'd know my last reviewer was ticking off a checklist of acronyms in his head to review me on, to add to his collection, rather than just enjoying our one hour, I'd not have taken the booking. Again I haven't read your reviews so this may be totally irrelevant :)
I take RS2K or P411 with a few OK's and that's enough for me honestly, but all girls are different and have had differing experiences.

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