
Re: I have seen Elsa multiple times...
ChiTownHeaux 559 reads

Very well point taken.  Thank you for your response. However, since you didn't mention on your reply at all can you address the striper slide activity mentioned in the bbfs review  and in 2 other reviews? Everyone is focusing on that review THAT reviewer yet my questions arise due to the stripper slide activity mentioned in 3 reviews that I read. 2 on page one and another on page two. Didn't finish page two once I found a 3rd mentioning it so could be more.  

Is it something that I have missed as the norm nowadays?  
I guess my question is simply because I am thinking it happens more than we know....  
Maybe as an alternative to the BBFS

lurking7771413 reads


Long time lurker and this review has me posting for the first time! I'm concerned because I would like to continue to see the provider in question, but not if there are some ... uh ... questionable activities going on.  I read the rest of this dude's reviews and they all seem pretty amateur hour erotica fiction, but I'm still relatively a newbie, so I'm not sure...  


What do the pro's out there think?


lurking777683 reads

Ah, thanks man.

I actually did use the search engine, but only on the reviewer's handle and not Elsa.  Stupid me.  ;)

Thanks for linking me to that.

Having read the thread that Jack linked, /never mind my reply

-- Modified on 10/8/2014 7:25:24 PM

ChiTownHeaux633 reads

So I read this and thought omg that totally sucks so I headed over to her profile. Started reading reviews.  
She is definitely stunning and SOMETHINGS stood out. I am also not a poster on TER but a provider for many years.  

Correct me if I'm wrong but according to at least 2 reviews (including the BBFS one), I read in just the first page I noticed she provides what is known as the "stripper slide". In my opinion that is pretty unsafe activity to be doing as a provider. I mean she can provide however she chooses. What I personally think is if someone is capable of doing that, bare privates rubbing on bare privates who's to say they don't do BBFS sometimes? It could very well easily happen when partaking in such activity. I could imagine one would get wet... A little lower and bam your phucking the dude raw. I'm not saying someone for sure does bbfs if they do the stripper slide but it's not far fetched to believe the BBFS claim after reading about the other very risky behavior included in the review.  

And no that does not mean I believe those that do BBBJ do bbfs. Stripper slide is different. Your literally putting it RIGHT there with out a condom. A no no for me. I do love BBBJ though.  

Ps review is by someone called IL poppas? I forgot. Too lazy to go back and re-read.

And I call major bullshit on that review. And putting aside my experience with her, look at other reviews that guy's written, there is a thread of "she had to have me bareback because I'm so hot" subtext running through many of them. And now Elsa has to fend off guys wanting BBFS; that sucks and the guy is an asshole for bringing that on her, she really is a sweetheart. My money says that reviewer's weight probably exceeds Elsa's donation and/or he's packing a three incher.

ChiTownHeaux560 reads

Very well point taken.  Thank you for your response. However, since you didn't mention on your reply at all can you address the striper slide activity mentioned in the bbfs review  and in 2 other reviews? Everyone is focusing on that review THAT reviewer yet my questions arise due to the stripper slide activity mentioned in 3 reviews that I read. 2 on page one and another on page two. Didn't finish page two once I found a 3rd mentioning it so could be more.  

Is it something that I have missed as the norm nowadays?  
I guess my question is simply because I am thinking it happens more than we know....  
Maybe as an alternative to the BBFS

Once someone proves to be a malicious liar, they become invisible in my book, and everything they say is discredited.

ChiTownHeaux602 reads

I don't think you understand or read my question properly. I am speaking about Elsa's other reviews not this reviewers other reviews. Elsa is the one that has at least 3 reviews stating stripper slide. Hence, my stand on of this is considered unsafe and on the verge of BBFS who's to say those that do raw atripper slides don't go through with BBFS?  

Moving forward if you care to discuss my question I would love your feed back.  
Otherwise I guess I will move on. Tired of te-stating my question. Probably my fault should have just started a thread about stripper slide or did a thread search.

