
Touche! Well done! ---EOM
stbellarmine 971 reads

Posted By: Jack Bauer
Alright, place your bets for 2015 on the Chicago discussion boards.  
 ISO posts by non reviewers and they give very little detail as to what they are looking for - 1000 posts [I say over]    
 ISO posts by guys looking for squirters - 25 posts [I say under]  
 ISO posts by guys looking for pregnant providers - 10 posts [I say over]  
 Providers asking for the best areas to stay - 25 providers [I say under]    
 Providers asking for restaurant recommendations - 25 providers [I say over]  
 Providers and clients naming hotels where they are staying in or recommending - 7  [I say over]  
 Threads discussing whether to use RS2K or P411 - 20 threads [I say under]    
 Number of providers that Dr Who revived will piss off for the first time - 7 providers [I say over]  
 Number of brown-nose posts written by Polish Pirate - 900 posts [I say over]  
 Number of massive train wreck threads for the year - 6 threads [I say under]  
 Feel free to add any new bets. :-)

Alright, place your bets for 2015 on the Chicago discussion boards.

ISO posts by non reviewers and they give very little detail as to what they are looking for - 1000 posts [I say over]  
ISO posts by guys looking for squirters - 25 posts [I say under]
ISO posts by guys looking for pregnant providers - 10 posts [I say over]
Providers asking for the best areas to stay - 25 providers [I say under]  
Providers asking for restaurant recommendations - 25 providers [I say over]
Providers and clients naming hotels where they are staying in or recommending - 7  [I say over]
Threads discussing whether to use RS2K or P411 - 20 threads [I say under]  
Number of providers that Dr Who revived will piss off for the first time - 7 providers [I say over]
Number of brown-nose posts written by Polish Pirate - 900 posts [I say over]
Number of massive train wreck threads for the year - 6 threads [I say under]

Feel free to add any new bets. :-)

Posts by guys talking about dick size - 5 posts [I say over]  
Posts by guys bragging about how many "Os" their provider had - 10 posts [I say over]

And why limit it to just providers?

As for Polish O/U....does that include the ad board?  If so...then it's going to be WAY over  LOL

Posted By: Jack Bauer
Alright, place your bets for 2015 on the Chicago discussion boards.  
 ISO posts by non reviewers and they give very little detail as to what they are looking for - 1000 posts [I say over]    
 ISO posts by guys looking for squirters - 25 posts [I say under]  
 ISO posts by guys looking for pregnant providers - 10 posts [I say over]  
 Providers asking for the best areas to stay - 25 providers [I say under]    
 Providers asking for restaurant recommendations - 25 providers [I say over]  
 Providers and clients naming hotels where they are staying in or recommending - 7  [I say over]  
 Threads discussing whether to use RS2K or P411 - 20 threads [I say under]    
 Number of providers that Dr Who revived will piss off for the first time - 7 providers [I say over]  
 Number of brown-nose posts written by Polish Pirate - 900 posts [I say over]  
 Number of massive train wreck threads for the year - 6 threads [I say under]  
 Feel free to add any new bets. :-)

Dr Who revived posts and one or more providers flip him off with words. My number is way larger than Jack's... and I promise to live up to my suck-up expectations.

I don't want it to just seem biased.

Plenty of dudes that I piss off as well.

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
Dr Who revived posts and one or more providers flip him off with words. My number is way larger than Jack's... and I promise to live up to my suck-up expectations.

Are you encompassing ALL the men on this board?

I hope some of my favorite male posters are completely delusional.  

I love the dudes who fall in love here...makes for extraordinary entertainment  LOL

Especially when most gals post that they don't care much beyond the bucks.  But no shortage of pathetic guys who can't discern the fantasy from reality.

Did Jack set up the O/U on the "I've fallen" threads?

Littlestinker844 reads

Some even call him the Mayor of boys town.

Did you get some nice down time?

What are you doing in boys town?  Oh...never mind.  I think the board knows why you're there  ;)

Posted By: Littlestinker
Some even call him the Mayor of boys town.

Littlestinker959 reads

Ha Ha !    
                 Your a poser and a sausage lover all theses years !!!!

  You know that is your favorite hangout after all you earned the name Mayor of Boys Town
all on your very own watch.  

                               Congratulations on your landslide victory !
                              Have fun walking around in your buttless chaps  

                       So this is why you give the ladies such a hard time because your Bi  
                         I am sure your giving  them hell on those boards as well lol !!!!

Is it because you get rebuffed by some of Chicago's finest gals?

Why hate on redheads?  They're really nice...most of the time  LOL

So...why on vacation?

Posted By: Littlestinker
Ha Ha !    
                  Your a poser and a sausage lover all theses years !!!!  
   You know that is your favorite hangout after all you earned the name Mayor of Boys Town  
 all on your very own watch.    
                                Congratulations on your landslide victory !  
                               Have fun walking around in your buttless chaps  
                        So this is why you give the ladies such a hard time because your Bi  
                          I am sure your giving  them hell on those boards as well lol !!!!  

