
They say every city is different...
scampr 21 Reviews 12910 reads

When it comes to playtime that is surely the case. In Vegas you don't even consider agencies but in Florida and many stops on the East Coast it seems agencies are the places to look for premiere ladies.  Is that true for Chicago? I've only been reading your boards for the last week or so and I can't quite get the "feel" yet.
I'll be visiting in a couple months and am looking for gorgeous, brunette, 30 and younger, mulitple pops a must, greek a big plus.  Any ideas gentlemen?  If that's too picky just stick to gorgeous, multiple pops and 18-30.

Thanks for any advice.

We have a good mix of Agencies and Independents.
1. Seven
2. Stella Stevens
3. Alexis
4. Ahvani
5. Kelly Kagan
and many others, but check the other boards.

The numbers dont necessarily reflect the order of the best.

Ms Jade Jadore and Ginger Rogers are both conspicuous by their absence from Sebasian's list of indies. Ms Jade will satisfy your desires for Greek cuisine.

In fact, of the independent ladies he recommended, I believe only Seven speaks Greek (quite fluently I might add).

I've dealt with one good agency, Secretly-Yours, and hear good things about Michelles.

-- Modified on 5/26/2003 4:07:03 PM

Bandinio11106 reads

Her name is Anal Ashley, I've had the privilage of seeing her a few times. She's very popular around here.

Her website is

Beware11690 reads

She had them removed because they were less than optimal.  So if you happen to read the reviews on her website, do so with as much skepticism as you would here. She is as popular as she is infamous on various boards.

Stick with the other independent recommendations, Secretly yours or Michelles.  No experience with Windycitydivas. For brunettes, I would try Bianca, Alexis or Alome.  All brunette, all attractive and I believe all under 30.

-- Modified on 5/25/2003 2:43:23 PM

Actually, i just found 2 pages of reviews for Ashley. Not saying she's good or bad, i've never seen her. Just saying the reviews seem to be there.

Bandinio12288 reads

Most of Ashley's reviews on here were 9's and above, in fact, that's why I saw her. I even wrote a stunning review of her myself, that's why I can't understand why they were all erased.

If she asked them to do it, that was dumb, they were all high and mostly from very well respected posters. If TER removed them on their own, that's odd too.

But when someone tells an outright lie about one of the most loved escorts in Chicago, I begin to believe what she posted on her website about the underhanded manuvers of competetors and agencies is true.

The first clue for me is his high praise of Alexis, a dubious provider with many bad rumors following her, who is known for attacking Ashley on all the boards. The second clue is his recommendation of agencies. Real hobbyist in this city don't recommend agencies, no offense mean't to them, we just don't.

observerinchicago12796 reads

Real hobbyists have recommended well-known agencies here in Chicago, so get your stuff together.  Secretly-Yours and Michelles have been around for ages and have a sterling reputation.  

Then again, I guess its too bad that your "reviews" have all been deleted.  Perhaps TER knew they were self-posts or just plain fake.  And I thought this board was safe from all the drama.

Checked for reviews but couldn't find any for Alexis in Chicago. Does she come in on tour? Or do you have a link?


qp411514 reads

Those who hang around here a bit probably are tired of my recommendations for Ahvani.  My defense is that when I was starting out she was an early choice and about the only provider that filled all my criteria (young and gorgeous and adventurous and equal to all your other criteria).  Much prettier and more approachable than her pics suggest, and whatever her racial mix, it's left her with glorious skin and a wonderful feel.  Laid back and sociable and hot and talented - it's all there.  She's probably mad as hell at me cause I'm into this love thing that's kept me away for a few months, but that's about over so sure I'll be back.  Have fun ...

Took a peek at your reviews and noticed the 6-10 rating on your session with Shaye Lynn and Nicole (both of whom are on my short list.) With that in mind, I would suggest you consider BeBeDoll.

Had a blast with those two. If I had done an overnight they might have killed me.  My problem in DC was I couldn't find a total package (young, brunette, gorgeous) that didn't have her face blocked out. So I couldn't really tell how beautiful the top girls were. So as you can see I went for the crazy party time.  Greek isn't mandatory and would forgo that to be with a hottie.  My ATF as a total package so far is Sierra of LV.  She is gorgeous.  No greek; but I would definitely see her again all things considered.  When I go to SF later this year I'm gonna do my damndest to see Julianna there.  She appears to be gorgeous.

Bebedoll, she will rock your world.......

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