
The reviewer has written fake reviews before
Jack Bauer 345 Reviews 802 reads

He is a POS. I hope TER does the right thing and take down the review and ban the reviewer.

It came to my attention, that a new review popped up yesterday, where Elsa is accused of BBFS!!
This review is 100% FAKE
Is too bad, that someone in this little community would write such a BS about a girl, who is sweet, stellar, angelic and most of all COMPLETLY INNOCENT!!!
I would like to call the person out and actually say it  to Elsa's face. Because the one, who wrote it, knows, that such a behaviour did NOT happened, nor he had a 2h appointment and consequently 2 more appointments the following week as he described.  
Such a shame, that you find a target in such a great, good hearted, sweet girls as Elsa is
Shame on YOU!
TER has been informed
Thank you
Sandra/ Elsa's assistan

He is a POS. I hope TER does the right thing and take down the review and ban the reviewer.

Elsa is stellar and does not deserve this type of malicious activity.

she is as beautiful, talented, and sweet as they come . . . from one who knows . . .

This kind of thing makes a mockery of the review system that everyone here seems to rely so heavily on.

DamienScott537 reads

Of course it is. Otherwise you'd have all 10's.

Posted By: clairecavendish
This kind of thing makes a mockery of the review system that everyone here seems to rely so heavily on.

StillSearching566 reads

I agree, but is flawed both ways. Hobbyists leave fake reviews.  And then there is the the reviews that are overly positive for fear of being blacklisted by giving an honest review.

First dream I've had about scores lol.

I read the content and it was ok, only I was 'too prepared'. Lol. ?? I wasn't sure if I should see him again because it didn't seem like he liked me lol.

LOL, it might be time for a vacation Court. When you start dreaming about your job, that's usually a hint.

Haven't ever had a dream about reviews but certainly about escorts. And no, I didn't take a vacation from escorts just cause I had dreams about them but then, they're not MY job :-)

Or these days, it's more like a $5 bill, lol. Problem is you don't know how long the dream actually was so you'd have to bill yourself by the minute.

Elsa is a sweetheart as is Sandra and all at Coachme9. We all know what's going on here!

If a lady works for an agency or has a scheduler, they expect the lady to contact TER. What BS. The reviewer has written other BS reviews.

Another example where TER allows fake reviews to stand. Yet, they allow the review manipulators to take down truthful reviews. What BS.

Panthera12427 reads

A fake review is one thing, but to allow one with a BBFS accusation is irresponsible and that's putting it mildly.    
This entire BBFS bullshit in reviews was a bad idea when it was instituted and it's a bad idea now.

holdmybearclaw534 reads

Nobody here believes that clown's reviews.

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