
Re: wanna bet
YourNemesis 758 reads

Yes I want to bet anyone with an IT e-commerce background can find out your IP address that is used for each and every post you make.  

If you want anonymity then  you need to sign off the internet all together.  

But it is to late for you  you have left a trail behind you.

Don_Juan__2669 reads

How would you like the next hack to be of RS2K ?  Or some other site where you've foolishly given all your info??

Goodbye life.

The reason Ashley Madison was targeted by Internet hacktivists was because of their policy that forced people to pay to have their information deleted - yet their information was still retained after customers had paid to have it deleted.

RS2K is a good service with honest intentions that protect women and I believe it wouldn't be targeted in such a manner by Internet hacktivists.

I do understand your point and agree with you on some levels, but this is the Internet, and if someone is determined, motivated and intelligent enough, they can and will dox you - through email, your phone, and/or this very website.

Posted By: Don_Juan__
How would you like the next hack to be of RS2K ?  Or some other site where you've foolishly given all your info??  
 Goodbye life.

Don_Juan__1103 reads

Find or out me?  Good luck with that.

Anonymity is like a warm blanket in this world, and I'm nice and cozy.  

Those of you who take risks deserve what you get, consider it a sort of natural selection.

hydrate967 reads

sorry pal but there is no such thing as anonymity online.

YourNemesis759 reads

Yes I want to bet anyone with an IT e-commerce background can find out your IP address that is used for each and every post you make.  

If you want anonymity then  you need to sign off the internet all together.  

But it is to late for you  you have left a trail behind you.

Don_Juan__768 reads

Ever hear of free wifi or unprotected networks?  Buying a laptop with cash?  

Boom, next.

Don_Juan__1041 reads

How about name, drivers license, work id, address, and the fact that you see hookers.

 That is GAME OVER info right there.

Posted By: Don_Juan__
How about name, drivers license, work id, address, and the fact that you see hookers.  
  That is GAME OVER info right there.
Consider if you were in one of the USG databases that was hacked, you could end up a target for blackmail for espionage purposes. Or, if not, you could be blackmailed for industrial secrets, cash, etc. it's getting real dangerous out there right now. Particularly since the USG and several major corporations don't seem to be able to cover their collective a**es with both hands, let alone their professional secrets!

So Dj,
As anonymous ad you think you might be, be careful in that cozy blanket. I'm sure someone has pierced your invisible blanket.  
As for rs2k, those of us long time members don't have drivers license info, cc info, or ss# info. Work wise,I've changed jobs several times since '99.
P411 has dl info and cc info.
As does everyone.  
Your best insurance s to be :
Careful,RESPECTFUL, safe, cool, and just have fun!!!!

JERICHO1907 reads

Hardwood was right. What exactly would they get from RS2K? Nothing that they wouldn't get  by hacking any one of a hundred companies that you have given your information to in the past.  RS2K doesn't have any email correspondence between hobbiest and provider.  They don't have location data or any type of transaction history.   The information that could be obtained by hacking them could have come from any one of a thousand hacks.  As for me I have been an RS2K member for 10 years and couldn't be any happier with the service.  IMHO giving your personal information to a provider is way riskier than giving it to RS2K

Don_Juan__784 reads

What do you think you have to give to a provider???  Your name, phone, city.  The fact that you don't understand the difference between a bank getting hacked and RS2K getting hacked is seriously disturbing

Don_Juan__1112 reads

yes, hackers care about all of that....

Norsecorp has an interesting LIVE attack map..

hydrate834 reads

all my info to my wireless provider and got hacked, my bank and got hacked, my cc and got hacked. based on your thinking I should not give my info to anyone not even my employer because sooner or later it will get hacked too. nonsense. I am a proud rs2k member and I do not care what you think.

Don_Juan__800 reads

Everyday this board simply outdoes itself with unbelievably ignorant posts.  Wow, just wow.

Yes, a hacker exposing your info as part of RS2K is the same as a hacker saying you are a bank of america customer to the world.  Which one do you think your wife/family/boss would be more upset by????

The stupid....oh it burns

hydrate771 reads

your idiocy...I guess you prefer a Russian hacker having your social security number than have your id number from funny

"Yes, a hacker exposing your info as part of RS2K is the same as a hacker saying you are a bank of america customer to the world.  Which one do you think your wife/family/boss would be more upset by???? "

how is it the business of your boss what you do in your spare time?  

if you are so concern go with street walker that way you can be "anonymous" lol

...they might be right or they might be wrong.  When two people tell you you're wrong, you should seriously consider that what they are saying might be true. And when three people tell you that you're wrong about something then it is probably true that you are."

This Op is so certain of his conspiracy theories that he won't entertain the thought that he might be overreacting even though all of the feedback suggests that he is

Does not anyone consider all the news reports regarding the "nice government" attacks on Edward Snowden? This guy exposed their illegal snooping activities and they have come swinging with "lets hang him on the courthouse steps!".  

Not to mention, William Binney who exposed their data mining activities long before.