Littlestinker828 reads

they like me so funny how many loathe you but you seem to be proud of it.
Or just to full of yourself to see it, Run along now I am sure you have some paid for friends waiting.

               Oh that's right they NCNS you again go figure

Funny you seem to have no issues bloviating your despise for some of the greatest gals in ChiTown.  In particular the redheads seem to be your biggest issue.

Please pardon me for bringing this up here...but you do seem terribly conflicted.

I guess I could ask some of these gals directly...perhaps that is what I should be doing.  I'll get back to you on this shortly.

You can trust me...I won't share your secrets.

Posted By: Littlestinker
   No they like me so funny how many loathe you but you seem to be proud of it.  
 Or just to full of yourself to see it, Run along now I am sure you have some paid for friends waiting.  
                Oh that's right they NCNS you again go figure    

Littlestinker842 reads

Your just a poor pathetic desperate man with no life other then this board I know
that is a fact you find hard to swallow but so true.

Get the shit cleaned out of your ears I have no problems with any woman at all !

While you on the other hand there are so many on here that would pass on you
it is not even funny. Hard for your ego to accept that there are ladies that would not fuck
you and would not want your money

why even bother engaging in repartee? He only repeats himself. If he's gonna play the dozens with you, rules state no repeats.

Your words are still there from a year or so ago.

Remember...the Inet never forgets.

You really need some material.  The "usual" blather you spew is more typical of a teenager.  And "we" both know you're more than a few decades from that age  ;)

You really need to be more cautious of putting that evidence in play.

So...why the aversion to redheads?  Something happen in your youth?  Remember your youth?  It's a fair question since you can't seem to remember what you post after only a year or so.

Posted By: Littlestinker
Your just a poor pathetic desperate man with no life other then this board I know  
 that is a fact you find hard to swallow but so true.  
 Get the shit cleaned out of your ears I have no problems with any woman at all !  
 While you on the other hand there are so many on here that would pass on you  
 it is not even funny. Hard for your ego to accept that there are ladies that would not fuck  
 you and would not want your money.  

Littlestinker760 reads

Wrong again,  

 How come so many woman have a problem with you ?
Can you look that deep and give an honest answer not a chance.

I saw you had the thread removed yesterday loser lol !!!

I will tell you that those who are afraid of the truth have a problem with my posts.  Take you for example.

The truth is always the way to go. YOU are afraid to hear it.  And yet you continue to bloviate and not take accountability for YOUR own words.  It's simply not true that only women have a problem with that...but many guys (like you) as well.

Kindly ask TER why they pulled the thread.  I trust you'll again not want to hear the truth.

Have you ever considered doing a google on your handle (and alias)?  

Posted By: Littlestinker
Wrong again,  
  How come so many woman have a problem with you ?  
 Can you look that deep and give an honest answer not a chance.  
 I saw you had the thread removed yesterday loser lol !!!

Much ado about nothing, I see.  Just Littlestoolsample demonstrating yet again he has no game.  Zero, zilch, nada, nil.  He is beneath embarrassment.

Littlestinker754 reads

The truth to you is your very own distorted version.

Your the most 2 faced Assclown! on TER and amazingly high on yourself lol!

You can not even fix yourself you have more baggage then an Amtrack train  
now you even have your boyfriends sticking up for you I guess he has your ass covered and you his.  
Looks like your a real Kielbasa King.  
Most women here detest you that is a fact, All you know how to do is manipulate the  
young and upcoming with BS the only tool in your game.  
Then when they catch on to you you turn on them using the boards and back channeling  
what a pussy.  Women in TRW can see through your transparency which is the true reason  
you such a loser in the ladies eyes. A bitter pill indeed must of been tough for you always wishing  
for what you will never have.  
You must of been the nerd on the playground getting your pussy ass kicked all over the place.  
Then you got educated and the keyboard is your way to avenge your short comings with the  
the ladies that would not date you and the guys that picked on you this is the only place  
in the world you think you have power if your daughter could only see the real you now lol !  
 That would just be another failed relationship to add to your pile.  

-- Modified on 1/14/2015 6:28:28 PM

-- Modified on 1/14/2015 6:33:13 PM

Looks like you needed TER to try and cover your ass.  But not even with your crying to them about deleting posts/thread takes away the "fact" that all your written words expressing your disdain for many of the fine ladies in Chicago are still quite evident.

I guess you asked the nice folks at the Geek Squad to help you figure out how to see the trail(s) you have left.  You can clean it up...if you try real hard   LOL

When you find yourself in a's best to stop digging!!

