
Re: agency in question
GoddessEl.19 358 reads

Posted By: SPOTYjudge
The owner is BSC. Just do a search on her posts. She has bad mouthed P411 & RS2K. Not the type of person who should be trusted with personal info.
She is a HE and yes extremely BSC

I have been a hobbyist for quite some time and just when you think you've seen or heard it all I was surprised today.

I've seen ads from a new agency posted occasionally. I was interested in viewing the girls - we all have different tastes. I was hoping to find someone to my liking

Their policy is to NOT allow you to view any pictures till you have been screened. I sent a PM to the agency and this is the response I received:

We are selective about who we do business with. Non-members are to be KEPT OUT. They don't need to see who works for us or any real details...

I'm a visual guy and would like to see the girl before I get screened. The eyes or face can be blurred but I am initially attracted visually and then look for TER reviews to assist me in making my choice.

The tone of the response was a little surprising.

Seeking opinions.


ModernLover66503 reads

What screening info do they ask for? p411? How can you be sure they're legit themselves?

If it was a well-known agency I'd be ok with sending them my screening info first, but a brand new one making those kinds of demands is fishy to me.

I believe they are new. Posting for a month or two.

Reage648 reads

Sounds dodgy to me.  Almost sounds like LE scam, maybe they are making it difficult in order to be able to prove real interest on the part of a client, i.e. persistent contacts, pre-verification, etc, to reduce the chances of later being accused of entrapment.  

What verification method did they claim to use?  P411, RS2K?  I would verify THEM with whoever they claim to use.

That response to a simple enquiry would spook me and I would look elsewhere.  Maybe the only photos they have are of the women in uniform.

I agree, look before you give out any information.  Caveat emptor!

Would be nice if you could share their URL, maybe someone out there is familiar with them.  Do you know if it has western women (white/AA/Baltic, etc) or Asian?

Call me paranoid..

SPOTYjudge393 reads

The owner is BSC. Just do a search on her posts. She has bad mouthed P411 & RS2K. Not the type of person who should be trusted with personal info.

Posted By: SPOTYjudge
The owner is BSC. Just do a search on her posts. She has bad mouthed P411 & RS2K. Not the type of person who should be trusted with personal info.
She is a HE and yes extremely BSC

I don;;t want to start a flame war here. On an earlier post about references they were attacking a provider on this board.

Reage581 reads

Posted By: elrond
I don;;t want to start a flame war here. On an earlier post about references they were attacking a provider on this board.
I agree about flaming, but I do not think that will happen here.  You asked a very good question and one that I personally am glad that you brought up in this forum.

I made my initial reaction clear in an earlier post.  I was mistaken, but that does not lessen my distaste for what that particular agency is demanding of new clients in order for them to see photos.

I do not know who 'BSC' is but it does not matter.  The person seems to have some history, I guess.  I suggest that people who are not pleased with this agency's approach to business should 'vote with their feet'.  There are plenty of other good agencies/people out there, one should not bother with an agency or independent who makes unreasonable demands or is otherwise unnecessarily difficult.

I would pass based on the response alone. I'm just not a fan of short, snotty, unhelpful answers.

There is "new" (the person/people behind the brand have legitimately never done this before) and then there is "new" (the brand is new, but the person behind it is not, regardless of how the brand may or may not represent her/them). You can usually spot the latter because they're pretty agile while navigating the nuances inherent in our style of marketing, advertising, and managing the various board/verification sites as needed, I see them all the time at my rate structure. Bottom line, when you "start out" with a little black book from your prior adventures, you aren't restricted by a lack of reviews, and can pretty much do whatever the hell you want. Start with super high rates, start with a locked site, whatever.

Experience doesn't weed out BSC in this little subculture of ours (I'm always amazed at how far off the deep end a companion really has to reach before it kills off her career), so it's not a good indicator of experience. As I said in the subject line, this may or may not apply to the agency in question, but I've seen comments about this or that new companion on TER before, taken a peek at her site, and had no doubt this is NOT her first go around on the carousel, so I think the above bears mentioning.

Emiglio315 reads

If you go to the HOME page then scroll down, you can view one photo per model. If you click on the model you go nowhere. For me. I cooperate for security reasons in most cases, but do not like registering period.
But in all fairness the information asked simply boils down to a worksite and your full name.  But the real issue is why must one be screened to see photos 2, 3, and 4. There are also non-agency Ladies with protected photos, so this is nothing new..
Safe hobbying to you. Your posts are ALWAYS informative.

