
She could very well earn 20k in 5 days on her own who knows ...
TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 123 reads

Sage's reply was the most sound.  
Hope you and the young lady come to an agreement you're both happy with.

I have been seen a provider for several years no. I was hoping to celebrate my birthday in Cancun  and bring her with me for a total of 5 days. I didn't know how much this would cost but I was guessing that she would probably charge me for a 1/2 A-day each day, considering that she is in a luxury hotel, very luxury and I'm payin for a first class plane ticket.  I  offered her $2500/day.  however, she quoted me $20000 for 5 days,  2 of which are travel days. that seems a bit high period agree? Disagree?

Some people get greedy and take advantage of a good thing . But again everyone is different . If u need a change check me out

It seems a bit high to me, if it's for a 4 night/5 day trip with two days being partial travel days. However, without knowing the ladies rates, it's impossible to say as none of us know the lady or her rates. Most ladies who do a lot of extended dates discount their longer sessions- for instance, it may be $5k for a full day, but a 3 day weekend is only $10k.  

Perhaps the lady is just throwing out a starting number for negotiation? You could ask her politely if that rate is at all negotiable, or throw out the number you were expecting and see if she's willing to meet somewhere in the middle. If not, you just have to understand its business and not personal, and if you're unable or unwilling to pay the rate she quotes then perhaps find another companion for your trip :)

I would just reply thank you but at this time I'm going to decline.  Either you will find another provider or she will contact you to meet your fee.  
Good luck in your search and have a wonderful vacation.

Some ladies incentivize them by lowering their rates and some don't.  

In my opinion- which should be taken for just that, my opinion- this is one situation where it is acceptable to try to respectfully negotiate.  

Considering that many ladies have 24 hour dates that are $2-4K you were at an ok starting point. I am assuming the $20k she quoted was her straightforward 5 day rate ($4k a day) as opposed to your offer which was a bit closer to half of that.  

If you are absolutely against anything over $2.5k a day just explain to her and make other plans if she's not okay. Having seen her for several years and (hopefully) established rapport, it shouldn't put a wedge between you two (if you're reasonable people)

I'm not going to say any woman's rates are too high or low. She's maybe not incentivizing it based on opportunity cost (being able to see other clients, in theory) and labor involved. I know clients tend to look at overnight/vacay trips as relaxing and fun- and they are! But they are still super demanding. Logistically, physically, emotionally.

offer her your best, what you are offering as far as resort and flight.  Also your expectations.  

Now if you do not mind her lounging around the room in yoga pants sans make up like a real girlfriend then that could also effect your price, as well if you are taking her on excursions to see the area and what not.  The price would be different compared to the I want you at your peek from when you wake with false lashes and the works the entire time.  that means she needs to be in the role of sex goddess the entire time and it certainly is a higher gifting.

Honestly, and well, this might just be me.  But if I am going away with a guest I don't figure in the cost of room or flights, those are incidentals you are choosing to include to have the vacation you want.  TBH, I personally don't care for Cancun so would be less likely to cut any sort of price break for a trip there.  Someone else might.    I also love 1st class seating but I again would not give a price break to sit with you there.  It is the vacation of your choosing, not mine.

So would I do it?  Sure, but my gifting is well within your range.  However GF wants more likely because she thinks she has to be ON the whole time which does make for a long week.  She can't have a bad day with you, and if she does then she has to make it seem like she isn't which is HARD WORK.  It isn't like here where we can just take the day off if we are having a bad day....  Just trying to explain.

Again, make your top offer let her know that is where it is capped and were hoping to have an amazing birthday vacation with her...  GL

That's a year education for me plus some vacation time!!  