Posted By: Littlestinker
The truth to you is your very own distorted version.  
 Your the most 2 faced Assclown! on TER and amazingly high on yourself lol!  
 You can not even fix yourself you have more baggage then an Amtrack train  
 now you even have your boyfriends sticking up for you I guess he has your ass covered and you his.  
 Looks like your a real Kielbasa King.  
 Most women here detest you that is a fact, All you know how to do is manipulate the  
 young and upcoming with BS the only tool in your game.  
 Then when they catch on to you you turn on them using the boards and back channeling    
 what a pussy.  Women in TRW can see through your transparency which is the true reason  
 you such a loser in the ladies eyes. A bitter pill indeed must of been tough for you always wishing  
 for what you will never have.  
 You must of been the nerd on the playground getting your pussy ass kicked all over the place.  
 Then you got educated and the keyboard is your way to avenge your short comings with the    
 the ladies that would not date you and the guys that picked on you this is the only place  
 in the world you think you have power if your daughter could only see the real you now lol !  
  That would just be another failed relationship to add to your pile.  
 -- Modified on 1/14/2015 6:28:28 PM

-- Modified on 1/14/2015 6:33:13 PM

-- Modified on 1/14/2015 7:16:34 PM

Littlestinker821 reads

That is getting old just like you loser.
I guess your ears are full of shit or you have a problem seeing perhaps.

The only one here with a problem with the ladies is YOU!!!
If you think you are popular with them you should see a shrink you are completely

You think it is cool to intimidate them with bashing them on the boards and back channel gosip
just like a little bitch you are.  They know you have the power to hurt there business and you  
have just done that .

                                   That is a irrefutable fact you can not deny

                            Big Man LOL!!!  don't keep your boyfriend waiting

                                             BY By Now Loser!

I love it when tools like you portend to speak on behalf of others.

I guess you're pissed about your lot in screams in all your posts.

BTW.....LR says "hi".  You remember tried in vain to bash her as well.  But like most of the gals here she destroyed you.  You honestly believe that the women here are as pathetically weak as you are.

When is Geek Squad coming over to help you try and clean up the mess you left?  It's all still there.  

Posted By: Littlestinker
That is getting old just like you loser.  
 I guess your ears are full of shit or you have a problem seeing perhaps.  
 The only one here with a problem with the ladies is YOU!!!  
 If you think you are popular with them you should see a shrink you are completely  
 You think it is cool to intimidate them with bashing them on the boards and back channel gosip  
 just like a little bitch you are.  They know you have the power to hurt there business and you  
 have just done that .  
                                    That is a irrefutable fact you can not deny  
                             Big Man LOL!!!  don't keep your boyfriend waiting  
                                              BY By Now Loser!  

Littlestinker863 reads

I never ever bashed LR or had one single problem with her she was cool and I
thought she was a riot.  

 Are you dense, You have made a career out of bashing the women on TER and not just in  

Why do you seem to care so much how they run there business or what and how they post
You always have something to say about it for years already WTF???
Always commenting with disdain in your tone,  Why is that ?   Mr. Truthful want to share I dare you Pussy!

Because in TRW you struck out more times then you can count, Felt spurned Awe! poor guy lol!

Did TER make you the board etiquette police you seem to be on duty 24/7  

Like I said outside of TER you have no life just a Nerd later Dufass !

You guys are so entertaining in Chicago! I love it!!!

New reviewer querying about a review that includes BBFS ..... 4[I say over]

Number of times ROGM brags about his underpaid BBFS provider - 100 times [I say over]

Number of times Jack Bauer bashes providers/clients for doing stupid shit - 300 [I say over]
Number of providers Jack Bauer will review - 100 [I say over]  
Number of providers Dr Who revived will piss off for the first time - 50 [I say over]  
Number of providers that Dr Who revived will piss off continuously - 10 [I say over]

Posted By: Jack Bauer
Alright, place your bets for 2015 on the Chicago discussion boards.  
 ISO posts by non reviewers and they give very little detail as to what they are looking for - 1000 posts [I say over]    
 ISO posts by guys looking for squirters - 25 posts [I say under]  
 ISO posts by guys looking for pregnant providers - 10 posts [I say over]  
 Providers asking for the best areas to stay - 25 providers [I say under]    
 Providers asking for restaurant recommendations - 25 providers [I say over]  
 Providers and clients naming hotels where they are staying in or recommending - 7  [I say over]  
 Threads discussing whether to use RS2K or P411 - 20 threads [I say under]    
 Number of providers that Dr Who revived will piss off for the first time - 7 providers [I say over]  
 Number of brown-nose posts written by Polish Pirate - 900 posts [I say over]  
 Number of massive train wreck threads for the year - 6 threads [I say under]  
 Feel free to add any new bets. :-)

Information requests specific to unreviewed BP providers.  100 posts (I say over)

-- Modified on 1/12/2015 7:27:13 PM

Put a number on it if you wanna play with the big boys, lol.

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