
Try this link

As of today there are 5 days left before I leave for a little while.  I will be back towards the end of June if all goes well :)  Wish me luck.

Incall is now permanently in Oakbrook. :)-

Special Rates through June 4th.

$175 1/2 hour
$250 1 hour
$350 1-1/2 hour
$450 2 hour

$850 (overnite) (12 hrs, apprx. 4-6 hrs of sleep minimum)


-( 5.30 Friday      8am-10pm)-
-( 5.31 Saturday    OFF )-
-( 6.1 Sunday      4pm - overnight )-
-( 6.2 Monday     8am - 4pm )-
-( 6.3 Tuesday   10am - 4pm )-
-( 6.4 Wednesday   8am- 8pm )-
-( 6.5 - 6.23     OFF for DD Day )-

cell phone 262.412.2289


email [email protected]


**the personal perv girl diary**

leaving in 5 days....freaking out lol.  can't think about much else.... well except being really horny lol

I have tried to look at your site probably 20 times now.  Nothing has links on the main page. I can't open anything. Any clients emailed you about this yet?

after Entering her site, the links are the words Rates, Scheduling, Links, Gallery, Mamber & Join.

Hmmm... this is the first I have heard of it to be honest.  If anyone else is having problems, please let me know.  Email  [email protected].

When I go to   All that I see is:
A cream/tan background.  
With a large paragraph of disclaimer text.
Below the paragraph are the words EXIT and ENTER in red, large font, all caps, underlined in red.
Around those two words are black, 1 point thick, rectangles followed by a gray rectangle just outside the black rectangle.  Nothing is clickable, nothing else ever loads on the page for me etc...  
I've made sure I have the latest flash in case you used flash and I'm using the latest version of Explorer.  
Its the weirdest thing.  I wouldn't really mention this but your reviews are so good I really wanted to see what all the cheering was about since I'm starting my research for my trip to Chicago.

This is strange, guess it's just me. Well, I'll keep trying.
Do you have a secondary page on Eros or someplace like that?

Old browsers often have problems with newly designed websites.

Thank you. It worked. Though the links inside didn't always take me to the right pages I worked my way through.

I honestly have no idea.  The site has basically had the same page for the last year, give or take a few minor changes, and I have no clue how to fix the bug that you are talking about.  Try adding /page2.html, /page3.html, etc etc to view the different pages.  :)

Of course you could just trust all the good reviews ;) and come see for yourself when I get back :)


midwayjim11041 reads

It looks like the page uses style sheets and it's not flash.
Ladies this is an example of what I was refering to in my post
basic website Etiquette/ design
Make sure your pages can be viewed on many different browsers
(IE and netscape) services (AOL, MSN) Have a link to the fancy
stuff. DON'T make the fancy stuff the CORE of your website.
Have a link on the main page to a simplier version.
The hobbyist shouldn't have to upgrade, your supposed to cater
to him / her, right?
Speaking of upgrading, I've spent hours today trying to recover
my notebook to work right again after updating realplayer. Before you upgrade anything (and your using windows)
Start>Setting > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Startup
Disk tab. Have a blank floppy disk.
AND if you're using WindowsME / XP make a restore point!


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