
Re: No this can't be limited to Providers
Emiglio 270 reads

But these were August 2015 dollars, inflation and all LOL.  But on a serious note, you seem kind,maybe too kind. I bet if you were a bit more financially demanding, he might have called when he was back in town. I too have been there, but I  have always tried to be fair.  But it is so hot the way you describe it. Don't put down your pen, you have a flair, and it will make a great short story. Take license with it in that it does not have to be 100% accurate.

reposted from the Wisconsin Board

with the many reviews by guys i can't help wonder what great experiences the ladies had. ladies, what was YOUR best date and what made it so great. what did he do or not do, or how did he act that just made your time together so worth it and hoping he calls again. of course, please speak generally cuz we don't want hints on who they might be.  
 side note, even if this wasn't the best date was there ever a guy that you personally found to be extremely good looking and very physically attracted to? so much so that you can't wait for the next time he calls to book? regardless or personality or performance or whatever. thanks in advance for sharing.  
My story:
I'm not going into great detail because I'm actually writing a story about this date. I was very new to the hobby and having an extremely slow night when I got a text asking if I would take 40 for head. Now I was not very thrilled about the amount I was going to make but I figured I wasn't having an luck, so why not do this out call in a nice suburban area. I wasn't even very far away so I agreed to the appointment.  
 When I arrived I walked in the door and in front of me was one of the hottest guys I've ever met. Mid twenties, 6'3" beautiful face, perfect build. He pulled me close and kissed me deeply. My mood immediately changed, I felt a sense of peace and joy. I think it's the same feeling you get when you meet your soulmate or fall in love. That feeling of being completed.  We had the best chemistry of any man I've ever been with.  
 When he grabbed me by the waist and lifted me off the ground I wrapped my legs around him,  it was absolutely the most sensual moment of my life. He looked deep into my eyes kissing me deeply. I told him we could do anything he wanted.  
 Again I don't want to give too many details but I've thought a lot about what made him so attractive to me. Confidence ....he was very confident and just kept telling me how much he loved my body...and how beautiful I was. As he fucked me he looked into my eyes...not many guys to that.  
 I continued to see him for several months...I was absolutely in love with him and would do anything for him including middle of the night car sex. I wouldn't do that for anyone else...  
 I wish I could say we still get together but he moved and even when he is in town he still doesn't call....I will always have sex with him if he calls again...for the rest of my lif

I can't take the credit for it...a guy from the Wisconsin board thought it up first

yup 40 bucks...when I was a beginner and just didn't know any better

maybe because I have been around so long I have too many to even get specific.  Should be the wonderful lunch date where I was taken to Shaws and had a great play time after.  Or it could be the doubles overnight many years ago at the Sybaris.  Could be the guy who came by for 5hr sessions and we would not even touch for the 1st 3hr of it talking, drinking and getting on a seriously awesome mind f* before the physical.  Could be the guy I met the night prior and had a great time with that invited me up to give me a hug and kiss, pay my gift and give me a 1K gift.    Or it could be my quicky guy who is so sweet and gentle with nothing but compliments in emails, calls and in person and makes me smile with every contact.

The common thread to my favorite experiences is that these guys made me feel valued.

Case in point, the 1k tip....  He sat me down, hugged me and said I was too nice to be in the industry and  was afraid it would ruin me.  Obviously I am still around but it still made me feel valued, he saw something he didn't want to see get spoiled....  Even now what he said puts me to the verge of tears.

The 5hr, the conversations we had about anything and everything while we sipped wine.  It showed me that he valued me for more then just what I had below my nose and between my legs.  He wanted to know me and that made our time together so special.  We would f* like bunnies after and it was seriously hot.

The double overnight at the Sybaris was amazing, another lady and I as well as a nice gentleman swimming and playing the adult version of Marco Polo....  It is not a memory that is short in my head.  Also helped fill the time with relaxing back rubs in the hot tub and hot usage of the steam room to have some very hot encounter.  YUM...

Shaws, well, great food and company finished out by some of my best/favorite attention.  Hot....

I mean so many....  Even the gentleman who had been having difficulties and my new tv/dvd player with the porn going while he was tied and used....  Finally getting that pop and thinking YES!!!  I got it....  LOL, feeling so triumphant.  