I need to meet some like you  but  then again I'll get annoyed by day 2 & I would rather be on vacation with friends not clients.   Lol lol lol 😂  

But $2500 a day should be reasonable especially if all the expenses are being taken care of

She could also have children or animals that need care while she is gone that long and that needs to be factored in for her. She may have a boyfriend/husband to leave at home and REALLY needs it to be a super amount for them to be accepting enough to deal with their lady leaving so long. Or maybe a square job that she would have to take off for. Overnight childcare from a non family member is NUTS!  Don't forget even though they are travel days during your vacation, they are still days she could have been working a full day at home.

If those are not in play, I think making up her daily minimum requirement would be a must. If she's not able to answer her emails and calls while she is gone, that could be potentially be costing her money as well by not being able to book things for when she gets back. She could have a dead week following the vacation because she couldn't respond costing her thousands of dollars. There are a lot of behind the scenes things you probably wouldn't have thought of.  

A suggestion, maybe you could offer to give her some time to herself a day to catch up on her emails/calls so she can stay booked for when she gets back? Maybe let her know how often you'd want to swap fluids and if it's not a high maintenance scenario,( i.e. in the bedroom all day long) it would be a bit less?  

It's great that you have known her for awhile but thinking that might you get a discount because your ponying up for the high end vacay is probably wishful thinking. Our rent, car payment, electric etc all still costs the same no matter how close we get to a client.  

I know guys don't want to throw down the top dollar on the first offer because they are hoping you throw down a lesser one but, if shes THE one you'd have the most fun with and the one you really want to come, just don't beat around the bush. Tell her what you can afford, an idea of what you're expecting, or not expecting and give her a couple of hours space to do emails/calls or just be alone.

If you don't have a set date/time that you're going already maybe ask her if there is a slower time in her schedule that it wouldn't interfere with her other appointments and maybe she'd do it cheaper to fill that void. If you guys have spent more time together and gotten close she could be comfortable talking to you with that type of thing. If you aren't that close, it may be insulting to her sooo... be careful =)

I've gone a few places with clients and that's what we always did. Go around a time I was usually pretty slow and I didn't stress about home appointments and the vacation was relaxed and reasonable.

Good luck and have fun!

I have friends that bet up to $5K on a game or horse race...but for me that would be up to a $500 play, so it really depends on much you can afford to spend (or lose) and if you think the escort is worth it.

Freedom of choice, that's why we live in the greatest country in the world!

. . . then this situation shouldn't be too difficult. Just give the lady what she asks for.  

The rates for multi-day trips can vary from person-to-person and excursion. Some ladies will go with you to Cancun for free whilst others will demand rates higher than $20,000. In the end, spending your birthday with your favorite lady de jour is priceless.  

Adrienne Baptiste

Yeah - too high.  Don't get caught up in the whole "non-negotiable" thing.  I've been a professional working man for 22 years and people routinely negotiate my prices for large-scale engagements, which is what a 5-day trip is.   Lawyers, accountants, investment bankers, etc., negotiate and discuss flat fee arrangements every day.  There is no reason a provider should be above the fray.  Doesn't mean any provider needs to offer such a discount, but hobbyists shouldn't be afraid to ask for fear of being blackballed.  Come on guys, there's plenty of incredible providers out there.  Clearly she thinks she'll earn at least $20K over that 5-day period here at home.  I say let her stay home and earn a fraction of that amount so that perhaps next time she will think about your offer more seriously.  Before any providers yell at me here, I never negotiate price.  You quote it.  I say yes or no.  I would do so in this case as well.  I personally would just say "no thanks."  However, since the question was posed, I am trying to provide this particular hobbyist with my twist on things.  Business is business.  The provider is making a calculated decision.  Her decision clearly is that she will earn at least that over a 5-day stretch here and it would be a waste of her time and services to accept less than $20,000 for the 5 days.  God bless her.  Hopefully she'll stay at home and earn $30,000 over that 5-day period, thus proving her point.  I personally wouldn't bet on it though.  Lots of great providers.  Take someone else.  

Sage's reply was the most sound.  
Hope you and the young lady come to an agreement you're both happy with.

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