
Re:I never met a c**k I didn't want!!!
HandsFree 61 Reviews 2389 reads

I love it when you talk dirty.

puretwist3757 reads

If you don't want to be part of the discussion, don't post or respond.  Even if its been discussed before, let's do it again.

I do feel that some hobbyist responses and a provider in particular have been somewhat cavalierish regarding the race issue.  To say it's left up to the incumbent to ask if the provider dates a given race is bullshit. If that is the case, why have info about the type of  experience the provider gives in a website?  

That is not to say there are cultural differences or societal biases, or simply personal preferences, but to say that the hobbyist should ask?  What's up with that?  If you are not interested in a given race, what is wrong with saying that?  A provider may never know rejection if you will, because the potential client would simply not call after seeing a picture and the like.  Imagine expressing interest in someone in this hobby to be told no because of race. And this "black men are too big and freaky" generalization as expressed by a provider on this board.  Well, all are entitled to their opinions, filters, prejudices, etc.  But if we are about to transact some business, its good to know if my business is wanted.

I agree that there should be some type of labeling to help avoid any bad feelings.
I also side with the provider that they have a right to refuse "service" to anyone. I think everyone has preferences. I know I do.
Unfortunatley, The providers I am sure do not want a back lash because the prefer not to be with a perticular type of person. I think it is a very tricky subject.. and when it comes to this hobby/business I think there are enough obsticles in the way of bringing provider and hobbiest together.

1. the biggest ahem, appendage that I ever saw was on a white guy.

2. likewise, the freakiest things I've ever been asked for was by white guys.

Personally while I welcome the variation and differences all men, I do feel that every provider has the right to see who she wants to see.  If her prejudices bother an individual, they should decline to see her because they probably wouldn't have a good time with her anyway.

But to turn it into a flamewar on the boards or try to chase someone out of town because of it is a bit ridiculous because in the end, you can only control your actions and your thoughts in this world and no one else's.

It matters not to me about who one likes or dislikes and yes, even in this business, people have a right to see who they want and when. But, I agree there should be a category for women who do not wish to see men of other races and cultures. In fact, there are several on RS2000 that are very open about this and I think that is refreshing even in this day of age of improved race relations. While it's healthy to discuss issues of race in person, I think little will be accomplished on this board because I don't trust that many of us are willing to have an honest dialogue without resulting to 'flames' and other language. To get into size and freakiness as some sort of index of what can be found in one race or another is profound silliness. Stereotypes will be around for the ages. They are not completely false, but they are completely shallow.

I just want to point out that the real issue here is racism, something that I personally think is most devisive.  I totally agree with Olivia, who is the very first provider I saw when starting out in this hobby... I will never see "that provider" who chooses not to see black men, because I find her choice personally offensive.  Now I guess you could classify me as "white" although last time I took a plain piece of white paper, and held it up to my skin, sure did not match, and doubt it would for anyone.
I am older and a Viet Nam Vet... and have also seen up close and personal, the horrific results that racism can generate.  While I have always been aware of racism, it was not until that time in my life I just decided to take a total stand against it... my choice.
Lastly, no, a client should not have to ask up front... and THAT is just another devisive threat that this poses to all of us.

-- Modified on 5/7/2005 1:45:13 AM

-- Modified on 5/7/2005 4:05:16 AM

ellobo693096 reads

Vent somewhere else, like the oTHer boARd where the topic takes off and never ends.

Just happen to think some folks do not even realize
what their prejudices are, or admit them.
I've said my peace... will just leave it at that and
go hunt something warm and fuzzy to cuddle with for
the weekend.

Flagg3096 reads

I'm not trying to start anything, I'm asking a legitimate question.  If someone feels that a provider is "racist" if she won't see men of color, how does that someone feel about a man who won't see a post-op TS?  Is this client a homophobe?  Aren't preferences or prejudices based on gender the same as those based on race?

No that's not the same thing.  There are many providers I would never see for many different reasons.  Cost would be one of them.  Using your logic, a hobbyist should be forced to pay to see every provider regardless of cost.  That makes no sense.

As for the issue of race, it should be the responsibility of the provider to find out if the client is someone they are willing to see.  While I say that, I always ask if a provider has a problem with guys who are heavy.  I have a weight issue and if a provider has a problem with that, I move on.  That's the only advice I can offer to those who are discriminated against.  Move on to someone who wants to see you.