Honestly, it would be too hard to name a specific...  There have just been so many amazing experiences that just listing these feels like a very small portion...  And no it is not all about the finance, but I do often find that I tend to be able to relax more and have a better time with longer sessions where I don't have to worry about the other person or myself and what plans are come that will need to wrap things up....  But that is just me, I am sure others may feel the same and yet others may not.

I can think of many favorite guys over the years I have lost touch with, many of them still 15yrs later we still have amazing visits....   They all make me feel beautiful and valued, because of that, they get the best of me.


-- Modified on 8/7/2016 11:25:10 PM

So after I knocked on the door seconds later I heard the pitter patter of her 4 inch heels. The door opened but there was nothing present but what seemed like an empty room. Behind the door was this beautiful woman looking up at me with a seductive smile. She's tip toeing up to kiss me even in her heels. The kiss was sudden because I was still not fully recovered from my shock of what I thought to be an empty room. What I really want to make it a point to say is that she kissed ME, which doesn't happen to me all that often. It was the type of kiss that seasoned lovers share with one another. Soft closed lips at first to make the connection then disconnection. Then our eyes opened together before we reclosable them to find the connection again. My hands are now on her waist with my fingertips failing to tear her sheer lingerie. Our mouths opened together, but her tongue entered my mouth before mine could break the lock of our lips. I didn't have to put very much effort into getting her to come closer to me. Now she's made up from the shock of an empty room by filling my mouth with her tongue depressing down against my own. She began to gently pull her tongue away but only so that I would keep it connected by now holding it between my own tongue and upper lip. It back it as deep as I want. She's gripping my wrists as I'm gripping her waist. The saliva between our locked lips pulling and tugging didn't win the battle above my weakened fingers and firm palms squeezing her waist like there was an expectation for her kiss to grow to become more than it already was.........

Oh and after that we had sex too.

yeah that's what I want to hear! So damn sexy! Btw I gave back the 40 a couple of nights later, it was about so much more than money, it was meeting that once in a lifetime guy!

Emiglio271 reads

But these were August 2015 dollars, inflation and all LOL.  But on a serious note, you seem kind,maybe too kind. I bet if you were a bit more financially demanding, he might have called when he was back in town. I too have been there, but I  have always tried to be fair.  But it is so hot the way you describe it. Don't put down your pen, you have a flair, and it will make a great short story. Take license with it in that it does not have to be 100% accurate.

He was not a regular hobbyist so me asking for money had nothing to do with why he doesn't still see me. It's probably has to do with me being way too emotionally attached to him. Hey it happens people fall in love even in the world of professional dating. I was new and would never tell a guy he didn't have to pay ever again. Like I said I fell in love could I take his money?

Yeah she's saying it was so hot that she didn't look at it as a business transaction even though that's how it started out. I once had a provider tell me "I should be paying you". I just smiled. She may have been totally serious and she may have been just trying to flatter me.  

I love when I'm with someone where "I forgot it was a service", sometimes we forget that the ladies can feel that way too.

Posted By: Emiglio
But these were August 2015 dollars, inflation and all LOL.  But on a serious note, you seem kind,maybe too kind. I bet if you were a bit more financially demanding, he might have called when he was back in town. I too have been there, but I  have always tried to be fair.  But it is so hot the way you describe it. Don't put down your pen, you have a flair, and it will make a great short story. Take license with it in that it does not have to be 100% accurate.

OMG I'm so glad this was understood! I mean as a provider I could make the decision not to take money from this one. Just to be clear...I was brand new and somewhat desperate....I wouldn't consider a 40 offer now but I'm so glad I did last was just a life changing moment and like I said I am writing a short story about it and honestly I don't need to make it fiction at was so hot to me! Oh and to put it in to perspective....he never made to cum...he didn't even need was that satisfying. It's that true submissive in me....I just need to be with the right dominant to get complete fulfillment.

There are two guys I saw for appointments, who  I thought were insanely hot.  They were both handsome in equal measures.  One of them was very funny and tattooed.  The other one did not talk much and was more Boy Next Door.  I actually contacted The Quiet One for free fucking, like quite awhile after he retired from The Hobby (mostly because he could not afford it after seeing so many ladies for many years).  I also messaged The Funny One from time to time.  The two of them are like the only two guys I ever saw that gave me really bad knots in my tummy!  They were both sooo hot.

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