
To London/Elli....
resource101 108 Reviews 516 reads

Although I have never met you, you are on my bucket list and I pray you make a full recovery and rejoin our community. Best of luck to you and my you recover quickly and completely!

In case you were wondering what happened to London/Elli, she had serious medical complications from a surgery she had last year and is still struggling to recover. She asked me to tell you that she misses us all terribly and hopes to return when her health allows her to do so. I'm sure she would appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers--it's been a long, hard road to recovery and to be honest, the end is still not clearly in sight.

Please let her know she is very missed in our Chicago community.

thank you for the information. Hopefully she recovers sooner than later

ModernLover66113 reads

I found this old thread from a while back and was wondering how she's doing?

Although I have never met you, you are on my bucket list and I pray you make a full recovery and rejoin our community. Best of luck to you and my you recover quickly and completely!

She is a wonderful woman and lots of fun to be around.

Take good care of yourself, and get well soon.

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