
Re:Massage places in Chicago Area
Loverboy694fun 4 Reviews 10156 reads

I have not been to one that is what I would call worth the experience of the dollars! It is all about upselling and you never know until it is to late.  Why even go there???, at least most of the time with an escort (always if you check reviews) you get what you pay for.

baseball218768 reads

Does anyone want to start an exchange of reviews of the local massage places around the Chicago Suburbs....Maybe we can collect some info to share and it will helps us all save a few bucks.

[email protected]

I have not been to one that is what I would call worth the experience of the dollars! It is all about upselling and you never know until it is to late.  Why even go there???, at least most of the time with an escort (always if you check reviews) you get what you pay for.

baseball218914 reads

Ya know,
Sometime you just want to spend a little less and reduce a little stress.....
That is all...
Having fun

lovegarters10553 reads

Yes, I would be interested in exchanging recommendations and/or rip offs.

[email protected]

STAY AWAY!  I wish I had looked at this earlier this evening, I could have saved myself a lot of money.

See my note on Perfections!

$305 spent and NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are RIP OFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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