
Re: What else is becoming more and more frequent... Is
IslaFlores See my TER Reviews 435 reads

Well you obviously arent thier target market anyway. You both probably wouldnt click which saves both of you from wasting time and money.

You can always leave after an hour or an hour and a half if your done and dont want to stay. Plenty of ladies out here if you want in and out.

If she has a minimum thats how she runs her shit and thats it.

are you free after to hang out or have dinner, you know, as friends?"

So you mean spend 2-3 more hours with you off-the-clock?

"Four hours is perfect! It is a really long trip though, so I would need to stay at your place overnight... I can just sleep on the couch or something"

If you want to sleep on the couch that is ok (lol) but an overnight donation still applies.

Ahhhhh.....These type of propositions are becoming more and more frequent. I am somewhat reserved, and it is often difficult to address these situations with a client assertively. It saddens me that some gents still do not treat what I choose to do as a profession seriously.  

Any input from either side is welcomed.

-- Modified on 2/5/2017 8:53:13 PM

-- Modified on 2/5/2017 9:16:17 PM

ROGM687 reads

Just tell them politely, " Thanks for the offer. But I have to decline due to other matters I must attend to."  

I asked a provider out to dinner. And she gladly accepted. No extra charge. Of course I paid for dinner. She has become some what of a friend. So asking her to dinner and other events isn't a problem for her. I even took her to my family Thanksgiving Dinner. No charge from her.  

I mean, the guy knows he's out of line already. Nobody needs to explain that to him.

Once you start explaining yourself, the "salesperson" now has another crack in the door to pull open.

Can't give them any leverage at all. Just block and ignore.

I've made so much more money since I've started ignoring those emails completely.

-- Modified on 2/5/2017 11:47:04 PM

If he can afford your rate, he can afford to get a room at the motel 6....or at the very least priceline a decent 2 1/2 star hotel.

So he basically wanted to turn a 90min into an overnight.....for the price of 90mins.

Oh wow...

"Of course! I'd love to either have dinner first or do an overnight appointment!

These are my rates:

1 hour: ____
2 hours: ____
Dinner plus 2H:  ____
Overnight: ____

For more entertainment ideas, etiquette or screening information, rates or possible discounts visit my website:


Thanks so much!"

-- Modified on 2/6/2017 2:05:27 PM

. . . before or after our time together, and all 4 said yes without wanting an additional fee.  Each time was a very relaxed and delightful.

They said sure since they had nothing else going on and didn't want to eat alone at upscale locales.

And is WAY different from "maybe I can sleep on your sofa?"

I assure you, these same people don't expect a bill for asking their lawyer a "quick question" or telling the housekeeper, "Oh, can you also...?"  The maid will probably do it but be a little resentful or passive aggressive, the professional will bill them without a second thought.

Try not to take it personally.  If you feel too shy to say it, hang up and text them.  It's your business, handle it however YOU want to. :)

So true. Everyone wants to negotiate for a better deal...

Best advice is definitely don't take it personally, but establish and stick to your boundaries.

The Providers requiring a 2 hr minimum.  Same principle, but what if I DON'T WANT to spend an extra hour with you? Why am I being "required" to stay for an extra hour when I'm done? If I'm paying for it I'm gonna feel like I have to stay. I know you want to "create a relationship" "You want to get to know each other"...  That's the excuses for the multi-hour minimums. How about this...  I don't want to get to know you, I read your reviews and all I want to do is get in and out. I know you're not going to be my girlfriend. I know I'm not gonna date you exclusively. I just want to get in, Boink and meet my buddies at the bar..

If I'm reading your comment right is...  

What happened to the old days where you pay for what you want/get? Meaning why keep me there for an extra hour as you don't want to be there an extra hour on the back end unless you're getting paid? You charge me for an hour and I get an hour... You charge me for two (without a minimum) and I get 2 hours. Your client pays for extra time and he gets extra time. That simple.  

That's my view as I DO AGREE WITH YOU and understand your troubles and concerns with clients as a provider, but please realize some of you providers give us the troubles and concerns but in a different way.  There's one provider out there that's $800/hr but makes it clear that there is no outfit requests unless you do 2+... Really??? Thanks for going above and beyond for that $800...

There are Providers out there that I would love to play with for an hour, but they have 2 hour minimums and I'm not really looking for a "faux girlfriend".  

Respect always..

Let the mud flinging begin...

Posted By: Love_Daria
are you free after to hang out or have dinner, you know, as friends?"  
 So you mean spend 2-3 more hours with you off-the-clock?  
 "Four hours is perfect! It is a really long trip though, so I would need to stay at your place overnight... I can just sleep on the couch or something"  
 If you want to sleep on the couch that is ok (lol) but an overnight donation still applies.  
 Ahhhhh.....These type of propositions are becoming more and more frequent. I am somewhat reserved, and it is often difficult to address these situations with a client assertively. It saddens me that some gents still do not treat what I choose to do as a profession seriously.  
 Any input from either side is welcomed.  
 -- Modified on 2/5/2017 8:53:13 PM

-- Modified on 2/5/2017 9:16:17 PM

i've seen ads for 3 hr min. a few years ago i saw one for 4 hr min! the funny thing is i saw that girl before she started the 4 hr min, but when she adopted that policy i stopped calling her. she was cool and all but at the time i just didn't want to spend that much time with anyone... i was usually good with 1 or 2. she eventually stopped that policy and then it was all good. btw i never complained about her policy, i just moved on.  

don't get me wrong i can  understand the 1.5 min or 1.5 - 2 hr min for incall cuz some people don't  like to rush or it's just not worth it after u factor in hotel and uber costs etc. look, the hobby isn't perfect, it has its ups and downs and there are difficult people on both sides. i'm actually glad daria posted this so that others can see how annoying this  can be for providers. i hate haggling. however, sometimes the guys are also going "ugh"  and shaking their heads. i once had a provider practically rip me a new one over email because i requested a same day appt and she wanted days in advance (oops my bad). at the end of the day, 2+ hr min providers really aren't that common in chicago so it's not really worth worrying about IF that bothers you, but i have a feeling that time wasters and negotiators are more common than we think... just my guess.