If you think the "nice government" isn't prying, think again!

In correspondence with Cathy awhile back, she indicated that their database is paper-based, not directly  
accessible from the Internet.  Only way to check the database is through a person

Kwasi1046 reads



Been that way for 15+ years...

Cathy has  repeatedly sidestepped suggestions to make verification available to ladies via an app or via the website.

They HAVE to contact Cathy and she deals with info off-line and sends a reply "yes" or "no"
It's that simple..... Always has been. Takes a bit longer than an online verification, but you get the point, right???

I  wish a person hiding behind an "alias" like Don_Juan would know what he's talking about before rambling on and on and on and on and on

Posted By: Don_Juan__
How would you like the next hack to be of RS2K ?  Or some other site where you've foolishly given all your info??  
 Goodbye life.

Don_Juan__1055 reads

Unfortunately you have been brainwashed by RS2K.  Guess why?  $$$$$.  It is a business before all else.

When you send an email with pics of your id, where do you think that goes?  To a fax machine???  

Don't be stupid, I know much more about this than you do.  Your idiotic posts only serve to jeopardize the safety of johns.  There are a few million guys sweating it out right who thought they were safe on Ashley Madison.

Dear Don Juan,

Just to let you know when I join the r2k service back in the day like over 10 years ago, I did not have send out my Driver Lic at all... So no she does not have my ID.

Its been a long time and I just look at how to become a member and there no request to upload a photo ID...  

I was reading your posting.. I think your blasting everyone for no reason..

you wrote "we don't understand the difference between a bank getting hack and r2k getting hack"

I think you are crying wolf.. hahaha

1) for sure banks has millions of dollar and r2k does not have millions of dollar of people million

2) r2k is very limited to Chicago market , ashely Madison runs tv ads and magazine
    people that wants to hack wants maximum fame..  

Im wrapping up my other cisco server studies , so I kind of know what Im talking about ..

You make statements and tell everyone that they are in the wrong, but you do not explain why or give facts..

example: 10/31 is Halloween...  
here are facts and answer: you can google it  
R2k service is  internet base marketing company , they do not sell anything and all they do is run advertisement..

So how are they brainwashing people ?  can you clear explain

Ilikemwet714 reads

DJ you don't know shit! Who sent pic of their ID? You get your facts straight. What about this site getting hacked?? Calculated risk my friend.

JERICHO11071 reads

Let's pretend for a minute that a hacker or hacker group decided to waste their time and hack RS2K.  Which BTW they've probably never heard of and which probably has a database of less than 1% of 1% of either Ashley Madison or adult friend finder.   Then let's say they got all your personal info, name, ss#, dob, ID etc..  Besides that basic info which can be purchased for about $25.00 from a dozen different websites what proof is there that you are the one that actually opened the account. There are no pictures of you doing anything wrong,  no back and forth emails or communication of any kind.  The account could  just as easily have been opened by someone who obtained the info from a previous hack similar to any other identity theft.  

IMHO the far more likely scenario that should concern you is a pissed off for whatever reason, vengeful, BSC provider who has way more personal info on you and who's looking to make a large quick buck.  That provider will have back and forth emails,  more intimate details of your life,  maybe some distinguishing physical details, maybe some pics or video, maybe even some DNA.  Any one of those along with your basic personal info which could have come from anywhere is far more dangerous and/or damaging than RS2K or any verification service could ever possibly be.  

In a hobby such as this there is always some degree of risk involved.  That risk can be managed and minimized with proper research and by using reputable verification sites.  If you are truly as paranoid as you seem to be from your posts you might want to consider that this might not be the best hobby for you

and it's been safe for many for many, many years. So you'll forgive me if I lend more credence to her track record than to your alias.

Don_Juan__783 reads

I'm sure the guys who knew the ashleymadison people thought the same thing.  good luck with hoping and praying a BSC pro doesn't use your real name address and phone number to destroy your life.  Never mind the hackers.  What could go wrong?

you started this thread claiming RS2K is vulnerable to hackers, and that's the point I was refuting by pointing that you have no basis for that contention. I assert nothing more. Pick an argument and stick to it, skippy.

Oh, and speaking of BSC here's a little something to round out your wardrobe.

Don_Juan__750 reads

Hacking is just one issue with giving strangers your info.  But by all means, please keep giving out all your personal info to people.  In fact, you are right Einstein, you win, I'll admit it right now.  Nothing wrong with giving out all sorts of info to strangers affiliated with illegal/immoral activities folks.  Nothing bad will happen, I'm certain.  No need to take any precautions whatsoever, in fact, it will all be peachy!   Happy trails lemmings!

I never said RS2K didn't represent a risk via the requirement that I provide real information to providers. But I find it an acceptable risk that I mitigate by limiting my dalliances to reputable agencies and providers. You seem to be unable to comprehend that I am merely asserting that you have no basis to believe the information I provided to RS2K is vulnerable to hacking, as they have no website that connects to a database, hence the requirement that providers call or email to verify clients, preferring instead to mouth off and shit stir. Ergo you are a troll, a dolt, or most likely both, and I am finished with you.