Posted By: Emiglio
If you go to the HOME page then scroll down, you can view one photo per model. If you click on the model you go nowhere. For me. I cooperate for security reasons in most cases, but do not like registering period.  
 But in all fairness the information asked simply boils down to a worksite and your full name.  But the real issue is why must one be screened to see photos 2, 3, and 4. There are also non-agency Ladies with protected photos, so this is nothing new..  
 Safe hobbying to you. Your posts are ALWAYS informative.
^^All you have to do is type the girls name or there phone number into backpage and bam several more photos of each girl. The membership is a joke as is the wack job Brian who runs it

GaGambler257 reads

I too am VERY selective about who I do business with, and you have convinced me that I am NOT going to be doing business with you. Now please GO FUCK YOURSELF, and have a nice day.

We all get to vote with our wallets, ANY agency, or Indy for that matter who wants to screen me before giving me any information about them/herself can also GO FUCK THEMSELVES.  

If no one will allow themselves to be pushed around this way by someone hoping to get our business, they will either go out of business or change their tactics.


See how easy that is?

I called the responses on this post to my gf Betsy when I saw it first posted.  And I was right.

Expectations were met.

Agency name finally discovered when it could of been in the first post (no offense, that always cracks me up) - Check.

Provider using it to sidebar and throw shade at what she considers her competition (also always cracks me up)? Check.

Total outrage - and not about the owner, but the policy - by ladies and gents? Check.

There are a few agencies out there who work that way, I have seen them before.  It's not a new concept by any means.  I have no idea if it works or not, but if it didn't I don't think it would still be happening.  I don't know this agency, but in all fairness its not like this is a new thing.  

It's not my way of doing things, but hey, to each their own.  And yes, the owner did make some very insulting comments about providers here - I will have to double check, I dont remember a lot of outrage from the gents then.  Odd.  Maybe I am wrong?  I would hate to think that people are ok with that but going to town on him cause he wont show pics of his staff to them prior to screening.  I mean, y'all didnt see that and then try to schedule anyway, right? ;)

But if I was a potential client and I got that response and it was not to my liking, I really don't think I would give it a second thought.  I would just move on to the next person that interested me.  It's not like clients aren't spoiled for choice in this city with wonderful providers.

GaGambler385 reads

but rudeness in response to rudeness sometimes is called for.

Brian, or whatever the fuck his name is, was quite rude to the OP when asked about his policy. Personally, I think he deserves a bit of his own medicine in return.

I agree it could of been phrased better, but it sure was clear.

I think its just a personality thing.  Example, when some ladies get texts like:

I won't pay that for ur puss, i have 100$$ need BBBJ and tit fuk.

they spend a lot of time being witty and berating them.  I just think:  Oh, we would not get on and then forget about it.  Cause I don't care, this is not gonna work out and nothing is going to change it.  I'm not offended, I just move on.  Why focus on the negative when something great is around the corner?

I am that way about regular life stuff too.  Neither way is wrong.  I'm just confused sometimes why people seek out unpleasant interactions.

I am not saying anyone shouldn't send an angry response if they feel they should, I just think the owner wouldn't give a fuck anyway so why waste the time

GaGambler324 reads

Or at least they don't realize until a few people bitch slap them across the face for their rudeness, then and only then do they get the bright idea that "maybe" they should alter their own behavior to keep from getting bitch slapped across the face in the future.

Consider my post "doing Brian a favor" He may very well have no idea what a dick head he is acting like.

Don't bother thanking me, I have plenty of time on my hands and consider my posts a public service. lol

BTW I understand that "some" people believe in "turning the other cheek" I will leave that kind of passive response to the would be Jesus' of the world, I believe that when someone slaps me in the face, I in return punch them in the mouth. Pacifism has never been one of my strong suits, call it a character weakness, but I try to use my skills for "good" rofl

That's wierd! Of course you what to see . That's like buying a house or car you need to know! Unless they don't exist ?  
Or somthing so unattractive they can't make a picture look good from any direction lol.

...and I just close window and move on to another more "cooperative" site.  I think this tactic is dumb from a sales incentive stand point.  And to do this under the moniker of being "exclusive" or "premium" in nature is insulting as well.

My .02? Their loss.

Move on...

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