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DiscussionBoardAdmin 52 reads


On business in Chicago. I tried scouting and planning from weeks and received nothing but dead ends.

But the real salt rubs in the wound were two prominent Chicago based agencies, both of whom advertised "Accepts CC" on their site, right down to the credit card images.

Both times I submitted screening info, got a positive reply with a tentative time, and then hit a wall when I told them I wanted to donate with a card.

I don't need replies telling me "cash is king". I am a hobbyist out of Atlanta with multiple positive references and TER VIP for years. I usually always pay with a card except for rare instances. It's what works best for me and my situation.

But most importantly: why advertise that you accept CC and then immediately respond with attitude when a customer tries to use one?

I don't know any provider or agency that accepts business credit cards.  Business cards are usually the first ones to be charged back.  And chargebacks causes loss in merchant accounts.    

And when you mention that you can't get cash because the wifey watches your acct then it's like a automatic decline in useing credit cards.  
I'm not willing to take a chance and loose my merchant acct.

And I know you don't wanna hear cash is king, but it really is when you play this game and have a significant other.  

But I am glad we came to a solution and you got to see Cindy... she is pretty awesome!  

Thanks for the review and board post...  


Not only did I not mention the agency by name...

...But they had the audacity to come out swinging with a totally untrue retort and ENTIRELY PERSONAL information that I communicated to them in private.

They declined taking ANY credit card, long before I mentioned it was a business card. And I was prepared to pay with either a personal or business card.

Gents, beware of this agency. If they're willing to put me on blast and reveal private client dialogue on TER, imagine what else they'll do.

I didn't mean to 'out' any personal info and I apologize If you feel I did.  But the key info you didn't say is that it was a business credit card.  

But you obviously saw someone from our agency since you just wrote a review for one of our girls.  

But you posted on a public forum and got a public response.  You wanna make it like these agency's don't take credit cards. But we do... just not business cards. You didn't give all the facts so I did.   You can't really not expect me to reply.  You trashed us on the review and went and made a board post about it...
I mean you literally said you wanted to not like cindy cuz of the agency she worked for.  Poor Cindy. Thank goodness she is awesome and made up for her horrible agency.    

Chicago has a lot of great agency's and great independent providers that do take credit cards and some may accept your business card.  Idk of any but I'm sure there are.  

There is always someone who is gonna not like us. And there are always someone who loves us.    

Lucky for you there are a ton of amazing Chicago agency's that you can give your business too other then us.  As im sure you will.    

In the end we did come to a understanding and we did get the appointment booked.  

I apologize for any hard feelings you may have.

I emailed you and said I wanted to pay with card.

The first response back was "No. Cindy only takes cash".

I responded with "Why does your site have images of the credit cards you accept, if you only take cash?" and proceeded to provide other details (which, in retrospect, I shouldn't have, because you have now my reasons on the Internet for all to read) about why I prefer to use my business credit card, for which I am the sole owner and operator of a consulting LLC. This was only in an attempt to put your mind at ease.

Then your next response was "Definitely no."

So what was the first "No"? A "maybe"? LOL

No. You didn't accept cards, period.

And frankly, I didn't even have to tell you it was a business card. It has my personal name on it. If I had just given you the 16 digits and the expiration date, along with the CVV, you would have NEVER have known the difference.  

Also, I didn't trash you in the review. I gave your provider a 8/9 and fairly mentioned that you advertised accepting cards and refused to take one.

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