Flagg3669 reads

I said nothing about money and you're assumptions about my logic are completely wrong.

I totally agree with you here. It seems the term "racism" is restricted to label those caucasions who don't favor african americans.  I have yet to hear an african american be labeled a racist because he/she discriminates against a white person.  It seems its only a one way street... although racism means to discriminate based on race only... which means ANYONE can be considered such.

Getting off this whole "racism" issue.  This is a free country and people have the right to think and believe as they please. This also means people have the right to have their preferences. I like slender toned women with big fake boobs and refuse to see any provider who doesn't fall under this category.  Does this make me a pompous ass because I choose not to book appointments with BBWs?  Of course not.  I only pay for what I want, the provider only sees who she wants.  This is our right.

I don't care if your black, white, hispanic or asian; fat, skinny, tall or short; well-endowed, stubby, retarded or deformed; transexual, transgendered or hermaphrodite... the escort world is not governed by affirmative action, equal rights, minimum wage or NAFTA.  The escort life is not a business regulated by the FDA, federal government or trade compacts.  Its not found in Wall Street, grocery stores, or Ebay.

The escort world is prostitution which is illegal in every part of the US except one for county in Nevada.  It lives by its own rules which is anything goes.  If you feel you have been discriminated against, overcharged, underserviced, or defrauded then write your senator because no one here cares!

That's the hobby... if you don't like it then find another.

Gee Thomas ~ Tell us how you really feel.. lol
I think everyone is taking it a little far.
lets talk about something fun like having an escort olympics... I want dibbs on being a judge at the french event!!!!!

puretwist3182 reads

I respect every opinion expressed here.  This is not venting.   Yes, its a sensitive subject. I know there is not equal protection under the law for poon, but even in its illegality, there still are some rules that both hobbyists and providers are governed by. Why have a "rip off"  report section?

There are topics that come up on this board that do not interest me, so I choose not to post. As I said before, if you don't care, don't bother to post.

ad70623120 reads

Thank you for bring up this topic.  Although I understand and respect most of objections to continuing this discussion that have been posted so far, the least persuasive ones (e.g., this is United States and we're all free to have our own thoughts about race) have prompted to post a quick comment.  Please stop reading now if you are tired of this topic.

What I can't get my mind wrapped-around is the idea that race serves any provider or hobbyist as a useful critical categoy.  As Cornell West has observed, race is an empty signifier, often arbitrarily assigned to an individual or a group in order to enable a dominant group to sustain its own position of dominance.  Unless a provider or hobbyist is seeking something like a racial dominatrix experience, which would be an act that performs race as strictly a performance and not an act that is a political act that reinforces stupidity and inhumanity, then I don't that we should be supporting folks who impose racial strictures in the talk we're talkin' here on this discussion board.  Rather than suggest folks go to some other discussion board to discuss this matter, it should be the other way around: folks who wish    to make race matter on the TER board must indicate its relevance to "the hobby."  If that cannot be done, then providers and hobbyists should stop using race as part of a screening process.

funtobwith2969 reads

Check out some of the comments on those boards..

A couple of things...

I don't know that I've ever heard of anyone preferring fake boobs over the real ones, but that's your choice.  In my younger days, I ran into too many bad ones, so I usually avoid them but I am getting less picky.

And in Nevada as of July 2004, "11 counties permit licensed brothels in certain specified areas or cities."

I am a provider and I happen to be biracial.( to the extent that I am proudly registered as an African American voter even though I am Brazilian-American.) If I can tell if a gentleman is A-A, I will not take the appointment; however, some of my best clients are A-A,and I never would have guessed that they were. The fact is that GENERALLY, speaking, A-A clients have tried to short-change me, pimp me, expose me, hurt me, physically exaust me, ect... For those reasons, I will not see a guy that i can tell is A-A. Does this make me racist? NO! The only men that I have seriously dated have been A-A. But they are the type That would not be red-flagged on the phone. You see, ignorance is not a racial issue; it is an educational issue. I a client does not present himself as highly -educated I will not see him regardless of what race I predict him to be. I also will not see guys under 35; or bachelors. Call me what you will, but I reserve the right to deny service to anyone, anytime! I encourage providers and clients of any race to enjoy the same rights without villification.

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