
Said "Nice feet" to a civilian
Hardwood469 18 Reviews 455 reads

Might as well have said "I sniff little girls bicycle seats," for the look she gave me.

Hey there everyone!! I have not been posting questions a lot lately but was just thinking about this one particular one!!!!! Now everyone has to answer (hobbyists and providers) ~~ Should be fun!!

Question ~~~

What "flirting" questions have you heard from men or from women to pick you up? Here are a few that I have heard which made me almost fall over and laugh (almost pee'd myself on a couple!)

My Answers ~~

"Did it hurt? ~~ When you fell from Heaven?"
"Well I am here now, what were your other two wishes?"
"I have seem to lost my number. Can I have yours?"
"I saw a flower this morning and thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen until I saw you"

There are others but these are some funny ones!! Have fun! Would love to hear yours!!!


the natural response is "oh, you're married?" to which he responds "Not yet, I just met her".

I love that.... I haven't heard that one yet!!!

Posted By: reedman
the natural response is "oh, you're married?" to which he responds "Not yet, I just met her".

WOW!!! That one is very forward!!!   LOL


Posted By: holdmybearclaw
Wanna fuck?

once got a beer thrown on me! Ah, college memories!

Explanatory note: I was innocent - her blouse was cool. Then again, she did have HUGE mammaries, and might have been a wee bit sensitive about that!

Additional Note: I didn't mention fucking.

Another Note: While it wasn't stated, I presumed that fucking was out of the question!

Hey there everyone!! I have not been posting questions a lot lately but was just thinking about this one particular one!!!!! Now everyone has to answer (hobbyists and providers) ~~ Should be fun!!  
 Question ~~~  
 What "flirting" questions have you heard from men or from women to pick you up? Here are a few that I have heard which made me almost fall over and laugh (almost pee'd myself on a couple!)  
 My Answers ~~  
 "Did it hurt? ~~ When you fell from Heaven?"  
 "Well I am here now, what were your other two wishes?"  
 "I have seem to lost my number. Can I have yours?"  
 "I saw a flower this morning and thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen until I saw you"  
 There are others but these are some funny ones!! Have fun! Would love to hear yours!!!  

And I say how is that possible.... You just fell from heaven.

my favorite is one i always use.."is that a mirror in your pocket?.because i can see myself inside your pants"..tasty..



Posted By: macdaddy1944
my favorite is one i always use.."is that a mirror in your pocket?.because i can see myself inside your pants"..tasty..

(To guy texting on the bus): "Excuse me, but are you taking a picture of my new pedicure?" Would have worked if I was single lol.
"Wow, I feel like I'm in a room full of giants." (Two tall people in an elevator)
"Wow, I feel like a midget right now." (Tall guy)
"They say big feet mean a big suhin suhin. Heh heh."
"I'm a writer and a musician." ----- this one works lol.
"Hey, what's up? Can I sit here?" *proceed to jibber jabber until they decide a dick in the mouth will stop the chit chat*

THE most successful approach: 1 Hour: $400

-- Modified on 10/2/2014 6:59:58 PM

To "the most successful approach"- here, here!

I never realized when a woman says "Can I sit here?" that she is flirting or using it as a pick up line. I always just think she wants to sit down! Shit how many women did I not hit on because I didn't know this! Thanks for the tip! ;) Think I will hold off on the dick in her mouth part for now. Not sure the other people on the train are ready for that!


At 31 I picked up a hot young 26 year old. I got a real nice banging, and now I get a text every holiday he's in town lol.

So, yeah, pay attention! Lol

"You look like trouble."  Cliche?  Absolutely, and for good reason!  There's zero downside risk.  Easy and pleasant to keep talking or not in response.  :)

I love getting it and I love using it.  

Worst thing to say ever?  "I bet all the guys..."  Ummm hello?  Was not thinking about them til you brought it up...

Do you have a twin sister? No? Then I just met the most beautiful woman in the world.  

I also like: My buddies bet me that I wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the bar. Wanna buy some drinks with their money?

To get really cheesy though and I always laugh with friends: are you from Tennessee because you're the only ten I see

Every woman enjoys a compliment regarding her shoes. In the Lifestyle it means, nice breasts.

Might as well have said "I sniff little girls bicycle seats," for the look she gave me.

sp881014 reads

I have too ask, am I flirting or are WE flirting?

Posted By: Zana12345
Hey there everyone!! I have not been posting questions a lot lately but was just thinking about this one particular one!!!!! Now everyone has to answer (hobbyists and providers) ~~ Should be fun!!  
 Question ~~~  
 What "flirting" questions have you heard from men or from women to pick you up? Here are a few that I have heard which made me almost fall over and laugh (almost pee'd myself on a couple!)  
 My Answers ~~  
 "Did it hurt? ~~ When you fell from Heaven?"  
 "Well I am here now, what were your other two wishes?"  
 "I have seem to lost my number. Can I have yours?"  
 "I saw a flower this morning and thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen until I saw you"  
 There are others but these are some funny ones!! Have fun! Would love to hear yours!!!  

Do you mind if I put a flag over your face and fuck you for Old Glory?  

 Just a little joke.  I would never say that.

Thank you everyone!  
I can't believe there are that many pick up lines from both men and women! Funny how many times people use them. How often do you think they work????


eventually!!!   As in try the same pick-up line with 10, 50, 100, 1000 chicks and eventually some poor sucker will bite, perseverance pays-off.    The gist of it is that when you gals ask "why do guys keep doing X?" we do it because at some point it worked and we forgot all the instances when it did not work, we can only remember that one awesome time it worked.   Take for example the thread in the general board concerning the guys sending unsolicited dick picks as part of their introduction.   Sure, most of us would not do that (in my case, the camera would need a magnifying lens for my dick pick), but the guys who do it keep doing it because at some point it worked for them.

Of course, I am not sure that all lines would necessarily work.   For example, if a guy were to sit next to Courtney on a bus and said:  "Mind if I sit here?  I bet I could hit your spot with my strap on," it probably would not work. lol!  


Posted By: Zana12345
Thank you everyone!  
 I can't believe there are that many pick up lines from both men and women! Funny how many times people use them. How often do you think they work????  

"How about I hit that gspot with my strap on?"

Gotta say, I was glad I took the opportunity. ;)

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