
Re: Check out Lolita...19
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Any HOT girls age 18 - 21 available today downtown for outcall? Preferable blonde/blue or green.  

SimplyGFE01 See Agency Profile 324 reads
2 / 15

Lolita is a hot little 1o year old with great reviews.

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Thank you for suggestion - I certainly will look her up, but at first blush, the pixx in the link appear to be photoshopped, which is against  my "Truth in Advertising" personal policy   :(

SimplyGFE01 See Agency Profile 58 reads
4 / 15

Why would you say something like that? I've been in this business for almost 20 years I've handled obtain amount of girls. If you look at the reviews under my phone number in our email you will find probably about 30 girls there's another 30 that have gone on to become independent and what other agencies at cetera.  Not a one has ever accused me of inaccurate photos.  In fact Lolitas profile says that her pics are accurate.  Are u kidding or what?

250GIRLZ 65 reads
5 / 15

He needs to cut it out 😂😂😂

MaggieLinn2 See my TER Reviews 52 reads
6 / 15

Looks like the angle of the pics makes her look bigger in some photos than others. I have the same problem. My torso is wider instead of longer than most peoples. The given result is looking fat but everyone tells me my pictures do not do me justice. They say in person I'm so petite. IMO this is her issue. The pink outfit is not flattering for her and the lace outfit in the video does not help either. Try different lighting and angles. An opinion from a woman is always honest ;) Have another unbiased woman take a look and get other opinions.

SimplyGFE01 See Agency Profile 43 reads
7 / 15

Thank you for your input. You are absolutely correct angles can make a difference. I personally don't see anything different in any of the pictures but that's just me. If she looks fatter and some and thinner in another that's that's fine I understand. But the gentleman did not say no thank you she's looks a little too fat for me or a little too heavy for me or a little too anything for me. What he said was that he felt that the pictures had been photoshopped and manipulated and that it violated his truth in advertising code whatever some kind that he has. Insinuating that somehow I was being fraudulent in my presentation of her. Also so you know I've never ever ever had a girl take pictures that guys didn't say to them oh your pictures don't do you justice. Which makes sense after all, when they say when you show up or they show up and meet you your face is not blurred, your breathing, you're smiling, you're alive. Pictures are not alive. So the girl is always going to look better in person I think then she will in the picture. Having said all that once again let me thank you for your input also so you know and so everybody else knows at this point Lolita is getting some professional pictures done on Thursday this is been playing for over a week now and has nothing to do with this thread. Anyway everybody have a great day and a fantastic Thanksgiving!

8 / 15

Put two sets of pics side-by-side and let people decide.
Stop calling me names and  get medical attention for your dementia veteran oldtimer 20-plus-years-in-business-with-no-photoshopping  "Mike".
That chick is FAT, period, get over it !
Better find hot THIN blonde blue/green chixx,  18-21 y.o., like I asked for in the ad, then get back to me.
Failing that, do not bother replying - you will not convince anybody, certainly not me, not to believe MY OWN EYES !!!

sxxy123 67 Reviews 48 reads
9 / 15

I looked at the pics from CCG and she has one in a oversized costume that makes her look heavy but the rest do not. She looks busty and her reviews all have 8-9's on looks so I would guess the pics on Mike's site are accurate.

BathtubGin 32 Reviews 52 reads
10 / 15

...disrespect Mike!!
He has an impeccable reputation in this industry, as you said over 20 years.
I see no reviews from you either sonny, WTF have you ever contributed to this site except:

"Any HOT girls age 18 - 21 available today downtown for outcall? Preferable blonde/blue or green"

sxxy123 67 Reviews 72 reads
11 / 15

18-20 Blonde and Blue eyes. Research wins out

12 / 15

Some research! Look at her pixx on SimplYGFE site!  
Plus, she is not a natural blonde, she is Mexican, for God's sake!
Hair is dyed blonde, eyes are brown!
If that is "research" then we are better off without it!

SimplyGFE01 See Agency Profile 51 reads
13 / 15

You have got to be kidding me.

SimplyGFE01 See Agency Profile 13 reads
14 / 15

You have really got to be kiddi g me!

xxxenvy4u See my TER Reviews 48 reads
15 / 15
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