
Short hair is sexy.
Hardwood469 18 Reviews 214 reads

For instance, Lorrie Morgan

Posted By: giselle69
Nope, not talking about sessions here.  I'm talking about hair.  Mine is almost to my waist and I'm thinking about chopping it.  However, I know how you boys like to pull and snuggle with it.  So, is it an ASSet?  Also, for the providers, what do you think about the length of your hair?  
 Tee hee!  
 XXX-Giselle Parker

Nope, not talking about sessions here.  I'm talking about hair.  Mine is almost to my waist and I'm thinking about chopping it.  However, I know how you boys like to pull and snuggle with it.  So, is it an ASSet?  Also, for the providers, what do you think about the length of your hair?

Tee hee!

XXX-Giselle Parker

ILoveCrazy453 reads

Long hair is great - the longer the better in my opinion.  I saw a girl with super long hair last night, and aside from looking great, it feels great as it's draping across your body.  I especially love running my hands through a girls long hair when I'm lip locked with her.  My opinion - leave it long.

Posted By: giselle69
Nope, not talking about sessions here.  I'm talking about hair.  Mine is almost to my waist and I'm thinking about chopping it.  However, I know how you boys like to pull and snuggle with it.  So, is it an ASSet?  Also, for the providers, what do you think about the length of your hair?  
 Tee hee!  
 XXX-Giselle Parker

in April I CHOPPED it, to like shoulder length.  Now it is long again and so much healthier looking and THICK.  The only issue with long hair is you have to keep putting it up in a pony(which causes breakage and thinning of the hair).  That said, I love long hair on women, myself included but sometimes it is nice to have a break from all the work it takes to care for such long hair and essentially start over getting the hair healthy agai

I would have totally short hair if I wasn't in this business. 90% of guys love long hair. If anyone remembers the length of my hair when I first started posting that's how my hair would be now if I wasn't a companion. I also think girls with short hair are totally adorable.  

But to answer your question directly Giselle, why don't you cut it a couple of inches? Still keep a good length, but waist length is a bit much. IMHO.

I LOVED Jamie's hair when it was very short and dark.  That old pic of you on the staircase... BOING!


I loved Jamie's hair when it was super short too!

Posted By: Jamie.Solo
I would have totally short hair if I wasn't in this business. 90% of guys love long hair. If anyone remembers the length of my hair when I first started posting that's how my hair would be now if I wasn't a companion. I also think girls with short hair are totally adorable.  
 But to answer your question directly Giselle, why don't you cut it a couple of inches? Still keep a good length, but waist length is a bit much. IMHO.

Jaw clamps instead of pony holders has worked for me. Much less damaging on the hair than a rubber band. But still, wearing it up even a few times in a rubber band = flyaway city!  

What's funny is, I don't remember my hair being this thick either. I must have had it layered or something years ago, or maybe it was damaged like you said. But it is like heavy and thick as fuck. And all over the place ha ha ha. (It's fun, but instead of a pony holder, I use a jaw clamp for when the jaw needs to go to work ha ha)

I anticipate many headaches when it gets to mid-back lol.

But it's fun to grow your hair out an learn what kind of hair you actually have isn't it? (Wow, your hair grows fast!)

-- Modified on 9/16/2016 9:29:54 AM

I've been everything from super short and dark to very long and blonde, wavy and dead straight. I keep it at healthy ends are always trimmed, no box dye, and barely any heat.  I'm pretty active so it needs to be at least pony tail length and out of my way for running or yoga.  
Probably doesn't matter much what the guys like one will like it one way while another the total opposite.

JanetRenosBeard283 reads

What does Ragner like? That's all that counts.

I think it totally depends on the woman. Yes it's nice for a guy to see and feel it but there are more important things. Do whatever makes you look best!

Short hair SUCKS to market, especially if you blur your face - sorry gals and gents, but god that was hard. lol.

I went from short to long hair and a few gents moved on because they liked short hair. I know if I go long to short most of my clientele will be "ready to move on" lol.

I think there is only one client who has stuck with me through all the hair stages and even weights throughout the past couple years. The rest rotated out and in.

Going from blonde to black hair also made a huge difference.

Could also be the confidence factor, as I feel more feminine and confident in longer hair. But I really do think it was the hair lol!!

That's my story - in the end, do what makes you happy.

For instance, Lorrie Morgan

Posted By: giselle69
Nope, not talking about sessions here.  I'm talking about hair.  Mine is almost to my waist and I'm thinking about chopping it.  However, I know how you boys like to pull and snuggle with it.  So, is it an ASSet?  Also, for the providers, what do you think about the length of your hair?  
 Tee hee!  
 XXX-Giselle Parker

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