
Provider Referencesteeth_smile
wildanita51 See my TER Reviews 286 reads

I provide references as long as I have seen a gentlemen within the past 12 months. That's as far as my phone goes back with details. I have no problem sharing and being a good sport as there are plenty of gentlemen to go around.  

Ladies, what is your time frame for providing a character reference for a client you have seen in the past?  

Gents, do you typically e-mail the companion and inquire whether she will vouch for you, or just send the info to the next provider you wish to see?

Any opinions on overuse of references?

-- Modified on 2/16/2017 12:03:52 PM

I will not give a reference to a client I haven't seen in the last 6 months in my home city and 9 months on tour.  I had one guy try to use me as a reference 5 times after one appointment. That was a bit much and I wondered why he wasn't able to use any of the other girls he booked as a reference now instead of continuing to come back to me without booking another date.  

I've had one guy who I had a terrible date with try to use me as a reference. Not a good look for him.  

Be thoughtful when using ladies as a reference.

answering my own emails because of it, and yes it has happened.

there are even alot of things that can happen in a year but I am fairly confident that if a guest didn't short me, beat me, or try something unsafe with me that a year later they still will be of the same mindset.  However over a year and I start to feel less confident so I decline to give reference over the year.

The other is when I get so many reference requests from a single gent that litterally they outweight my own emails/requessts.  For example and this is many years ago I would get 4-5emails within a day with all of the ladies requesting reference on the same guy.  the 1st got the he's good, 2nd got he's good but I just gave a reference on him 2mins ago and so on.  A few days later i would get another influx of 4-5 email requests, again same guy.  This happened about a month after a visit and continued a few weeks and more the 20 requests later that I called him private and let him know that while I was glad he was confident in me to provide a reference the excessive nature was becoming a problem and he would need to use a new reference as I did not have time to deal with his requests anymore.  He understood and just said he got excited especially since the ladies who had previously declined now would meet because I now knew him.  

So, for me that is what I am ready to give my guests.  If they would like another reference after a year, they need to come back and refresh my memory BCD or use a new reference.

I wish more guests would email to let us know who they will be using us as a reference for, I spend alot of time looking up these ladies to make sure they are safe to share a reference with.  It would cut that time out since I would know in advance they wished me to give this lady an ok, and that she is not a crazy wife/GF trying to garner info or LE trying to entrap me with saying I have seen people and trying to get details.  There is so much more to an ok then just saying he is ok.

Overuse, I just say no and ask them to use one of the newer ladies they had to have seen in the last 20 requests I answered.  Just because I might be more well known or trusted doesn't mean you should abuse the privilege, we do it to help you and the other provider without exception of anything in return....

I will not give a reference to a client I haven't seen in the last 6 months in my home city and 9 months on tour.  I had one guy try to use me as a reference 5 times after one appointment. That was a bit much and I wondered why he wasn't able to use any of the other girls he booked as a reference now instead of continuing to come back to me without booking another date.  

I've had one guy who I had a terrible date with try to use me as a reference. Not a good look for him.  

Be thoughtful when using ladies as a reference.

I try an give a reply to an inquiry as soon as possible.  This could be anywhere from 2 minutes to an hour+...for....obvious reasons. :)  I wouldn't feel comfortable on giving any kind of a review for anyone I haven't seen recently, as far back as maybe say.. 6 months? as well.  Any longer and details could be muddled on either side of the fence.  

I don't feel put out or otherwise inconvenienced if a reference request comes my way unannounced, though I do usually prefer they come through verifiable sources such as a TER, P411 or other system based messages, same as asking any new potential guest to message me initially through them to start the official "Hello"s.  

Otherwise, he has to ask me/give me a heads up first.  Confirming I've seen someone is a risk for him and me.

So... 30 seconds or never.  Well, 30 seconds from when I see my phone.  So a couple/few hours or never. :)

ROGM300 reads

I can see how this would be a safe way to know a new client from a provider that's seen him before. Aren't the ones giving the references get a little jealous knowing their client is going to see another provider? Jealous in terms of the client going to another provider for business. I'm just asking. I've never had a provider reference me to another provider I was meeting.  

and if we also use the reference system to help assist screening our own new guests why would we mind.  Besides a guest is more likely to return if he knows we are making sure he is happy, be it in our arms or the arms of another.  Have heard of gents not repeating simply because a lady was unwilling to reference him, or tried to get him to see her instead for a discount.  I guess the guys do not always find desperation like that very cute.  So I guess some get jealous but really no one should be.  There is an ebb and flow to this, if they wanted to come back then they will, if not then it is what it is.

If I have seen a gent one time or multiple times I will provide a reference for up to two years.
But I do not want to be used for a reference over and over months later with the same one's like c'mon I know you had to see ladies after me.

I always ask that a gentleman or lady (lady clients are great), let me know ahead of time that they will be seeking a reference. Once, I got a random reference request from a provider when I was out of the country. I'm adamant about keeping our community safe, so I scrambled all over the DR to find wi-fi to shoot the email off. Ended up just using my data. I digress.  

Personally, this is how my process tends to go...

1. Gent shoots an email/twitter DM/text asking if they may use me for a reference.  
2. I email the Gent back affirming that they can use me or not. If in the affirmative...
3. Receive Provider email
4. I email the Provider the information they request
5. May or may not get a thank you note. I always send one because I really am thankful they are keeping us safe. However, I'm not going to get mad if I don't get one.

ROGM335 reads

The way I know my long time provider if I asked her for a reference to see another provider, she would get upset. Then she'll think I'm going to stop seeing her for a new provider. I'm not going to ask her for a reference. I don't want to deal with her Jealousy. She's a sweetheart and treats me very well.  

Having been in this for a few years I've been screened by several agencies and have double digit OKs on P411

If I want to see a new girl 9 out of 10 times I don't need a reference because her agency knows me or P411 is enough. The odds are that if I need a reference it will be for an independent girl.

Getting a reference can get tricky. Most agencies are not going to give references. Independent girls that I've seen but only required P411 tend to not want to be all that helpful.  

So my only option is go back to the last indy girl I saw that required references. Even though I see several girls a month getting a reference can be a real pain. It's so much easier to see a girl who takes P411 or an agency girl.

I have seen indy girls who start contacting the other girls that have OKs me on P411 and next thing I know I get an emailing saying that if I'm going to use them as a reference I should ask first.

Be safe, but IMO if you are asking for references you should then be willing to provide references when asked.

... he can use as a ref. Whichever comes first.
I'm ref friendly giving and receiving but I have those "restrictions" if you will to nip a bud in "ref abuse".
I prefer gents reach out to me just to be sure he's not doing that (I've had guys try to use me 2 yrs after last seeing them which is crazy to me) AND to also make sure I actually remember him.

I provide references as long as I have seen a gentlemen within the past 12 months. That's as far as my phone goes back with details. I have no problem sharing and being a good sport as there are plenty of gentlemen to go around.  

Viriato171 reads

You know, it's funny but it hasn't come up yet. I know inevitably it will. I'm seeing increasing more providers asking for references, especially for new clients, and eventually there will be one I want to see who will require it. So far I've been trying to avoid it. It's nothing personal, it's just I don't know if I even have enough regulars providers to do that. There's one high class escort who I could ask, and another occasional local provider, but beyond that I haven't been doing as much mongering lately, and most of my regular providers are massage parlor women (two of whom have since retired). I see pregnant providers when I get a chance, but that's only an occasional delight. I don't know if I have enough contacts for them. I suppose I've got to get back out there and find more regulars.

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