But that explanation is definitely making me consider a two hour minimum...

You're right..

Leave it alone.  

Once again, like I stated in my comment... I read reviews.  

Go 2hr min...

I hope it works out.  I wish you nothing but the best.  

But once again, I'm not looking to snuggle that second hour and I am smart enough to know you're not my girlfriend.  

Sorry, I'm not that guy that pays to snuggle, take you out so all my friends think I have a girlfriend..

I wanna.... And then done.  

Why do the providers all of the sudden want to spend time???  

Cuddle time should be now on hobbiest time.  

So use that edge..

So go for it.

Posted By: MissMarieM
But that explanation is definitely making me consider a two hour minimum...

The 2 hour... You're promising the weak that there's something special when the strong knows your game.  

The strong wants to come in and destroy (which is old school) and the weak want to be manipulated and be told how much time to spend together. They also are looking for some kinda faux feelings that they think are real. Feeling that you'll never give to them in the capacity that they expect... That's were you come in... The wolf on the wounded deer.  

"I want to connect"

Bullshit, you couldn't give a shit at the end of the day. If one of you're biggest hobbiest got into a bad situation would you be there for him???

Hell, no.  

So I have two thinks to say...

1) Providers quit acting like we're so important and you care about our feelings. You do... until the money runs out.  

2) Guys, quit thinking that they care. Quit thinking you now have a girlfriend. Quit thinking that you're in love. Guys, understand that they are in you're world until you leave or run out of money.

I'll say WRONG (my DT voice) I had a client I saw for 4-5 years straight 2 times a week, every week. One week he just disappeard. I figured he just moved on. Fast forward 2 years, he contacts me siad he had fell in love and says he's in a long term care facility. His fiance' deserted him because he had a stroke (early 60's young man) asks if I'd come see him. I live in Atlanta he was in New York at the time (client from when I lived in New England). I drove down (turned it to a working trip, yes) the very next week to see him, for free. Now he is back in New England at another long term care place and I go visit him 4-5 times a year when I am there for work or family, I talk to him damn near daily (ugh, that is irritating, I admit but he has no one else)  and I send him cards and things for holidays and special days. I've even gone to a play (on a day trip he had) his granddaughter was in. That was def uncomfortable with his children but still, he was very good to me, hence, fair exchange is no robbery.

1. Some of us actually do care and would like to think we are cared about in some way other than just ass as well. (although you can just love my ass if you see it often at rate)

2. I can always give you his name and number to keep him company as well if you think I'm fibbing.  

Friendships come in many fashions, as long as there is mutual respect all involved win.

Posted By: StilettosandFFstockings
The 2 hour... You're promising the weak that there's something special when the strong knows your game.  
 The strong wants to come in and destroy (which is old school) and the weak want to be manipulated and be told how much time to spend together. They also are looking for some kinda faux feelings that they think are real. Feeling that you'll never give to them in the capacity that they expect... That's were you come in... The wolf on the wounded deer.  
 "I want to connect"  
 Bullshit, you couldn't give a shit at the end of the day. If one of you're biggest hobbiest got into a bad situation would you be there for him???  
 Hell, no.  
 So I have two thinks to say...  
 1) Providers quit acting like we're so important and you care about our feelings. You do... until the money runs out.  
 2) Guys, quit thinking that they care. Quit thinking you now have a girlfriend. Quit thinking that you're in love. Guys, understand that they are in you're world until you leave or run out of money.

Well you obviously arent thier target market anyway. You both probably wouldnt click which saves both of you from wasting time and money.

You can always leave after an hour or an hour and a half if your done and dont want to stay. Plenty of ladies out here if you want in and out.

If she has a minimum thats how she runs her shit and thats it.

Ditto! It's a companion's prerogative to run her business as she sees fit. Being transparent about policies and requirements is a perfect way to filter out whoever may be incompatible.

Posted By: Gypsyofchicago
Well you obviously arent thier target market anyway. You both probably wouldnt click which saves both of you from wasting time and money.  
 You can always leave after an hour or an hour and a half if your done and dont want to stay. Plenty of ladies out here if you want in and out.  
 If she has a minimum thats how she runs her shit and thats it.

Im really a quick shooter so id love to keep up with the same 1 hour donation but lets shoot the sh*t on your time for another 2-3 hoirs and if you say no our decline. You cant be anything but the anti christ


-- Modified on 2/6/2017 6:54:52 PM

Thank you for all the contributions. I appreciate the varying perspectives; always something to learn or at least take note of as we navigate through the hobby life. We also managed to remain rather non-hostile. Kudos Ladies & Gentlemen 😘😘 Happy Tuesday to all.

YNOT2017459 reads

Biting my tongue. I'm sure I'm not the only guy doing so.

Posted By: YNOT2017
Biting my tongue. I'm sure I'm not the only guy doing so.

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