If it makes you uncomfortable, or feel like someone may be a higher risk for you, it's a good thing to note and make a decision from there.

You can always pass, of course. Or just be sure you play safe with her. I personally, if I sense the guy is getting a little too close with his regions, I cup my hand over my pussy to avoid any contact and grab a rubber. I ask him to put it on so we can freely touch.

It's not in my book as something I even do outside of P4P because I feel it's dangerous to touch privates to privates with no barriers to fluid exchange.

ChiTownHeaux495 reads

My darling Courtney I am a she and a fellow provider. Your response made me giggle because I cup my merch too if a dude is trying to "accidentally" run himself on me during play. Very effective and gets point across that I don't want any uncovered privates on privates action. Thanks for your response

She didn't do it with me but then I didn't look for it. The other mentions seem to be from credible reviewers so maybe she does, I don't know. The BBFS reviewer is not credible, and may have targeted her because of the stripper slide mentions figuring more people would buy his bullshit. Pretty sick way to get off IMO.  Is stripper slide the norm?  Not in my experience.

-- Modified on 10/9/2014 11:19:28 AM

ChiTownHeaux357 reads

I didn't think it was the norm either but I have read or heard about this more and more in the last couple years. A couple regulars (I stopped seeing them) even mentioned the "everyone's doing it" claims urging me to try.  

No, thanks we all do what we are comfortable with and stripper slide is not one to ever make my menu list.

I am happy for her the bogus BBFS review was taken down but agree that the stripper slide mention in her reviews are making her a target for dudes wanting a little more raw action. Another reason to forgo this for me.

The reviewer is Hajboom2 and, according to his other reviews, he is an amazing stud who gets BBFS from about two-thirds of the women he sees and hates the other third who are ugly and give crappy CBJ. Apparently he is so hot that women ask him to go BBFS and have monster squirting orgasms for the first time in their lives.  Like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster this mythical creature might truly exist, but I'm betting only in his own mind.  

Regarding stripper slide, it's pretty damn sexy and had it done by a couple of providers that I know are careful not to go beyond that point, but I'll agree it's risky.  I had an ATF who had a neat trick.  She used to rub her pussy on my ankle while she blew me and that felt pretty sweet.  Gave a little bit of the stripper slide illusion in a sexy but safe activity.

Should have read this before I posted basically the same thing!

GaGambler590 reads

You spoke from personal experience, and as much as I detest and despise White Knights, some women deserve to be defended from guys who are trying to destroy their reputation, their business and even their safety by starting and spreading vicious rumors.

I think it's a good thing that someone with first hand experience is speaking up for her. That said, I can certainly understand a newbies apprehension after reading that review. It takes a while to figure out which reviews are real, and which ones are pure fabrication.

The worst thing about reviews like this one is that they scare off the "good guys" and attract the guys who are best avoided. Personally, I think that maybe TER should reconsider allowing BBFS reviews. The potential harm to a provider who does not allow BBFS, but who gets a review claiming otherwise is just too great to be offset by any benefit of allowing such reviews, even the true ones.

Log in and give us the info we asked you to:
Date, when the "encounter" happened and date of the following appointments, that you mentioned in your review
Please, kindly write TER support, and let them know the hotels locations
also, let them know all the information they asked you for
also, pm Elsa, as she asked you to do a month ago!

Or - do the right thing and stop posting BS lies you get off on,  
Be a man and stop hurting a girls's life!!
Thank you all for Elsa's support
Sandra/ Elsa's assistant

I've never seen Elsa but, from other reviews I read, Seems like a sweet likeable young lady.  I hope this jerks lies doesn't make her a target for other knuckle heads out there.

Review has been removed.  Sorry if someone has already pointed this out didn't read whole thread.

lurking777339 reads

Woo hoo!!!!

Posted By: Avsfan04
Review has been removed.  Sorry if someone has already pointed this out didn't read whole thread.

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