
Time for a diaper change? Eom
LtNeilBriggs 383 reads


It all started with me reading awesome reviews for a provider that consistently received 9s and 10s.  I was eager to see her and even though her in-call was some distance away from me and required that I drive there I didn't want to pass up this chance to see her.

She has her own website which I sent her an email making a booking.  We exchange emails the next few days and she seemed amused at my sense of humor.

The day arrives and I text her 1.5 hours before our appointment asking if she's ready and she says yes.  I arrive a bit early and text her and she texts back saying she's going to be 15 mins late and told me to wait nearby.  So I find a free public spot and wait.

She texts back telling me to drive closer to her place and to park at her assigned spot but I text back telling her I'll just walk from where I am since it's only around 30 steps to her place (I didn't know how close she was at the time).  She immediately calls me and insists that I drive a little closer up and to park at the spot she wants me to; I presumed this had something to do with her screening process.

Now here comes the creepy part.  I drive closer but I'm unable to find her place and then I spot a cop car parked nearby with no one in it.  Slightly alarmed I thought maybe a cop lives in the neighborhood but the cop car was parked in a disabled spot so I know this is probably a temporary thing.  

I drive around trying to find her place and can't find it and end up driving past the cop car but this time I see the cop walking into his car and he watches me as I drive past.  I'm getting a bit freaked out now thinking it's a reverse sting.  I see the cop drive out and turn around and follow him as a distance and he drove off so I thought the coast was clear.

Finally I find the parking spot and was about to get out when lo and behold the cop car drives right behind me!  The parking spot is not at street level and you really need to drive into a parking compound that were the parks for the building I was supposed to go meet the provider.

As soon as the cop is out sight I start my engine and drove away slowly.  I stopped at the road that lead into the are and I can see the cop car stopped and waiting at the other road across from me that lead into the area.

What do you think?  Was this a reverse sting? Why was she so insistent on having me park in her spot when I was just steps away? I thought if it's a reverse sting it'd be easier to impound my car or to build a case when they mentioned I drove and parked at the assigned spot.

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/987 reads

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-- Modified on 5/10/2015 2:23:00 PM

Regardless of scores in reviews, that's just ignorant. If you're not at least 99 percent sure a guy is legit before you agree to the appt. and make him waste time, you should not be seeing him. Hookers on Phonics, I tell ya.

you must be in person, if you're already difficult in basic digital communication, have a nice day.

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/579 reads

I'm with London on this.

Part of the process is to make the provider feel comfortable seeing you. She told you where to park. Park there.  

In public places, apartment complexes, cops sometimes respond to calls. If anything you made yourself look more suspicious by driving around slowly. I've only been directed where to park somewhere exactly once. I did so, and without a glitch I was on my way up.  

Some providers just like people in general are weird. Seeing the cops would probably spook me a bit as well, but if its a bust they aren't going to be in plain view. Defeats the purpose

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/519 reads

It makes it easier to collect the license plate number for the BSC providers.

What about clients that use Uber or public transportation to get around town?

this is better than a fucking cop show..

I think that if they are going to pull a reverse sting, you wouldn't of seen anyone.  I do agree he was following you because YOU were the one acting suspicious.  

There are lots of reasons why she may want you to park in a certain spot within her apartment complex - I am assuming that is what you meant - that has to do with her discretion.  Maybe it has more of a private entrance for her.  Maybe five million other reasons she wants you to park there.

I am going to put this gently:  Sometimes people don't know how to enter an incall discretely.  Sometimes they are loud, have no issue knocking on a neighbors door cause they are a little giddy and didn't listen to the apt #, and lots of other things.  A lot of ladies set up their own particular system to minimize those issues.  

But of course it never happened to London, cause screening obviously weeds out those problems, right?  LMAO

No, screening can't weed out ALL issues but I don't exactly work from places where I can see a dude pull up out the window either. Classic. What does that prove if he is driving a Honda vs. a Toyota? Unless you're requiring a damn photo ID and checking to make sure the guy showing up matches it, that's just retarded but I digress. London is not stupid... we will just leave it at that. You have three freaking reviews... now, you're an expert? Bwhahaha. Thanks for playing. Might want to learn something from those who've been at this a while and don't have a mug shot. Just sayin.  