Don_Juan__604 reads

the depths of your retardation.

You just admitted in public that you think that email can't be hacked.  You sad, sad fool.  It must be quite the slap to the face to be outed as a complete know-nothing here

Since you're a chicken shit using an alias I can only guess, but I think you swim in the shallow end of the provider pool, probably paying in the $100 to $200 range for blow and go and other shit services because that all you can afford. I'd guess you're probably repellent IRL as well; you certainly are as an alias. And you so bad want to see higher end but you can't because you don't want to give up your precious information, and probably couldn't afford it anyway. So as Sojourner pointed out you need to come out here time and time again and tear down what you can't have. Poor you, I'll think about you the next time a beautiful young girl is riding my junk and I'm gazing up at her perfect face and body...well, I won't, but you get the point.

And yes email can be hacked, dumbass, but none of the information is actionable. Embarrassing, maybe, but not actionable. Acceptable risk, my smooth frontal lobe friend.

Don_Juan__709 reads

You mad bro?  Why?  You are so sure you are right, keep on keepin on bro.  Nobody cares about your small penis or that you like giving BSC hookers your info.  Good on you bro!

You guys probably already know this.  I knew when someone deserved to be called a troll, but I didn't know with the definition was exactly.  The definition of troll is:  "make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them".

It sure sounds like you called this right, arovet.  You can't be upset because he won't see reason if he never had any intention of being reasonable in the first place, though I understand your frustration.  

He has defied every rational explanation.  He continues to make his rants and call us all stupid in spite of evidence that he's completely wrong.  According to the definition, that does make him a troll.

how it must suck to be him, lmao!

Posted By: Freya Fantasia
You guys probably already know this.  I knew when someone deserved to be called a troll, but I didn't know with the definition was exactly.  The definition of troll is:  "make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them".  
 It sure sounds like you called this right, arovet.  You can't be upset because he won't see reason if he never had any intention of being reasonable in the first place, though I understand your frustration.    
 He has defied every rational explanation.  He continues to make his rants and call us all stupid in spite of evidence that he's completely wrong.  According to the definition, that does make him a troll.

Don_Juan__713 reads

And yet I said you were right, Mr Dumas.  Keep on pretending girls love to be with you and not your money.  Keep thinking it is great that your info being in the hands of crazies is a-okay there bro.  Like I said, why you mad if you are right, right?

ROFLMFAO!!!  Winner!

Thank you Kwasi for that information.  I feel so much safer now.  Cathy is great and RS2K is a great verification company.  

Kwasi when is your next blogger party :-)

I have used RS2K for years.  They have been around longer than most.  Ashley Madison isn't even comparable and couldn't survive as long without being hacked.  

If they DO find your info on there, it proves NOTHING.  The worse you're going to have to do is explain to your SO why you're on there, IF, in the unlikely event she finds out through the AM hack.  Much like you can't get in trouble for attending a meet and greet, the chances of you getting in trouble for simply having a profile are very low, it's just not enough evidence to invest money in.

Use your head, inform yourself and look at the tried and true websites.  Internet security cost money for websites, not all of them are willing to invest in that or in top quality security.  Charging members to delete their profiles is ridiculous and got negative attention in the first place, not that fact that it's a hobby site.

All sites CAN be hacked, that doesn't mean they all will.  Putting down great sites that keep so many of us safe only hurts them and all our safety

He has genuine knowledge of the site, and I know that for a fact. That you did not know that, and rebuked his correct assessment, just makes you look like a fool. I know who you really are as you have blasted RS2K for years, simply because you were too cowardly to join and expose your info even once. You have beaten the drum for others to follow in your footsteps right here on TER. You changed your handle, and you changed your alias as well, but your non-credibility follows you around like the messages you post.

 Cathy's verification system is accessed offline and that is a fact. Listen and learn for once.

Don_Juan__832 reads

I laugh at your stupidity.  You think I'm the only one who won't use RS2K?  You might want to get educated, son.  

Hacking is the least of your worries when you use RS2K.  EVERY HOOKER GETS YOUR INFO.  Let that sink into your tiny head.  Just takes one BSC hooker to ruin your life

ModernLover66846 reads

Are you talking about the problem of getting your stuff hacked or just on some kind of anti-RS2k crusade? FFS, give it a rest! If you don't use RS2k you don't even have a dog in this fight.

Aren't you the little drama queen!

 There is nothing you could possibly know about RS2K that I don't already know, and I know a whole lot about it that you don't! You trying to sound like an old man by calling me son, when I'm an old man, doesn't fool me. I know exactly who you are, and your pathetic cry for help about being screened won't get you the girl. Only big boys get the girl around here, not little whining crybabies.

 Go get your shine box...and your binky to

Don_Juan__696 reads

Bwahaha.  Go down some viagara and RS2K some hooker, pops.  I'm sure nothing bad will ever happen to you.  What do you care anyway, you'll kick the bucket soon, right old man

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