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 5:29:44 PM

Wow - I didn't think it was so she could see what car he drove - I thought it was her way of directing them to her door in a discreet manner.  That was kinda the point of my post...

I don't have a mug shot, I never claimed to be an expert, and I didn't imply you were stupid.  If you took it that way, I'm sorry.  I was just pointing out that screening doesn't help people get to the incall in the most discreet way.

Have fun tonight, seriously, you seem stressed.  And since I don't get off on playing big badass on the boards, this will be my last response.  I tend to be provider supportive, but that's probably 'cause I am so darn new and naive.  

Posted By: London Rayne
No, screening can't weed out ALL issues but I don't exactly work from places where I can see a dude pull up out the window either. Classic. What does that prove if he is driving a Honda vs. a Toyota? Unless you're requiring a damn photo ID and checking to make sure the guy showing up matches it, that's just retarded but I digress. London is not stupid... we will just leave it at that. You have three freaking reviews... now, you're an expert? Bwhahaha. Thanks for playing. Might want to learn something from those who've been at this a while and don't have a mug shot. Just sayin.  

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 5:29:44 PM

This should get interesting now...

Steph whoo hoo

I just find it all too comical. Having clients you don't know from Adam at your home, showing your face to every cop in the city... discretion? Yah, look the shit up lol. Headed to Sharky's... call ya later if I am still able to see the phone. :)

ModernLover66459 reads

It's been a while since we had a good train wreck on here

Capt.Cunnilingist502 reads

Where to insert your penis to don't be embarrassed  lol!!!

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 8:12:15 PM

normancooper454 reads

....cops will notice.  Vice does not attempt one man stings with cop cars visible, you DMF.

You, sir, are a goddamn idiot.  Please, just go directly to jail.  Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

I have seen one provider who has this process. Her consistently high ratings never once imply that the parking was an issue for previous reviewers.  Her request that I park in an assigned spot was completely reasonable and, to me, seemed to be provided as a convenience TO ME.   I never felt like, nor did she imply,  that it was some sort of screening process.  That had be done discretely and professionally prior to our meeting. Driving around slowly and suspiciously is what draws attention.  If we are talking about the same provider, and you did not get to see her, you missed one amazing time with a beautiful, classy lady.  Try again...happy hobbying

I did not infer, but posted in kind to what HE posted and that was that parking there was 'part of her screening process.' If it was an assigned spot, well no duh, but that's not what he posted.  Of course, I have never really seen many assigned spots that can be viewed from a damn window at any upscale place I have been. Most are in a garage which can't be seen from the actual apartment/condo unless it's rooftop parking... he did not say that either. He's just as much of a dipshit... granted.

And, I can't see you from my window. I do this because of how the parking system is set up. Now, I do try to watch you walk up through the 2nd floor window, but again- not for screening either. It is simply my way of making sure you are coming in the right direction, and to see what you look like out of curiosity.  

I see the REAL London is back! *applause* Oh how I have missed your sarcastic humor! :-P

Love you too, and yes I have no problem with what you described and many women do the very same thing, but his post did not say that. He said, "She told me to park here to (do her screening process). Whether or not that is true, who the hell knows but that was the reason for my posting the way I did.

A lady I saw very often always had me park in a specific parking place as it was assigned to her by the landlord.  Parking elsewhere was a big no-no.  She was most likely protecting you

Normally I have no respect for Internet Courage.  I try never to say something I wouldn't say to someone's face.  But I have to ask, OP, after all the time that went by, did you really, really still think there was a possible reverse sting going on with this provider?  Or were you just mad at her?

PS, I'm not trying to be a shit, I've had the crap scared out of me even when seeing established providers.  I'm sympathetic.  But I have to say she didn't deserve that.

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